Markdown Challenge! - guest teacher @carrieallen!

in #helpie7 years ago (edited)

Markdown Challenge Cover

Welcome to the land of helpie! Where everything's a lesson, but the rewards are endless.😎

Today's Lesson:


Today's Goal:

To learn to use it like a boss.😎

Let's get started!

Many of you probably already know a bit about Markdown, and if you don't, check out this (old) link from one of our teachers @carrieallen . PIMP YOUR POST- A Beginner's Guide to Markdown

For now, we're going to learn a few simple things and then put them to good use. Keep reading, there could be rewards in your future.

Probably the most important/useful markdown code, if you've got nothing else up your sleeve, would be HEADINGS. Essentially, this is just making text different sizes. It's as easy as it gets.

Simply use the hashtag (#) and then a space followed by whatever you'd like to make a heading (or a different size). You can use 1-6 hashtags, 1 being the largest.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6

Which turn out like this:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

What about italices, bold, & strike through ?🤔

To italicize just add a little asterisk BEFORE and AFTER the word or sentences.

To bold one more asterisk on each side. (Two total.)

To italicize bold, put 'em together! (So 3 asterisks on each side.)
***italicize bold***

To strike through, you'll need two tidles (or horizontal squigglies 😄)
~~strike through~~

Alrighty! Let's move on.


These are pretty easy. You literally only need to copy/paste a link into your post and it will automatically hyperlink it.
But what if you don't want the whole sloppy link showing?🤔

The click through

Use brackets [] around whatever text you'd like to be clickable, followed by your link in parenthesis ().

It will look like this:
[🌟Pimp Your Post🌟](

And come out like this:
🌟Pimp Your Post🌟

While you're practicing with brackets and parenthesis let's talk IMAGES.


This is exactly the same code as above with one tiny addition: an exclamation point at the very beginning. Added bonus, you don't really need a title, but you DO need the brackets.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • ![](
  • ![Memoji Stars](

Both are the same except I named the image Memoji Stars in the second example. They will render exactly the same. Like this:
Memoji Stars

Whew! You're doing great! Only a few more to go... and then the challenge!

Center, Lines and Lists

Now that we can size our text and insert images we can bring our posts to the next level with a litte CENTER action.


Place these nice little carrots <> and the word center at the beginning and end of whatever you'd like to center. Oh! Don't forget the backslash on the last one to properly end the code... Or you will be so sad that EVERYTHING is centered.😦

Exactly what it looks like:

<center>STUFF YOU WANNA CENTER</center>

Do you see that back slash? Remember it!

It ends up like this:


Just for fun, here's gif centered too:

I simply popped the link into the () and didn't worry about a title. Here it is!

Just for fun

Lines and Lists! That's all we've got left!

See that nice thin line up there? Don't you just love it and want it for your own? Well, today's your lucky day!

To create a line just pop in 3 asterists *** (or more, it doesn't seem to matter as long as there are three).
There it is! 👇

Want a few lines? Just add more rows with asterists.

And finally, one last thing with asterists *...


I kinda love being able to separate things with bullet points and that cute little star * does just that!
To build a list or bullet points you need to start the line with an asterist and a space. That's it. Here's the example:
* You've made it through the lesson!
* Keep reading for the challenge.
* It's almost time to practice!

Which will render like this:

  • You've made it through the lesson!
  • Keep reading for the challenge.
  • It's almost time to practice!

You did it

Congradulations! That was a LOT to learn! The best way to learn and retain something is to put it to use as soon as possible.

💥The Challenge💥

In the comment section of this post tell us two fun facts about yourself and use AT LEAST 3 different markdown codes shown in this lesson to pimp it up.

Those who follow directions will get super delicious upvotes from today's guest lecturer @carrieallen , and those who really show off their new (or old) skills may be rewarded more generously.

What are you waiting for?!

Do it


@helpie is an educational initiative supported by witnesses @ausbitbank and @gmuxx
please consider voting for them Here

Disclaimer.- Only registered users will have guaranteed upvotes from @helpie, anyone is welcome to participate of the daily activity, as we have admins upvoting minnows you partake of the mini classes. You are not required to upvote @helpie 's post to participate, this will not give you a bigger upvote, this initiative is not meant to be a vote for vote operation, it's an educational tool only.

If you want to be considered to join @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining Palnet / MSP and participating actively of the community, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.


Thanks for this!

  • I didn't know how to do any of this.
  • I will try to put this to good use
  • I just woke up from a dream about a shapeshifting squirrel

Yay! I'm glad it's helped. Just think how awesome your posts are gonna be now.

And about that shapeshifting squirrel.... Like whoa. 😲

I didn't know any of this either =) shapeshifts back into a squirrel

Muy util!, me gustaria saber como justificar los textos?, además de otros metodos para mejorar la apariencia de las publicaciones

Traducido con Google Translate.
Lo siento mucho. No hablo español completamente. Aquí está en inglés (¿es lo mismo?).

<div class="text-justify">

  • First off, This is a really great and easy to follow guide!

  • Second off, I would have loved to have this when I started to learn markdown HERE soooo... here's a centered GIF for you :)


Many of you probably already know a bit about Markdown, and if you don't, check out this (old) link from one of our teachers @carrieallen . PIMP YOUR POST- A Beginner's Guide to Markdown

Yes, but I still learned a lot with this post so thank you and @helpie for this!!!!


  • Third off, I forgot the facts about me!! here they are:

    • I have no hearing on my right side.
    • I watch the extended edition of the Lord of the rings trilogy once every year.
    • My cat is called Arwen after the elf princess in said trilogy.

I'm so glad you found this! I keep planning to do a more advanced tutorial, but have found a LOT are still learning the basics. I was happy to offer this lesson to the fabulous folks of @helpie !

Added bonus: I get to learn some fun things about everyone. 😍

Re: Your Facts:

  • Whoa. No hearing? Have you never had it? Or was it lost?
  • We also watch (and own) the LotR trilogy. That's some good sh*t.
  • We have no animals named from the show, but all are named from Shakespeare.

Thanks for playing!


  • Yep, no hearing, I've never had it hehe
  • Agreed
  • That's really cool!


  • facts
  • techniques
  • happiness
    bad habits
    cool! THANKYOU :)


One thing: You forgot to make a space between the asterists * on your list. You can edit (which DOES use some more of your bandwidth) and just add a space and the bullets shall appear! 🤩

aaaaaahhh yeah! thats better! haha. I didn't even notice....thanks :)

You did it!
Looks great!

Two Truths and a Lie

Space Stace Edition

  • I come from a military background

  • I write poetry

  • Nuggets disgust me


I think you LOVE nuggets! 🤣

You can't dislike nuggets! it's scientifically proven to be impossible! hahaha

This was awesome! Thanks for doing this! my future Curation posts and I thanks you! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Is this a trap?


You are so welcome!
Pimp those posts up! 😎

  • I memorized almost every corny quote from "Commando" movie, like "You are a funny guy Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last."
  • I'm a huge fan of 80s music, and a big big fan of A-ha and Depeche Mode.
  • I eat green berets for breakfast, and right now I'm very hungry

80s movies, I love those ones! My favorite one is Dune.
I also like the Police Academy comedy movies. :-)

LOL! I love your facts!

I also love 80s music ... and movies. 🎶

Haha thank you Carrie! 80s Action movies are so awesome!

veckinon on veckinon

a brief collection of personal facts

stock photo from

  • I love me some video games
  • I no longer have a large intestine

Thanks for looking and best wishes

Great tutorial by the way. I was just trying to center a photo on a post a couple of days ago and couldn't get it to work for the life of me. I was totally forgetting the forward slash.

Excellent. Excellent.

You've intrigued me... No large intestine?

I have SO many questions (most of which I can Google)...

One for you: How (if at all) does it affect your life?

I have Crohn's disease (among a few other autoimmune and related conditions, my family has had really terrible luck as far as health is concerned), which is what caused me to lose my intestine and rectum about two and a half years ago. I now have an ileostomy. People often assume the worst about life with an ostomy, but in reality, it actually greatly improves the quality of life of many people. Since having my surgery I can participate in a lot more than I was able to before, i can eat many foods that I previously could not and I am in way less pain. There definitely are some challenges, but living with no large intestine is actually a lot better than living with one that doesn't work.

Hey a fellow ostomate! I had UC for a year and my bowel perforated soon after leaving me with a ileostomy. Three years later and twelve surgeries I got myself a barbie butt too. Life is much better with it as without it I would not be around to enjoy it. I recently wrote about it all How I got flipped Inside Out... For REAL!.

I've followed you now so, see you around.

Yayyyy! So great to see another ostomate here! I first became symptomatic as a teen and went just over fifteen years before surgery. My doctors had talked about it for quite a while before I actually had it though. I had a proctocolectomy, so the barbie but and ostomy were all done at the same time. I was scared to death about surgery for years but it got to the point where I really wasn't living much of a life and it was better to get the surgery before things became life threatening. I have been really happy with my decision though. I am going to check out your link now. Thanks for commenting!!

You are more than welcome, Life with an ostomy is heaps better than being sick but it takes us a while to get there as its a huge surgery and it is life changing. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my story :-)

Whoa. That all sounds a little crazy. But I'm super glad that we have the capapbility to do it so your lives can be better.

I'm so happy this lesson was the catalist in your meeting! It's important to have others around who experience the same things as you. Makes us feel more normal.

Hugs to you both! 😍

Lol, google is king. I wrote a story about my journey from healthy to bowel-less and barbie butt. The link is below if your interested in how it can come about. So happy I found another ostomate. There is about 4 of us I've found now.

Tres cosas sobre mi

  • Soy un Músico viviendo en Buenos Aires Argentina, amante de viajar y hacer amigos.
  • La mayor parte de mi tiempo trabajando la invierto grabando, creando sesiones a distancia, y enseñando en mi estudio via Skype.
  • Tengo 24 años y espero poder compartir con todos mi experiencia como artista y músico independiente.

Aqui les adjunto mi post introductorio para los que no puedieron verlo

Three things about me

  • I am a musician living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a lover of traveling and making *friends.
  • Most of my time working on recording, creating remote sessions, and teaching in my studio through Skype.
  • I am 24 years old and I hope to share my experience as an artist and independent musician with everyone.

I enclosed my introductory post for those who could not see it.

Welcome to the community!

Your markdown is perfect!

3 facts about me

  • I take pictures and write stories about them
  • I have a border collie
  • I live in Canada

You asked for 2, I put 3 for good luck. I love this place. Thanks @helpie

Great job!

I also love this place! And @helpie is pretty awesome. 😍

I used the list feature in my post today. Didn't know how to do that before.

Woohoo! That's awesome!

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