Speaking of Venus in Gemini -- June, 2019

in #astrology5 years ago

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Truthfully now ...

Let's just say this straight out and be done with it. I've never known a person with Venus in Gemini who didn't ... play around. Somewhere such a creature may exist, but I don't know one. The fact they are so light-hearted and flirtatious makes them extra attractive to others when they are out socially -- and that alone draws interesting friends, potential partners and hook-ups to a Venus in Gemini spirit like bees to a flower.

So when Venus moves through Gemini, which it does every year, even the most conservative and morally upright among us may at least look around them with more than passing intrerest at people they might like to "get to know better" ... and wonder what a fling with them would be like. I'm not saying they'll act on it. Most won't. But still -- it's not a crime (yet) to wonder, and the fantasies can be so charming!

So, while Venus is in Gemini -- which it is in this year's Cancer Ingress chart -- expect to spend some extra time roaming the corridors of your romantic imagination. There are plenty of possibilities to play with in the wonderlands of fantasy. You're bound to find some raw material that strikes your fancy. It may be quite a departure from your usual habits, but it keeps life interesting.

"Interesting" is what Venus in Gemini craves in the life areas it tends -- and that means relationships, resources and all things of value. So let's talk about what else will tug at your attention during this fun and frolicsome time in your social calendar. What else is Venus in Gemini like -- and what interests it? Those will influence you now -- whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not. So be aware.

Venus in Gemini, as I mentioned, is a terrible flirt. She may not always be serious about it -- at least in the beginning, but she's "easily persuaded" if she runs into another willing partner. Like all varieties of Gemini energy, Venus here is interested in variety. She casts a wide net -- constantly, because she knows she'll reject a lot of the catch almost automatically. But she also knows having lots of choices helps her odds -- if she's really in the market. And with Venus in Gemini, it's totally fair to say she's never really out of the market.

Venus in Gemini is a cerebral lover ... a intellectual companion ... a consort of the mind even more than the body. Sometimes (but only sometimes) an affair conducted solely in her imagination is more satisfying than anything that goes on between the sheets -- and she'll settle for that if the real thing threatens to become complicated or dangerous. She's not into taking big risks for something she really does not consider serious.

So if you move the notion of "delights" away from the area of sexual affairs -- real or imagined -- Venus in Gemini still has a whole smorgasbord of treats to choose from. She loves to dabble in various forms of art -- both as a performer and as a member of the audience. She loves sampling "life's finer pleasures" -- from travel to exotic lands to trying out various culinary choices -- just for the experience.

She adores lively debate and good conversation -- as long as things stay friendly. She also loves a multitude of intellectual entertainments -- things to read, things to listen to, things to watch. Something that informs, educates and satisfies her restless mind's hunger for diversion ... is perfect.

So while Venus is in Gemini, watch how your interest in novel enjoyments of many kinds expands -- and invites you to follow. You'd be wise to do that. Some casual discoveries turn out to be worth keeping -- and you never know when you're apt to find one.


Editor's Note: -- If you are a Gemini Sun sign ... or if you are a Cancer or early-born Leo (Late July) ... or a Taurus or late born Aries (mid-April), there's a chance you have a Venus in Gemini in your horoscope. In other words, you could own one as part of your native character.

(But maybe not, there are also other choices ... so does this sound like you? You can also ask, if you're not sure ... or go get your chart cast by one of the free chart sites on the internet. I recommend Astrolabe. They are very user-friendly. They also supply a little report with your chart, but I won't vouch for that. You'll have to be the judge of it.)

If you were born outside that set of signs I just listed, you'll have to enjoy this one vicariously. But at least that's something -- and it comes around every year. Year after year. You get the picture.

Venus will be in Gemini until July 3 this year. From there it moves into Cancer. So get cracking.


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