#CCC #2.36 contest what do you do with ...?

in CCC4 years ago (edited)



I appreciate everyone's participation in this first week. There were very interesting entries with beautiful images. Everyone prepared their preferential menu with beets.


There were 9 participants.

1- @kgwork.

2- @wakeupkitty.

3- @mariela53.

4- @gingbabida.

5- @naylet.

6- @marblely.

7- @giocondina.

8- @theresa16.


The winner of this contest is # 5. @nailet and you earn 1 Steem.
The winner of the comment prize is # 2. @wakeupkitty and you earn 0.500 Steem.
2,500 steem will be distributed among all participants. Each participant has 0.277 Steem.
Prizes will be paid to your wallet within 24 hours.

Thank you all for participating and I await you all in the next contest.


What is it about?

It is a weekly contest, starts on Friday and ends on Thursday afternoon. To start again on Friday.

I will give the subject, and you have 6 days to develop your publication, on the seventh day, I won't be accepting more entries and the winners will be published along with the new theme of the week.

This contest is about topics related to nature. For example, by asking about "What do you do with a tomato?", You can develop a theme about planting, about cooking, about drinks, about clothes, and etc ... your creativity is the limit.


• Write more than 200 words on the subject: "What do you do with ...?"
• Use the name of the contest in your title or content.
• Leave the link to your post as a comment below this post.
• Use the tag #hive166850
• You can use the invitation of #CCC, at the end of your publication, so @ team-ccc can add a vote to it(see below).
• Only entry per account is allowed.


• Please, visit, comment and vote for other publications from the members of #hive166850.
• If you put 3 photos or more, #166850 allows less than 200 words in the text.
• It is not mandatory to write your publication in English, you can do it in your preferred language.


1._ Paid for me.
2._ A winner of all tickets: 1 Steem
3._ 2.500 Steem for repartir entre todos los participant.

You can earn some commentcoin if you comment on this post. !

Come and be part of the members participating in the #ccc contests!

• Monday's contest: "What does CCC mean to you" by @ team-ccc.

• Wednesday contest: What does today mean for you ? by @freedomshif.

. Thursday contest: My favorite Thursday. By @marblely

• Saturday contest: "Looking back / Looking forward." By @wakeupkitty

• Sunday contest: Take a picture and comment. By @ olivia08.

• Sunday contest every 15 days: Lyric poetry. By @felixgarciap.

This week's theme of:


It is the tomato !!

The tomato is the fruit of the tomato plant(tomatera in spanish). It is a vegetable widely distributed throughout the world. It presents multiple varieties. It is rich in vitamins and high in potassium and zinc.


In my family garden there is no lack of it. I plant it from seeds that I select from tomatoes that I buy in the market. After sowing its seed I wait for the germination time in the seedbed. Later I transplant it to its final pot. With care and constant review of the plant, I get the fruits.


So that I can taste it later at a dinner, I cut it cut into slices and place it on some bread, add cheese, salt and oregano and then bake it.


Also in conjunction with various vegetables and species, they make an excellent mixture to prepare sauces. For a rich pasta, for example.


I hope you have rich recipes to prepare with tomatoes. So stand out with that ingenuity.

The photos and dividers are mine. With my samsung mini s3 phone, the Blu phone and canva.com.

Thank you for your visit, comment and vote, it is important.


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 4 years ago 

Thank you for hosting this contest.
We gave you an upvote.

Congratulations to the winners.

 4 years ago 

Thank you @team-ccc. I am very grateful for your support.

You have used the Hashtag #[CC] and can now reward 299.0 comments under your post with one CC.

More information about the Commentcoin-Project can be found on this account.
You can easily add an upvote to this post to support the project.
Thanks for using it.

Happy comments.
Your CC-Team:
@kristall97 ([Code-Designer])
@alucian ([Project-Designer])

 4 years ago 

thank you @commentcoin.

gertu, you've just received an upvote of 64% by artturtle!

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 4 years ago 

Thank you @artturtle.

Congratulations to the winners! And thank you for the participation prize @gertu! 😊😍 I would love to participate in the next round too!

Have a beautiful day. 😊

 4 years ago 

You are welcome as many times as you want to come. Happy day for you. @gingbabida.

heyyy congratuls :D

Thank you very much and congratulations to @naylet. 🥳

The contest number is 2.36

 4 years ago 

Si. Gracias. ayer lo noté en la noche. Gracias por estar atenta, estoy muy despistada, siempre jejejeje

Yes. Thank you. Yesterday I noticed it at night. Thank you for being attentive, I'm very clueless, always hehehehe

You know Steemit will leave the Steem block chain? If a new token will be born and this might be the end of Steem!

 4 years ago 

Si. Estoy leyendo eso desde hace algunos días. Pero es incertidumbre. Dicen que vendamos las fichas token, antes que se pierdan por otro toquen que saldrá.

Como es eso??? OMG

 4 years ago 

Tranquila amiga @kgwork. Todos estos días ha venido saliendo mucha información acerca de la venta de steemit a los chinos. Ya lo hizo net. Ahora hay que esperar que hará el nuevo dueño con steem. y con las monedas y todo lodo lo demás.

Wuaoooo . Net vendio. Que impresionante ! Y yo que supe quien era hace unas pocas semanas. Bueno que todo fluya, que sea para mejor.m

 4 years ago 

te puedo decir que comienzo a saber algo de esto es hace un mes aproximadamente. Ni idea que el dueño era ese señor y mucho menos pensé que venderían steem. Amanecerá y veremos...

Yes, have upvoted and resteemed your post to thousand followers.. Thank you very much to choose us as witness and curator.

 4 years ago 

Hey thank you for the support, @puncakbukit.

Hi, @gertu!

You just got a 0.09% upvote from SteemPlus!
To get higher upvotes, earn more SteemPlus Points (SPP). On your Steemit wallet, check your SPP balance and click on "How to earn SPP?" to find out all the ways to earn.
If you're not using SteemPlus yet, please check our last posts in here to see the many ways in which SteemPlus can improve your Steem experience on Steemit and Busy.

 4 years ago 


@gertu, one of your Steem friends wish you a Happy Valentine's day and asked me to give you a new badge!

To find out who wanted you to receive this special gift, click here!

You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking

Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

Valentine's day challenge - Give a badge to your beloved!
 4 years ago 

Thank you @steemitboard for the beautiful message.

De nada @gertu tu tambien puedes enviarlos.

 4 years ago 

Gracias por la información amiga @sacra97.

 4 years ago 

Gracias por tu participación.
Eres el # 1. Éxito.

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