Let's talk about Radiation in 5G Technology

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In the first part of this series of publications I managed to establish a concept about this new Communications Technology that is giving so much to talk about, as well as some of its main characteristics and possible uses. In this second part I want to bring some technical data about why it is related to the appearance of some diseases and even immunosuppression.

Get ready to tackle this subject again from an easy to understand approach.



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Before getting into the subject I want to make some concepts clear so that we can understand each other better. The relationship that is made with mobile phones and the technology that supports them is because they emit radiation. Yes, but you should not be afraid, we know that is harmful and even deadly, but I must emphasize that not all. There are ionizing and non-ionizing radiations.

The WHO defines Ionizing radiation as "a type of energy released by atoms in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma rays or X-rays) or particles (alpha and beta particles or neutrons) ", and these are the ones that can ionize cells, and produce alterations (functional and structural) and cause diseases. In the case of Non-Ionising Radiations they do not have such an effect on our cells or organism.

With this in mind, let's look at another concept, and that is, so to speak, the way in which we can see what the extremes and the midpoint of IONIZING and NON-ONIZING radiation are. This concept visualizing the following image is the one that will allow us to understand why the 5GT cannot be the cause of what it is accused of.



In the image above you can see the types of radiation listed:
1- For non-ionizing radiation, which is the equipment we use frequently, from monitors with only 3 KHz (Kilohertz)a, radios, TV, passing through telephones and antennas in the range of 30GHz (gigahertz)b to a point of 750THz (Terahertz)c which is sunlight, which we know if there is very prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light can bring us serious damage. [...] a , b and c*These are electrical frequency units. These units are used because the radiation is within what is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

This means that the radiation comes from natural sources such as the sun, and some minerals to which we are frequently exposed, as well as from man-made sources.

2- The number two indicates radiation with units in PHz (Picohertz), which is very harmful to the human body if there is frequent and prolonged exposure. These can cause cancer. Note: X-rays used for health purposes represent approximately 80-90% of the radiation we receive in our lifetime. But, there is no need to worry because it is controlled, just one emission to get the image and that's it. Moreover, exposure to it is not permanent or constant.

To be specific, the spectrum in which the 5G Technology is found is close to that of the telephony we currently use. So we could say that in essence it is not harmful, since it is below the satellite dishes in terms of energy emission.

However, there are certain different technical characteristics that make it more advanced than the technology we currently use.

In the next issue I will explain.

Thank you very much for your reading and support. I hope I have explained as clearly as possible that it can be a somewhat complex subject but, it is not superfluous to know a little more about what we use frequently and what is coming soon.



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 4 years ago 

A conspiracy theory is currently being developed that points to 5G technology.
I have seen people making statements as if they had full control of the information. Ordinary people, not scientists.

I question all these waves of rumors.

Although as they say in my country:
"When the river sounds, it is because it stones brings."

Yes, something must be true, at least in some respect.
The truth is that some research results will only give you half of it, so the conclusions one can draw from that incomplete information will also be incomplete.
We have to wait and see what will really happen...
Thanks for commenting @juanmolina

 4 years ago 

A big hug, dear friend.

Certainly prolonged exposure to radiation with PHz units (Picohertz) is very harmful indeed that is why the existing restrictions for pregnant women, always before taking any X-rays women are asked if they are or suspect to be pregnant.
However, in relation to your statement:

"So we could say that in essence it is not harmful, since it is below the satellite dishes in terms of energy emission"
I have a question: Isn't there a risk in using telephone equipment for so many hours a day? More than anything else, because nowadays people practically use phones for more than 14-16 hours a day. Thank you for sharing this interesting information.

The truth is, being basic in the answer, I could say that anything in excess hurts. However, from what I could read, and what I know about this radiation thing. The detail is that when they are subjected to high frequencies it really has a harmful effect, because that is when it causes the variation in the cell structure and can trigger a cancer, for example.
I do NOT want to go into ultra-structural detail, but from what I know, I see it as unlikely that the phone can actually generate, with the little radiation it emits, large scale damage. However, there are many things still under study.

Thank you for your question @janettyanez

I still have my doubts about radiation, because to me particularly Long-term use of the phone causes me fatigue and I suppose that has to do with the radiation emitted by the phone. It has also given me a headache, I guess from overuse Interesting publication, I will be pending when you publish the continuation.

There is also the fact that when using the phone we are working on our eyesight, visual fatigue also has an impact on this. The brain does not rest and with the writing, reading and other activities that we do here on the platform, it can generate fatigue.

Also, something to consider might be that there are not enough advanced devices to measure other levels of damage that could be generated from these low frequencies. Despite the technological advance, I think there is still a lot to discover.
Thank you for your comment @reinaldoverdu

I've always thought that wireless networks are dangerous, even wifi ones. I remember many years ago they sold a sticker to paste on your block (that was the name of the old cell phones) capable of absorbing the malignant radiations of your cell phone.

Hopefully, the effects that are yet to be discovered, can cause humans to develop mutant powers ^_^

Thanks for sharing

Thank you @creativeblue for support

So glad to see more of this issue making the rounds! Thank you @josevas217 I recently put a video together with Stop 5G Perth (Australia) putting together all we have learnt over the past few years in regards to the biological effects of 5G tech. Would love to know what you think - https://steemit.com/health/@insubordinart/must-watch-if-you-ever-doubted-the-concerns-surrounding-5g-technology

Thanks for commenting @insubordinart, sure, I'll check your post. There's always a lot of things you don't know. And I'm sure I'll complement it with the information you have.

 4 years ago 

Dear @josevas217

Finally I found some time to catch up with Steemit and read few older posts (bookmarked a while ago). I wonder if you even would read this comment ;) Time will tell.

I wonder how history will judge our generation. And what will future generations say about 5G. So many question marks ahead of us.

The biggest problem I see with 5G is lack of transparency. Lack of research and tests on how would it affect humans, which are exposed to 5G (living in near distance). All we seem to have is RUMOURS :/

Solid read. upvoted already
Yours, Piotr

Hol [email protected]
For a long time I have hardly left a comment without answering, I try to be aware of that, maybe I miss some but I try not to.

Indeed, in the light of the information currently being handled we could say that it is not harmful, however, it is known that they always hide information. They will only give a half-truth. Only time will tell.

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