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RE: Gillian's Love It Shove It Post

in #loveitshoveit7 years ago (edited)

Gillian! I always appreciate Your efforts and I am very disappointed that we often do not get cooperation here. Some people just have friends whose votes are worth a lot of money. So they get more for their posts if even they are less informative than Yours. My voice is too small now. Many of my followers deserve more than what I am giving now . I find it very awkward in this situation. If You've been paying attention to how much earn my posts, you may have noticed that the bulk of the money is auto - voting for me. People just plugged this feature into my posts and don't read them. They just cast their votes without even reading what I write. Only for this reason I have become write big posts very rarely . I have only a few people who are really willing to communicate and discuss anything with me. These 1,600 followers of mine -- who they are -- they're just fake. I'm not even sure they read anything on my blog. But I don't think you should despair. Because if you get even a little fun here, then you need to keep going forward. You're an interesting conversationalist, and it is not given to everyone here.
I need a little more time and I will be able to comment On your preferences and antipathies :), see you soon
I returned to continue my comment about Your (Ah and my) preferences or not. Let's start with what we love.
I fully share and support your first point. Because the family is a reliable rear, and true friends are a good support in life. I believe that to have real friends - it's all a gift in life. Because not everyone can say that he has such.
The sea is a fabulous sight! I always dream of living on the coast. There's a river in my town. It is big enough, but it can't compare with the sound of the waves and the endless water of the sea extending to the horizon. I'm glad you have this in your real life. My name is Marina. Translated from Greek, it means -
marine. May be this is the this is my love for the open sea.
Hence, my fondness for fish and seafood. But I, like You, love coffee and chocolate.
Item 4 - is also our a coincidence. Because I love traveling. And it does not matter that they are close or very distant. I am always ready to travel for new experiences.
That I still love? On the fifth point, my answer will seem strange to you - blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It's my lifestyle and my income. I have been seriously engaged in this topic for several years and Oh! yeah! I love that.
In fact, this list can go on, but it's only five , so I turn to something that annoys me or something that I don't like.
I don't like lies and double standards in people's relationships.
I don't gamble hoping for luck.
I, too, not accept this mania and savage dependence from phones.
I don't like it when people start imitating or copying images and behavior of someone. Because I'm for developing my own personality.
I don't like rain.
It was too long a comment, but I hope You have the patience to read it to the end