Ophiuchus -- OMG ... him again?

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

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What? This again?

Sometimes I wish "the press" in this country (and elsewhere) would adopt the wisdom about MYOB. (Mind Your Own Business.) Especially when they start writing about things they know exactly nothing about. Or they could try reporting some real news once in a while. And no, I'm not talking about avoiding the "fake news" one segment of our society is always howling about.

I mean news that actually means something ... and might make a difference somehow ... somewhere ... to somebody. News that might help us get a grip on what's really going on -- and what we might decide to do about it. Maybe. (Srsly, don't get me started. That's not what this post is about. Let me get back on track. It happens too often these days -- the fact I digress.)

What's got me hopped up today is a resurrected story Cosmopolitan magazine online -- (I refuse to link to it. Go look it up if you're interested. Here's a hint. Don't.) -- published about how NASA has decided a while back (page last updated January 13, 2016 ATM) your Zodiac sign has changed because (gasp!) they've discovered a 13th Constellation. Seriously?? Again?? (Oh, give me a freakin' break!!)

I don't know how old this "news" is actually ... but it's certainly old enough to go out with the trash. It is well past its sell-by date -- and Cosmo must be desperate for click-bait to drag it out, prop it up and try to breathe a some life back into it ... again. (Hey, Cosmo ... go back to writing stuff about how to become such a sex-witch you can turn any man who looks at you into actual putty. You know ... something you actually know something about!! Or do something else. Anything else. I don't care. Just get out of my face with that story!)

Someone asked about this in one of my comments -- and when I went to see why this thing had resurfaced enough to attract anyone's attention -- I thought ... Oh, Jeez, not again.

I certainly don't blame the person for asking the question. Where else are you going to go to get answers except from someone who knows more about the subject than you do? (Or claims to. I'll say this. I know a heck of a lot more about it than the person who wrote that article for Cosmo. Tie a string around that one. It's done.)

So I guess it's time I wrote a post -- or more than one -- more likely a series -- if that's what it takes to get my blood pressure back to normal -- that discusses the subject from an Astrologer's point of view. (Or maybe I should say my point of view, because even that takes some explaining.)

Bottom line -- in case this turns into a diatribe too long to read, and it probably will -- a 13th sign hasn't suddenly been "discovered," a 13th sign hasn't "emerged." There has not been a big shift in the Zodiac to wedge it in between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Nothing has changed. Your star sign is still your star sign -- the one you've had all your life. You can safely just let the rumors die another natural death. (Until next time.)

The Earth has not shifted on its axis either. And the Sun will still rise in the East -- tomorrow morning. (Check it out. See if that happens.) Life in that regard has not changed from what it was yesterday ... or earlier this week ... or whenever. I used to read Cosmo ... back before it got silly. But that may have been more years ago than you've been alive. Stuff like this doesn't make me one bit sorry I stopped. (Just think of all the other things I did with my life.)

It may surprise you to learn I have issues with some components of Astrology, but this 13th sign nonsense isn't one. That one's easy to blow off. (I invite you to do it.) If you remember, we went through this some years back -- when an astronomer in Minnesota created a buzz about Earth wobble -- and the Zodiac shifting -- so we already had our meltdown over this "news."

Personally I'm a lot more concerned about the phenomenon of "Earth Wobble" -- and the fact that I have to tuck that back away under the "Don't Panic" file ... and remind myself that the Earth is still basically stable enough that it's not apt to roll off into space before I'm done using it. And so far, that's enough comfort.

When alarming news (on any subject) takes hold, it seems to gain extra momentum. It if were really true -- or something that needed reaction -- that speed might be an asset. In that respect, I'm glad it exists. But when that same "news" is basically crap -- it still takes time to chase it down and debunk it. (And explaining why it's crap ... oh, my goodness ... takes even more time and effort.)

But, hey ... I'm up to the challenge. (And this is actually material I can use ... here and elsewhere. So, I'm calling that a win-win situation. Especially since everything -- and I mean everything -- is basically the same as it was.) And one reason why this 13th sign doesn't matter -- and Earth wobble ... doesn't matter -- and this "discovery" ... doesn't matter, etc., is because the Zodiac ... that set of constellations in the sky ... doesn't matter.

Yep ... you read that right. The Zodiac in the sky doesn't matter. (I know. Call the white coat brigade. I've finally broken under the strain.) And I suppose I'll have to explain that point before I'm done with this subject. That's ok. I've mentioned it before in other pieces -- even ones here on Steemit. I'm good for it. (And sticking it all on my website eventually ... where people can actually find it in the future probably wouldn't hurt either.)

The Zen view of this is ... everything is exactly as it should be. So I'm adopting that notion -- and taking it from there. I've got a couple of other threads going at the moment. (And a half dozen jobs, not well related to each other.) But occasionally, I need a idea for the post-of-the-day. And that 13th "Zodiac constellation" -- Ophiuchus -- just became that. I'm going to call it a gift.

Thank you for that. (And thank you for reading. I mean that. Srsly.) More soon.


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Good to see you are in a better mood than the other day!! HUGS

Aye Digress. A guy on a Bulletin Board (that I actually met) in '92. Still one of the top 10 'online names' in my book. Stands the test of time as it were.

Do I commence my rant about BS news here? USA Today called today's full moon 'the blue moon' complete with the song from the Marcels. Which was the only redeeming social value to the post.

Blue Moon is a construct based on the difference between Solar and Lunar calendars. It is the second full moon in a calendar month. Popularity of it comes from the folk saying 'once in a blue moon'.

This article claims that the blue moon is actually based on seasons and this is the fourth full moon in Spring 2019. It makes as much sense as the other one, I guess.

When did we get to the point where every full moon has a name? And why is it important? Many cultures (particularly lunar calendar cultures) have a name for each moon. It's a way of keeping track of the passage of time without a paper calendar. No more, no less. Why not call it 'May Moon'? And why use the Marcel's version rather than Billy Holiday's original? Who determines what makes a link clickable? UUuurrgghhh.

So. I understand your aggravation. The one thing that does concern me a bit is the wobbling of the earth's axis. Not concern as in 'are we going to drift away' but more like consequences there of. Like that Polaris isn't always the 'North Star'. And that wobble moves magnetic North around just a little which can have huge consequences with GPS systems. It's all really long cycle stuff (10-50,000 years) so I'm not loosing any sleep over it.

Aye Digress. Often. Thanks for providing more insight on 'current news items'-I really do appreciate it.

Oh, that old chestnut.... LOL

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