An Interview with @sircork - One of the SP Delegators of PAL (Peace, Abundance, and Liberty) (I Cried)

in #interview7 years ago

It was actually a YES or NO interview. But I was amazed the way this guy answered the questions. I even cried to be honest, especially on the LOVE interview portion.


To Introduce :

@sircork is one of the delegators of Minnowsupport. A project run by @aggroed that aims to aid minnows in their early stages of Steemit. While he was just a month here in Steemit (Joined June). He delegated 500 STEEM POWER to minnowsupport. A very strange thing that caught my attention. A minnow (one month in Steemit), donating that amount? Amazing right? I normally see him in PAL Discord as a very generous and down to earth person. Luckily, I got to interview him!

Let's Start!


CATEGORY : Steemit

1. Do you believe in the platform of Steemit as the future of Social Media?

I believe its "A" platform, but in 30 years in tech, you don't bet on any single horse, and in many ways, this horse is lame already. Another will come, others will run beside them. Second Life was going to change the world. It's a has been. This has more substance thanks to the block chain and crypto concepts and I'm 100% investing my time AND my money in steem and steemit on a daily basis lately. But I also am prepared to move to it's successor and there will always be a successor. Sooner, rather than later, if they don't make HUGE changes to and the steem block chain issues we currently have.

2. Are you happy with Hardfork19?

Nope. And the reasons why are in nearly every blog out there that has HF19 in the title, so the answer to that is deep and covered better by others than I could do here.

3. @papa-pepper donated 1000 Steem to @darthnava for his spine operation, will you agree that he should receive a recognition award from Steemit?

Nope. I donated 50 steem to a guy in Sri Lanka to build a new well during a drought, and other than to make the point here, I don't even mention it much. He actually sent the money back to me anyway two days later, having found he received more than he needed from a big whale and I donating at the same time.

Integrity is what you do when nobody is looking. I don't need an award or recognition for my integrity, generosity or kindness, and having spoken to Papa-pepperin chat directly a couple times, and in comment feeds, and having read his work and watched his videos, I think he would actually RESENT such recognition, just as I might. We like to be loved. We don't want an award for being good humans. That's the standard all should strive for, not some kind of exemplory exception.

4. You've donated 500 STEEM POWER to minnowsupport. What is your main reason behind that?

@Aggroed, the creator of MSP, is one of my personal steemit heroes of generosity and kindness of the variety described in the last question. And MSP got me a huge head start here, and now it feels like my steemit family and I love the group, the people and it's leadership. I love the values, the effort and contribution MSP makes to keep the Steem Dreem alive and kicking and progressing for so many new arrivals. MSP needs support from within to continue the mission. I am just paying forward what was already done for me.

CATEGORY : LOVE (Mind-Blown!)

1. Do you believe in the saying "Love is Blind"?

No. I beleive it is wide eyed and full of wonder. BUT I do believe it is WILLING to turn a blind eye. It is not blind by default, just sometimes misguided or ignores it's inputs willfully.

2. Is Love magical or an illusion?

The most real magic you can ever experience. Until it is based on an illusion.

3. Is Forever real?

Is yesterday gone?

4. Love is patient. Do you agree?

Yes it is. Am I good at wielding it? Not always so much.


1. Are you afraid of Spiders?

I'm not really afraid of much of anything at all, to be honest, but I'm not a big fan of having them on my body. And walking through their webs, a common thing on my wooded land, is really annoying.

2. According to a Japanese Mathematician "Our universe is prrfectly tuned. Everything is perfectly set". Do you agree with that?

I have spent 30+ years building and architecting technical systems and there is no system more technical, complex or perfectly functional that our world and by extention, our universe I suppose, though we know less about the universe than we do about our world so far. I was raised to believe in a diety, and I've always liked the phrase "intelligent design" because, it just seems a little too coincidential how the cycles of life and interaction and interoperability of systems in our world just work, exactly like they should, often in the most improbable and unbelievable ways.

3. Do you believe in life after death?

I don't know. I do know I am not an organ donor, much to many people's dismay and even anger, and I wish I could legally be buried without any embalming and changes to my body. I'd like to go out like I came in, intact. I understand this is controversial and often deemed selfish but the fact is, nobody knows for sure what happens when you die. Most either think you rot underground buried or you don't need your body as it's just a vessel for energy or a soul, but I was issued this equipment when I arrived, and I want to return it when I'm done with it. Since we don't REALLY know what happens after death, I don't like gambling on being wrong. It's like believeing in God. It won't hurt if I do and I'm wrong, but I'd hate to not believe and be wrong. Same with death and my body. No idea what happens, but making earthly decisions about what I came in with, doesn't seem like the most prudent bet to make.

4. Do you think World War 3 will happen soon?

No, not really. And if it does, it will not look like anyone expects it to look, and may not even be entirely noticeable. I used to work for a company that fought cyber attacks on banks and major companies and wall-street firms. We've been in a cyber war with China and the Middle East for over a decade. I don't expect nukes in my neighborhood, but I wouldn't be shocked by continuous geuerilla warfare in the form of cyber terrorism, regular old terrorism and things like attacks on electrical grids and water supplies, all done by small teams and not by overt tank and cannon warfare. In fact, all these things are pretty much happening already. So a full blown world war on foot? No, but the US has been continuously at war for it's entire life on multiple fronts. I expect more of the same to continue and more countries to participate in it all as they gain tech and tools and motives to join in. We've been in world war three for 50 years or more already, in my opinion.

Hope you had fun and learned in this interview. A big thank you to @sircork for putting such effort in answering the questions. Thank you sir!


picture love general gif


SirCork is a character and an awesome one at that. With everything he said many statements made me giggle and a few made me stop and think. One of those was about his bet on the aftermath of life/death and love.

I do believe it is WILLING to turn a blind eye.

Drop the mic beautiful statement... Thanks for sharing and hosting this interview.

Thank you :) Thanks :)

Aw shucks. Spread the <3 !

Hey there. So the organ donor thing. One thing. Two things. It doesn't jive, in my mind, with "Integrity is what you do when nobody is looking." - Donating an organ - giving something after you're dead and can't be thanked for it - That's integrity, right?
And because "It won't hurt if I do and I'm wrong, but I'd hate to not believe and be wrong." doesn't apply. It doesn't hurt you maybe, but it does hurt the world as a whole. Some people need those organs in order to live life with less suffering.
Far be it from me to tell you what you should do based on your own belief systems, but I feel like there's a puzzle piece missing in your logic train. And one's train should always have complete puzzles. Are you open to conversing about this, logic step by logic step?

I opened with "it's controversial and makes some people mad" .... i understand your position. I really do. And perhaps you are right. But are you CERTAIN?

I am certain that it really helps other people. This is demonstrable. I am uncertain about whether or not it hurts me. This is not demonstrable. Therefore, logically, if I value others as highly as I value myself, it shakes out in favor of donating.

It's one thing to pray AND support modern medicine. It's another entirely to pray INSTEAD of supporting modern medicine. It undoes any logic there is to Pascal's wager.

I know you said "it's controversial and makes some people mad"; I'm not mad, but I am eager to convince you, so that you can be a greater force for good in the world.

You'll be trying to change a life long belief set, my friend. On a very obstinate son of a gun. But I do appreciate the WHY of your motive and in pretty much any other respect I'd be in solidarity with you on the side of the forces for "good in the world!"

Well, let's talk it through logically. What percentages do you put on the various possibilities. Feel free to be general or specific.

(Admittedly, I see very little evidence for God, and I think Pascal's wager doesn't work because I see definite downsides to belief in god if there isn't a god. But this isn't about me. This is about examining how you see the world and trying to help you detect any logical inconsistencies if there are any, and ... well, I guess it is about me - if there are no logical inconsistencies, then I need to change my point of view to yours. I do believe there is one reality, and if we could understand and know everything, we would all agree on everything and solve all the world's problems by working together.)

BUT I want to honor other people's closely held beliefs while examining their logic.

Beyond this door, is either certain death. Or absolutely nothing. No one knows. Percentage of probability? Unknown and cannot be computed with no comparative analysis or empirical historic data on previous threshold crossings.

You gonna go thru that door? Or not.

That was an good interview, I am learning so much about each of the folks in this community it just makes my heart swell. This past year I have been witness/target to the most foul and evil hate filled side of the internet that I had pretty much lost all hope for finding such an open love filled sharing place as I see here at steemit. Thank You all for being the change needed...resteemit to share a awesome set of people..

Thank you. If you meet @sircork in PAL discord. Surely, you will be amazed how awesome he is!

@jassennessaj, that's a great interview right there. Upvoted! Love the question mix and the thought provoking answers. And the way you introduced @sircork. I have had the pleasure of meeting him in the PAL Discord area. He is one of the people I'm always looking for when I log in. :)

Thank you @sandzat. I appreciate it :)

I'm so damn flattered and humbled by what's happening here. I enjoy when you come to chat as well! See you there!

Well done, sirs! Great questions and great responses. How fun. Thanks for doing this!

TOTAL fun, right? This was a total honor and I'm still puzzled by "why me?" But I certainly have no regrets about doing it. See you in the chat, my dear! :D

Thank you so much for this opportunity to speak with you!

It was an honor to be your first interview here on steemit and it was my pleasure to be a part of this post!

I've resteemed it and wrote a small announcement about it as well, located here:



Minnows, Come join the fun on on the MSP Discord chat:

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