Gillian's Love It Shove It Post

Gillian's 'Love It/Shove It' Post

I'm sure you've seen these 'Love It/Shove It' posts floating around by now and you've eagerly been awaiting mine 😂 well, so I have! I've had all sorts of formatting issues and spent hours and hours on it.

I wanted to add more images but I simply can't spend anymore time on it so . . . here it is . . .

Thanks to @lynnecoyle1 who tagged me for Love It/Shove It and @snowpea who started it:

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So what do you really love? What would you rather not have in your life?
These are the little things that make us unique!
Get creative, and feel free to explain your reasons!

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The rules are simple:

1.  List five things that you love
2.  List five things that you really dislike
3.  Use the tag loveitshoveit
4.  Tag as many people as you want!
And remember anyone can join in!
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Five Things I Love

  1. Family and Friends
    Number 1. No contest. They are what bring the greatest joy and richness to my life.

  2. The Sea
    I can't get enough of it. I love watching it, listening to it and swimming in it (when it is warm enough!) I am fortunate enough to live just a couple of minutes away from it. My dream would be to live within sight and sound of it. I have done that once before in my life and I LOVED it.

  3. Chocolate, Homemade Cake, Coffee and Wine
    Although not necessarily at the same time! :-D

  4. Exploring New Places
    There is nothing I like better in a new place than ot follow my nose and see where I end up. If we're out and about in the car I like to find small roads that end at the coast on the map and drive down them to the end. Even better are the roads that don't even appear on a map.

  5. Big "Community" Events such as Pop Concerts

I love the feeling of connection I experience when everyone is focused in the same direction and enjoying themselves. High on my list of all times favourites is seeing 'The Boss' live. I've done that 3 times now, before the kids were born and with them once they were old enough. Absolutely brilliant!!

I'm hoping Steemfest 3 will be in Europe again so I can go to that too.

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Five Things I Dislike

  1. People on their Phones Incessantly
    I find this particularly annoying when I'm in a social situation and people seem unable to put their phones away. Not only is it annoying, it's bloody rude. Why bother meeting with people if you're going to spend most of the time checking you phone?
    I also find it sad that people can't just sit and take in their surroundings, look out the windows of a bus or train for example, and just watch the world go by, instead of having their heads down looking at a screen.

  2. Littering
    Why do people do this? Who do they think is going to clear up their mess. There's absolutely no reason for it whatsoever. It's just thoughtlessness and laziness.

  3. Blackcurrants, Gooseberries, Squid, Octopus etc
    Bit random and there must be more but those are the foods that came immediately to mind.

  4. Parents who don't set Boundaries for their Children
    There are all sorts of behaviours that could fall under this one. My biggest bug bears are parents who pander to children's fussy eating habits, letting them stay up as late as they want to, letting them run around restaurants and cafes, not teaching them respect for things that don't belong to them e.g. letting them stand on seats in trains, throw litter out of car windows or drop it on the floor. I could go on!

  5. Treating Animals Like Humans

I don't have any problem with treating animals with respect and kindness it's the dressing them up in designer clothes and feeding them gourmet food that I have no time for.

I'll probably loose a few followers right there! 😂

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

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So that's it. Hope you enjoyed it. And should they have the time and/or inclination I would like to hear the likes and dislikes of @adetorrent, @drakernoise, @emmamia, @madlenfox, @irreverent-dan, @cyclamen, @lloyddavis, @cognoscere, @allyinspirit, @glenalbrethsen

Apologies if you've been asked before. It's hard keeping up with everyone!


I place a genuine comment but I did reply on the comment from @drakernoise, who was kind enough to point this out, in stead of on the original post!
So, you can see my comment as reply on his comment :(
I was thinking about copy pasting it, to the correct place but that would not be fair with the engagement league in mind!
Enjoy the response!

Wah!!! I've got a headache. I had to delete some of my comments this morning that ended up in the wrong place.

Thank you for your response @fullcoverbetting I will look forward to reading it in full later. I'm going to come back here and respond to @drakernoise and I'll now be able to respond to you at the same time from the same location! 😂

I think I need to get up and move. I've been sitting here for over 2 hours. Not to mention the fact that I'm in the library and some bloke has just come in who's talking to himself and laughing merrily away. The girls who were sharing a table with me, decided it was lunch time, made their excuses and left! 😁

Okay. I'm in.

I might not get to it right away, though, but I will make sure you're tagged so you're doubly aware of my answers. :)

Well if I don't get some decent responses to this one @glenalbrethsen I may not be around still to see the tag! 😂

I put so much effort into this post I'd like to see that reflected in the earnings and interaction but, if the past is any predictor, it won't be and then I'll get fed up again. I try not to have any expectations but it's hard not to when one posts takes so much more time than another one!

I'm not sure I'm cut out for this Steemit game. I'm way too emotional for my own good! 😂

There's definitely a time spent versus rewards ratio that's out of whack. People just don't see the time that's put into things. Especially people who just throw whatever out there and don't bother to even read what they wrote.

I wish I knew the remedy. Visibility has always been an issue with any iteration of social media, and Steemit is no exception. It doesn't help when it seems like the platform goes out of its way to make it hard for others to find our posts.

Communities is coming, so my intent is to keep doing what I'm doing until then and see if there's a marked improvement in visibility after it drops. If there is, then it will be worth hanging around for. If not, at the very least, I've accumulated STEEM I didn't have before, and if the price goes up, even better.

There's a lot of time and effort that will be involved to get recognition for the time spent producing quality posts, and there will be even more time involved maintaining and building on that level of recognition once it's obtained. :) Not sure if there's a way around that. Not any way worth pursuing, anyway.

I think once you have a big enough following it may not be such an issue @glenabrethsen because your followers will be interested in most things you put out so you'll know you'll get some interaction.

Mind you knowing me I will still be thinking that what I get isn't enough on the posts that I put more time into. There's no pleasing me sometimes! 😁

This particular one is a rather extreme example and I think I would probably have been better off leaving it as it was after the first couple of hours since the extra time spent didn't get me to where I wanted to be anyway.

It's all a question of balance and, as you say, if we keep posting and commenting we will end up with Steem no matter what.

That is the best thing to focus I think. The numbers are too all over the place to be a motivating factor in themselves at the moment. 😍

@gillianpearce did you read my article about interaction! A really must read! What I do find so surprising is that you aren't getting more reaction to this post, because it really deserves it.

My thoughts exactly @fullcoverbetting. Such "poor" interaction after so much effort doesn't encourage me to make the effort to write the long form posts. It's not a labour of love as it is for some people. Writing can easily feel like a chore for me.

It's all part of the learning process of finding my way here I suppose.

One of the posts I've had most engagement on was the one of a piece of cake. 😂

According to me the Steem blockchain needs 2 types of people. One are the authors, who do create great posts. These are giving the second type of people a platform to interact. The others are the commenters. These are willing to interact and place genuine comments. Both need each other!
I don't consider myself a great author and do see myself more in the commenter group. Sill I do try to write a post each day. I do have some followers who give me a 100% upvote, which is worth around 0.88. It would be stupid to neglect this generous gift!
So, there is no problem is not posting lengthy posts! Just take a photo, add some genuine text to it and it also is a post!

I think I'm a bit of an inbetweener poster @fullcoverbetting.

As I mentioned I don't massively enjoy writing long posts and then I get all bent out of shape when people don't respond immediately. And then I get over it! 😂

I would definitely be posting to get an 0.88 upvote. That's really worth making the effort for. I know it's not all about that but I totally agree:

It would be stupid to neglect this generous gift!

That would make a huge difference to me! I used to have someone who's vote was worth between 0.30 and 0.40 who voted on every post but he has now lost his delegation so his votes have gone back to 0.03.

Some of my posts don't even make 0.50c. 😢

But, hopefully one day we'll look back on these days, when the price of Steem goes up and we'll laugh. Oh how we'll laugh! 😂

I rather prefer than one of my posts is ignored than that a comment is ignored!
My idea about the money part is shifting from completely focused on it, to I don't care anymore!
Let me rephrase that to it is mere a nice side effect. I will never be capable of making a living out of steem, so it has become more and more a hobby!
An adictive one, to be honest. Already decided that I have to give myself some time off, from steem! But only next week. It is just like quitting with smoking, the next one will be my last. Well this comment, won't be the last before I hit the sack. The wife if still working, so I will continue until she stops! Giving myself a head start for tomorrow!
If the price of steem will reach $10, it is time for a little celebration!

Oh, and regarding Springsteen, I (along with millions of others I know) bought the Born in the USA album when it came out. Even though I don't really have any, I have a special connection with. Glory Days. :)

As for your dislikes, I agree completely with No. 1, 2 & 5. I'd need to try blackcurrants and gooseberries to form an opinion, but I'll eat squid or octopus if it's put in front of me. Not likely to order them at a restaurant, though, since there's generally other things I like more.

No. 4 I can be a little more lenient about, depending on the circumstances. I do, however, share your sentiment about boundaries. Children definitely need to know they exist. And they need to eat the food that's prepared for the family, unless they want to purchase, prepare and cleanup after themselves. So there, two-year-old fussy eater!

The Born in the USA tour was the first Springsteen concert I went to @glenalbrethsen. I can still remember running up the steps of Wembley Stadium as he started playing it as it was the song he opened with. I've heard him perform Glory Days live a few times now too! 😁

I look forward to reading yours @adetorrent and hope it doesn't take you as long to write as mine did.

I should earn more on this post than any other. It literally took me two weeks on and off to put together and I still couldn't do what I wanted to do with it.

No doubt it will earn the same as any other post, i.e. less than 75c, and then I'll have another down period! 😢 😂

Hahahahaha. That's some record minimum wage effort haha.

I'm not laughing @adetorrent. Especially as lots of the posts of less than 50c nowadays. 😢

It's not looking too promising for John's early retirement! 😁

It will improve. Soon Steem will go to the moon!!!!! and 50c will become $50 !!

So you keep saying @adetorrent. I'm more than willing for you to be right though!! 😂

Gillian! I always appreciate Your efforts and I am very disappointed that we often do not get cooperation here. Some people just have friends whose votes are worth a lot of money. So they get more for their posts if even they are less informative than Yours. My voice is too small now. Many of my followers deserve more than what I am giving now . I find it very awkward in this situation. If You've been paying attention to how much earn my posts, you may have noticed that the bulk of the money is auto - voting for me. People just plugged this feature into my posts and don't read them. They just cast their votes without even reading what I write. Only for this reason I have become write big posts very rarely . I have only a few people who are really willing to communicate and discuss anything with me. These 1,600 followers of mine -- who they are -- they're just fake. I'm not even sure they read anything on my blog. But I don't think you should despair. Because if you get even a little fun here, then you need to keep going forward. You're an interesting conversationalist, and it is not given to everyone here.
I need a little more time and I will be able to comment On your preferences and antipathies :), see you soon
I returned to continue my comment about Your (Ah and my) preferences or not. Let's start with what we love.
I fully share and support your first point. Because the family is a reliable rear, and true friends are a good support in life. I believe that to have real friends - it's all a gift in life. Because not everyone can say that he has such.
The sea is a fabulous sight! I always dream of living on the coast. There's a river in my town. It is big enough, but it can't compare with the sound of the waves and the endless water of the sea extending to the horizon. I'm glad you have this in your real life. My name is Marina. Translated from Greek, it means -
marine. May be this is the this is my love for the open sea.
Hence, my fondness for fish and seafood. But I, like You, love coffee and chocolate.
Item 4 - is also our a coincidence. Because I love traveling. And it does not matter that they are close or very distant. I am always ready to travel for new experiences.
That I still love? On the fifth point, my answer will seem strange to you - blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It's my lifestyle and my income. I have been seriously engaged in this topic for several years and Oh! yeah! I love that.
In fact, this list can go on, but it's only five , so I turn to something that annoys me or something that I don't like.
I don't like lies and double standards in people's relationships.
I don't gamble hoping for luck.
I, too, not accept this mania and savage dependence from phones.
I don't like it when people start imitating or copying images and behavior of someone. Because I'm for developing my own personality.
I don't like rain.
It was too long a comment, but I hope You have the patience to read it to the end

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