Vaccines - Japan An Alternative & Considered Approach To Vaccine Study! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

in #vaccines โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

When I see media hysteria and government's forcing us to accept their manipulation I take notice and get worried! The vaccine debate is something I am extremely interested in but is also frightening me.

The fact that in the US people injured by vaccines are not allowed to take the manufacturers to open court for damages screams red flag.๐Ÿšฉ This combined with the fact that the pharmaceutical lobby is one of the wealthiest and most powerful groups on the planet makes these policies truly frightening!

For those of you who ready my post discussing how financial corruption is riddled throughout our entire system you will know my attitude and opinions on this subject and medical corruption. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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The Vaccination Push

All over the world the pharmaceutical companies have pushed the vaccine agenda. It makes them enormous amounts of money! The number of vaccinations and the frequency has shot up increasing profits even further. We see so many draconian laws such as Australia's "No Jab, No Play" policy - which sounds horrible and painful! ๐Ÿ˜ข Further terrifying measures are being introduced in the US and Europe.

Just as an example the current Australian vaccination schedule can be found here and dictates 34 vaccinations by the time a child is 12 months old. Someone please tell me I am making a mistake in my calculations! The list goes on and on and runs until you are 65 years and older! ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Something is very wrong here!

My point is not that vaccinations don't have some part to play in our existence. My point is that it is hugely profitable for the few owners of this pharmaceutical cartel and filling children with highly toxic chemicals before they are 1 year old without an immune system does not sound right to me. There is deep corruption at work here!

I have two questions which I just cannot seem to get satisfactory answers to. I would love to get feedback from the Steemians:

  1. One thing nobody has ever been able to explain to me is the concept of Herd Immunity which states that if enough of the population is vaccinated then the rest are protected. How does this work when enormous percentages come in and out of a country as tourists every year without having their vaccinations checked? Mark my word we may soon see a "No Jab, No Fly" policy!

  2. Another question I don't understand is why when a child is born it is vaccinated for Hepatitis B which is spread by blood. Often through sharing needles or through unprotected sex. Why do children who are not even a day old need protection from this?

I'd love to hear the feedback from the Stemians! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Japan - A Considered Approach To Vaccines

The vaccination debate is heated and I encourage open, honest and calm discussion on the subject. With that in mind I want to take a look at an industrialised country which has taken a different approach from the west. Although nothing is ever perfect I applaud the lateral thinking and reluctance to buy into fear mongering that Japan has shown on this topic. The Japanese are smart people and I think we should be watching what is going on in Japan

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Changing The Vaccinations

The Japanese changed the vaccination age from 3 months to years and registered a big drop in their SIDS rate. Dr Raymond Obomsawin, M.D. said:

"Delay of DPT immunisation until 2 years of age in Japan has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side effects. In the period of 1970-1974, when DPT vaccination was begun at 3 to 5 months of age, the Japanese national compensation system paid out claims for 57 permanent severe damage vaccine cases, and 37 deaths. During the ensuing six year period 1975-1980, when DPT injections were delayed to 24 months of age, severe reactions from the vaccine were reduced to a total of eight with three deaths. This represents an 85 to 90 percent reduction in severe cases of damage and death." 1

Debate has raged for years around the 3-in-1 vaccine which is for measles, mumps and rubella. One of the biggest controversy has been the allegation that this vaccine has a connection to autism. What is undeniable is that sadly the rate of autism is climbing and as is the rate of vaccinations. This is tragic! ๐Ÿ˜ข

Into this heated discussion comes Japan with a fresh and considered opinion. Beyond the potential for autism the Japanese government identified many other potential health risks from the MMR vaccine and banned it from its program after a record number of children were adversely affected in terrible ways such as meningitis, loss of limbs and death. 2

Introduction of the MMR vaccine began in Japan during 1989 with fines being issued for parents who refused to comply -
much as we see in the west today!
Three months of analysis of the vaccination program showed that 900 children had adverse effects to the vaccines representing a 2000 increase of expected reactions. Further tests with a different version of the vaccine also showed unacceptable results with over 1,755 children affected. What is clear is that the parents who refused the vaccinations and wore the fines made the right decisions for their children!

In 1993 the Japanese government stopped issuing the MMR vaccine due to these adverse effects!

Four years later, in 1993, the government removed the MMR mandate against measles and rubella. A doctor from Japanโ€™s Ministry of Health and Welfare admitted that the separate, individual doses of measles and rubella cost twice as much to administer, and he defended the decision, stating, โ€œbut we believe it is worth it.โ€ Furthermore, a member of the health ministry also stated that the ban has not caused an increase in deaths from measles. Mumps and hepatitis B vaccines are not part of the national immunisation program in Japan.

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THE MMR Vacine

Merck's description of the adverse effects of their MMR vaccine include amongst other things:

  • Vomiting,
  • Diarrhea
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Ear pain
  • Nerve deafness
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Myalgia
  • Encephalitis
  • Febrile seizures
  • Pneumonia
  • Death

Over 75,000 people have reported vaccine injury in the US from any combination of measles, mumps, rubella vaccines.

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Japan Looking At Other Vaccines

The flu vaccine was blamed for over 100 deaths in Japan from the vaccine by 2009. Japan also takes a protective stance against other vaccines too. The Japanese government has also been protective towards vaccines for young girls. The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine was suspended in 2013 after numerous cases of serious adverse events were reported. One report cited up to 1,968 adverse events, 358 of which were serious!

The Japanese government has prudently defended their position against a widespread outcry from the pharmaceutical industry. It seems that Japan believes that safety of its population is the primary concern when it comes to vaccines! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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A Japanese Viewpoint

Hiroko Mori, a vaccine researcher was the former head of the infectious disease division at Japanโ€™s National Institute of Public Health. Correctly he has pointed out that Japan has one of the lowest infant mortality rates int eh world. Hiroko Mori believes we need less not more vaccines.

His wonderful observation was:

โ€œMedicine is supposed to be about healing, but babies who cannot speak are being given unnecessary shots because parents are scared. Children are losing their ability to heal naturally. There are so many people who have suffered side effects. All we are asking is to establish the right to say โ€˜no.โ€™ The right to choose should be recognised as a fundamental human right.โ€ 3

This gentleman obviously remembers Hippocrates! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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How Can We Learn From Japan?

It seems clear that the Japanese government and people have not bought into the massive media manipulation to vaccinate children. The Japanese approach seems to be one which prioritises the health of their citizens over the profits of big pharmaceutical companies. This is obvious as they remove vaccines with dangerous side effects from a forced vaccine regime.

As usual research and educate yourself then then everyone around you! Follow @canadian-coconut for more excellent information! Lets share this knowledge and educate our society! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Links for further study:

*Here are some quotes for further study that I found useful. They have been taken from this post by Missy Fluegge which I found useful. Thanks you for sharing these links with us! I love good research avenues and these were useful. Should you also want more information on vaccinations our fellow Stemmian @canadian-coconut has a lot of great information and is worth following! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Sources 1. 2, 3. Image sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Jockey loves you All and wants you to be informed and stay healthy! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Great article @jockey You are spot on! I've been following this subject since approx. 1993 when I began noticing the rise in autism and other childhood ailments. I worked in human services and began noticing how welfare clients would bring in their healthy newborns to update their case information. Bright bouncy babies but then I began noticing other issues that soon became apparent. Many of these babies were all of a sudden having to seek medical treatment. Some needing transportation to doctor appointments 7 hours away.

As I began researching the case files of families that were once not in need of the medical assistance were now overwhelmed with doctor appointments, missing work to tend to sick children, losing jobs because there was no daycare available for children with these disabilities and I noticed how the entire structure of the family began changing.

Long story short, outside the fact the tremendous suffering the children and their families go through, the loss of quality of life with the long term side effects from vaccines, it is also a drain on the state budgets which are made available through tax payer dollars. It is a cycle that effects everyone, regardless if they have children or not.

Thank you for this. I will post this article to my Fully Informed Public group I coordinate on a social network. Maybe we can find some awake individuals that will see the benefit we have here at Steemit with our ability to share this sort of information without regard to the many censorship problems going on with that particular social network.

You are most welcome! I found the Japanese approach in many ways refreshing! It's nice to see people looking at the science not the media hype! You are most welcome to share any posts I do wherever you feel they might be helpful! UPvoted as usual! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Hi nice post.

Read this post like Upvote and share for heat attack awareness

Thanks for bringing up the Japanese model. I only knew about them splitting the MMR jab into three separate vaccines. As to what we can learn from their example - I don't know. It does look like their officials won't be bribed into buying whatever vaccines BigPharma pushes on the market. Maybe they're rich enough, maybe they've learned the value of human life the hard way (I'm thinking 1945 here). I live in a small and rather poor country so there's always someone ready to take the bribe and advocate the introduction of a new vaccine or expensive drug.

You are so right @ladyrebecca it is all about the money, the bribes and the many "incentives" that are given to these doctors and health care "professionals". Sickens me to no end that anyone would conceive of taking money to inject children with drugs and particulates they have not even researched and still call themselves "health providers". Most doctors have not even read the package inserts :(

This practice of doctors receiving incentives from medical companies is fairly new to my country, as such a thing was impossible during the communist era. And it took us a while to figure out the scale of this corruption system. Back when my now teenage daughter was a baby and we went to see the doctor I used to be so impressed by the colorful posters advertising new drugs. They gave out a sense of certainty - this doctor is up to date with the best new drugs available. Of course, she was also up to date with the newest vaccines, better than the ones provided by our public health system. Sure, the fancy one costs like $50, but what kind of parent wouldn't pay a mere fifty dollars for the child's health... and she so happened to have some vials stored in the fridge...
Many people are as naive as I once was which is why getting the message across by whatever means is so important!.

Great comment! UPvoted! =)

I completely agree with you Vickie! UPvoted! =)

Great comment! UPvoted! =)

Excellent reply! UPvoted! =)

Great post! The US could learn a lot from Hiroko Mori, the vaccine researcher because Big Pharma is getting ready to unleash 300 new vaccines because they are free from any liability.

How interesting! Thank you for the information I will look into this! Followed and UPvoted! =)

Great, great article. Thank you for this. There are HPV-injured young women I know of in my immediate vicinity here in Niigata, Japan.

Iโ€™ve always wanted to write an article just as you have here on the situation in Japan regarding attitudes toward vaccination.

This was well-researched, calmly and rationally articulated, and highly interesting.

Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you.

Thank you for your lovely comment! This is something I feel strongly about yet in some countries such as Australia they think I'm mad and that my hobbies consist of wearing tinfoil hats and howling at the moon! What a lovely comment! I know many of us would be very interested in hearing more about the Japanese approach to vaccines if you feel like writing more! Cheers and warm regards from Cambodia! UPvoted! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I had no idea MMR was delisted in Japan. Very interesting. Thanks.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

Interesting. I live in Japan and have two kids. I will have to check with my wife to see what vaccines the kids got, but I know a ton of them were required. Not sure what ones they were... again, will have to check on that. I know there were a few given here that the US doesn't require (TB was one of those, I think) and there were a few that Japan doesn't require but the US embassy told us we were required to get before we could get our kids a US passport.

The US embassy told you that? Really? Man. Our son has his passport and hasnโ€™t had any vaccinations. I really donโ€™t trust the folks at the embassy any farther than I can throw them.

Yes treat them with caution and know your rights! UPvoted! =)

Yeah? Hmmm. Looking back, I should have questioned that, but at the time I was kind of in a hurry (I had procrastinated getting his passport and we had lined up a trip to the states soon) and I was just kind of like "ok, whatever, just tell me what I have to do to get the damn passport". My kids were born in a natural birth place, and it seems like everyone there was an anti-vaxxer. I'm surprised they didn't say something. Then again, they probably figured a gaijin wouldn't listen to them about such things.

How interesting... Thank you for your comment I will need to look into this! UPvoted and followed! =)

Great great article ... I donโ€™t know enough about it but am worried that I succumbed to vaccinating my son ... I worry about it ,... thanks for sharing

Don't worry now! What is done is already in the past. Educate yourself about the future because the vaccination schedule is becoming a life long thing! UPvoted and followed! =)

I made the post about using the simple math to understand the reasons for numerous devastating stories. If you have 3 minutes - read it:

I read it! Thank you for commenting!

'memang perlu ada perhatian mengenai vaksinasi, Di Indonesia sendiri kadang vaksinasi jadi ajang untuk mencari uang oleh oknum dokter.

Saya terkejut denan adanya kebijakan pemerintah Jepang untuk menunda vaksinasi DPT sampai anak berusia 24 bulan. Ini suatu masukan yang penting bagi dunia kedokteran. siip :)

I really appreciate your article. I wish I had more time today to reply. Japan is one of the best examples when it comes to vaccine studies. One extra addition to the Hep shot. The effective lifespan of the shot is 8 years. So a boost is needed. It is pointless to provide this to young children unless they live where they can be raped or near intrevenous drug use. They should be given a chance for their little bodies immune systems to grow before they get this shot.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)

I could not agree more... I just can't understand this Hep B shot at BIRTH!!! Thank you for your comment! UPvoted and followed! Please continue to add your excellent comments to these posts! I will appreciate them! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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