I'm Sick of Spamming Steemit Beggars

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


We are talking about a disease that we need to cut down in the root and don't let it develop any further! I'm talking, of course, about those people on steemit who comment your post with something like this:

"Very nice post, I upvoted and followed you. Please upvote and follow me back"

In this article, they will be called spamming steemit beggars (SSB). It's easiest to describe them as annoying users that beg for upvotes and followers. It's that group of people that write comments which are meaningless and never say anything about the topic. SSB won't even read your post, neither is interested in it. Moreover, if you go on his blog and take a look at his comments, sometimes you can see that they copy pasted pattern of theirs comments. For what? Few pennies worth upvote. Lame. Their behavior is annoying, selfish, and disrespectful to the community. Who likes to see their comments? No one.

Image source

Hey SSB people, I warmly recommend to give up this practice because BEGGING FOR VOTES AND FOLLOWERS WON'T GET YOU ANY ON IT. To get upvotes and follower you need to contribute. Begging and spamming is obviously not a contribution.

Let me ask you a couple of questions:
Did you really think that society here values that kind of behavior?
Did you really think that this is the best way to get followers and upvotes?

Message for those who spam 'n' beg around:

Truly read other's people posts and then give them a deep and meaningful comment. This way people will read your blog more frequently than when you beg for it. You also will connect to more people and build many followers who will upvote you daily in a process. And of course, you must write quality, original and creative content.


Quit steemit


Spread awareness that spammers are not welcomed on steemit.

What's your way of dealing with steemit beggars? How did you reply to their annoying comments? Did you ever upvote and follow after such a comment? Should beggars be flagged?



Ha Ha just Fun xD

Excuse me, what?

Lol the mythical ssb appears?

He is not SSB because he didn't beg for votes or follow.

Find funny how he came here, leave that meaningless comment, then upvoted himself for $0.09 and he's now top comment. Really?

Yes i loled because it was the top comment haha, so ironic, but not a beggar you're right.

He is just SS - spamming steemian :D

Now that was pretty straightforward post @jokster. Yeah that's straight to the point and it would be good if the SSBs quits Steemit, if they can't change.

I think that we need to be straightforward when it comes to things like this. I'll bet that there are many people over the steemit that share my opinions for this.

If we raise awareness, maybe we can get rid of them.

Correct, I'm in this with you. I hate those annoying beggars and also the bots which keep on adding spam comments in our posts.

Steemit is great and this needs to be end for its future.

I don't find bots as a problem because they can be muted.

Thanks for the support, it's appreciated. :)

Why do not we start flagging those accounts which ask for follow-me and upvotes?

I was also thinking about that, but it's maybe a little bit too radical. If they get flagged it's almost over for them here on steemit. I believe that everybody deserves a second chance. So maybe we need to raise their own awareness and then they will behave better in future. That's what I intended to do with this post.

@jokster Yes true, but I have seen people doing over and over again even though you ask them to STOP. I guess they think it is the best way to earn money on Steemit, which actually is not true.

In that case, as you explained, I find it perfectly reasonable to flag user that behave like that.

It's worst and slowest way to earn money that will get you no respect from people and no true followers at all.

Correct, I totally agree.

All I do is flag them and move on, just like you do with any other spammer.

That's a smart move. If everybody acted the same as you maybe we will get rid of this problem.

The truth... has been spoken. I'm totally in favor of you brother.

Thank you, I really appreciate your support. :)

Just couple of minutes ago I comment on someone post about it. How nice to have a genuine comment instead of SSB.

I wish I'll shout at them and said " I'll vote for you, left a comment or two, without you asking ...IF I FOUND YOUR POST INTERESTING"

Having a genuine comment on your post, at least for me, is one of the best things that can happen on steemit!

The problem here is that their's blogs suck 99% of the time and there is really nothing interesting to see. They usually just post some images from the internet without or with a very little text or youtube video that isn't theirs. And guess what? They never give credit for that.

hey, i don't think flagging is the right option even though the reply may look like spam. I just ignore the 'nice post' replies and move on. When they a linking to their post, which has nothing to do with mine, then they might get a reply depending on my mood!

I'm also not for flagging. Find it a little bit too radical.
It will be better to raise awareness of minnows. They must know that it is not ok to post such a comments.

Yes exactly, a short, pleasant reply should help!

It always yields a good result when you reason with people. :)

I wrote this in response to an SSB a couple days ago:

"I'll do something better. I will tell you how to engage with posts here on Steemit to get true followers.

  1. Find posts that truly interest you and read them. Once you are finished reading comment on what you have read and tell the author how it made you think or feel. When you are authentically engaging with authors on Steemit you will not have to ask people to look at your blog, they will want to on their own. And that is what you want, isn't it?

  2. Write content that provides value. It may be educational, entertaining, inspirational, thought-provoking, etc., so when people do go check out your blog they will also find content to read that is worth their time."

It makes me proud seeing people using SSB term.

I totally agree with you. It is almost the same two things that I mentioned them in my post.

Truly read other's people posts and then give them a deep and meaningful comment. This way people will read your blog more frequently than when you beg for it. You also will connect to more people and build many followers who will upvote you daily in a process. And of course, you must write quality, original and creative content.

Great minds think a like. :)

Well thank you for this
Making posts like this is one of the solutions to the problem
I just ignore spammers
Some people dont have a lot of money and those few cents could be a big deal to them
One major problem is that people are given the wrong information about steemit. Some think is a place to get handouts some even see it as a get rich quick scheme. And they never bother to ask or make research on how to make money from steemit. If they did they wont be spamming
Thanks for sharing this

Thank you for taking your time and writing this amazing comment!

Yeah, wrong information about steemit seems to be the problem. Steemit is not handouts or a rich quick scheme. This is a place where you need to work hard, learn much, be creative, write good and you will be rewarded. Nothing easy in that.

But what's great is that if you really put your effort, it will pay back. But for me, it's not that much about money. It comes only as a byproduct. There are much more enjoyable things than money on steemit. Like getting a genuine comment on your article like this from you. :)

Hi, @jokster very good post about something we all facing here. I don't think we need to flag them but really yes many are just copy and paste over and over on as many new posts they can. My way to deal with them is just to ignore it. May be a way to address the problem is to downvote them a cent or more but for me I just ignore them. Even on the chat, they are coming to bother. There is plenty of issues to address like the one who nearly never vote for others and always upvote themselves and even their comments and those are most of the time above 50 rep. So as we are all living in a world where since we born the master rule is selfishness (in the real life) so the best way to deal with it to my point of view is to ignore them because by getting angry about them you are also affecting your health in some way. The world is full of SSB and other kinds too. Thank you for the post to bring this on the table.

Thank you @ricko66 for this genuine comment. :)

You can't earn a shit by upvoting yourself if you don't have hell a lot of steem power. I can't understand that kind of people, to be honest.

And you are right - it's nothing worth to get angry about it. I also ignored them, but I think it is time to spread awareness to them directly. Maybe then they'll understand that they behavior is not proper.

Yes, the peoples who are upvoting themselves are pretty high already and they do have some strong voting power. I think yes it is time to make them aware that is why I suggest to downvoting the SSB. They may learn the hard way that this kind of behaviors isn't make any good.

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