It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living ---> Issue #67

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

The Sun has made its annual conjunction with Uranus,
this year in Taurus -- at last, at 2° 31'.


The theme of this pattern

Insights that help you reclaim and appreciate
your uniqueness and originality --
that encourage you to be you!!


Who are the players
and what are they doing?

Sun = your ego, your self image, your sense of individuality and ambition

Uranus = your ingenuity, your desire for complete independence, your drive to live life your way!

Conjunctions = combine the qualities of the two elements involved so that they become stronger and inseparable; you can't consider one without the other


What's happening?

The Sun conjunct Uranus brings a time when you want to break out of the mold. You're fed up with routine, tedium, and ordinary activities. You want something engaging, insightful -- even revolutionary and exotic to show you wider options, new horizons -- and a greater potential design.

The remarkable part about this -- when Sun conjuncts Uranus, as if in a literal demonstration of the directive, "Ask and you shall receive," Life answers. Sometimes it hands you exactly what you asked for -- depending on how radical your request. Sometimes it shows you something even more wild-and-wondrous ... the kind of moment that sets you back on your heels.

What you glimpse will be exciting ... amazing ... transformative ... and potentially life-altering. Some of this degree depends on what you're willing to accept -- and act on. If you just want a taste, Life could whip up some snacks. If you're really hungry, Life will prepare you a banquet.


One thing you don't want to do is underestimate the possibilities of Uranus. It is an energy of unlimited power and it has a no-holds-barred attitude. It is notorious for bringing on sudden changes, out-of-left-field surprises, inspirational breakthroughs ... and paradigm shifts. Most consistently though, its gifts bring a new sense of freedom and purpose.

And because energy always flows in two directions in an action-causes-reaction-causes-further-action-causes-a-further-reaction sequence, once you see the suggestions (and invitations!!) Uranus can hand you, once you really understand and absorb them as possible facets of you, ... you will change as a result. And when you change, the screen widens. New pictures emerge. More complicated, fertile and fantastic options introduce themselves ... and these also affect you.

The bounce back-and-forth can become pretty dramatic once you open your mind and roll with it. It depends on how adventurous you're willing to be. When you hear about flashes of genius that came out of nowhere, when people talk about seeing themselves, their lives, their talents, and everything "on a whole new level," or when your trip through Wonderland drops you off -- and there's no turning back, no going home again, no way to return to the limited, comfortable, familiar past ever again -- some form of this energy was at work ... somewhere.

It doesn't have to be this shattering -- or this dramatic. (It depends on what else is going on in your chart ... and that can be very individual.) But this moment in time will change you. The ideas you work with will become more refined, more progressive ... and more productive.


There's an inclusiveness to Uranus that will show you (if you look) that your work can affect and improve life for more people than you. You can have more impact than you realize -- if you have the courage to go with it. Your contributions to your community, your circle, even the world ... find a higher level of expression -- a more noble intent.

When the Sun conjuncts Uranus you are primed for a new vision. Lightning strikes. And you walk away ... different.


What to expect?

  • New perspectives that open up different opportunities and options
  • A new sense of openness, freedom, possibility
  • More respect for yourself, your talents, your time, etc.
  • A more independent, devil-may-care attitude
  • If you've cared too much about "what people think" -- you'll stop doing that
  • A far more progressive, future-oriented mindset
  • Impatience with tradition, routine, things that are familiar, with "following the rules"
  • Breakthrough insights, break-out moments, "breaking out of confinement" -- period


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Did I ever mention I once had a Westfalia named Serendipity? Unfortunately it didn't run very well, but I thought it was a great name for a road tripping van. Sounds like Uranus has a tendency for serendipity, as well as for taking dreams and making them come true. Love that energy. ;)

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