This kind of blows....or does it?

in #crypto5 years ago

You maybe read already that PewDiePie will be starting to stream on our ex dlive.


CCN is already covering it as well here.

According to CCN the video of the announcment has been watched more than 4.3 million times and generated 36,000 comments.

His first stream will be on the 14th of April but he has already over 100k followers...

Those are some impressive numbers...

This is a pretty big win for our behated dlive and certainly a point for them.

Would we have been ready for this?

Not really sure tbh

While it stings in general this is a great thing as crypto and especially social media + crypto are getting quite a boost of exposure and maybe we can capitalize on that....hopefully....

....otherwise it only blows


I couldnt find the infamous Lino blockchain in coinmarketcap. Must be completly centralized

Posted using Partiko Android

cant find it either or pretty much anything

What happened with Steem and dlive? I thought they were steem based tbh

Posted using Partiko iOS

Let's see how it turns out, imagine if pwediepie brings all that numbers to steem and dtube

kind of having a hard time imagining this but there is always hope

I guess we'd just have to keep that hope alive

Ist da von dlive auf steem die Rede?

ja....leider nur nicht mehr auf steem.

Steem wird leider nicht erwähnt.

Wo ist dlive dann jetzt?- das ist echt doof.hahaha.

sind im lino network.

sind glaube ich noch ein ERC 20 token aber bin mir nicht sicher

good news, the beginning of an new masses maybe


hopefully we get a piece of the cake as well

Definitely sucks in the short term but I think it'll be massive for crypto in general. Or at least I hope so.

Posted using Partiko Android

As a steemian I am pretty salty...but yes it is great for the whole space hopefully

I think "it blows" isn't the right mindsets tbh...I mean..yeah, DLive fucked over people here and used STEEM over...but in general terms, it brings soo much exposure to blockchain based social's not just point for really is point for us. He has sooo many freaking followers...literally thousands of people would get to know what STEEM is - those who will google at least a bit. Maybe tens of thousands? Compared to numbers of active STEEMians, those numbers are aabsolutely huge. Let's see...Great job on DLive's side IMO!

this is the hope but the outcome is still up in the air.

I think this blows is the right mindset as such a young platform screwed us over and make the biggest score so far. Here he would have around 1k subscruibers and 99k would be waiting for their accounts.

I think for many of his fans he will just be earning in crypto now but nothing really changes for them except they can follow on another medium.
The tipping on twitch works pretty well and there is not a big desire for change at least not for the consumer.

We shall see

Yeah, smart moves by Dlive. They needed it...they were dead... when ever i went there to see if anything was happening...i found it kinda sad and lonely. All good though... if people get bored over there...maybe they will stumble into steemit. Steemit needs to worry about retention over pewtiepewts

lets hope for the best.

I ve just read they were doing good but never checked myself.

Hope Karma strikes

maybe something good comes out of it

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