It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living ---> Issue #86

in #astrology5 years ago

Mars in Cancer has opposed
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn



The theme of this pattern

Deep, seething anger and resentment.
Feeling victimized, "put upon," used and mistreated.


Who are the players
and what are they doing?

Mars in Cancer = action in defense of private interests, doing what it takes to protect your home and family, efforts to protect the sanctify, safety and security of your home and living arrangements

Saturn in Capricorn = rigid, "red-tape" rules and regulations, established traditions, "the way things are around here," powerful authority figures, business interests, the government bureaucracy, people who can control you

Pluto in Capricorn = destroying established structures, breaking up traditions, the extreme use of power to effect fundamental change, tearing down things considered solid and permanent in order to create something else, something better

Oppositions = difficult, obstructed situations that virtually always involve relationships, projections, outside situation, "other people


What's happening?

On the face of it, this doesn't sound very bad -- until you realize that Mars is on one side of a conflict, Saturn and Pluto are on the other -- and each sees the other as "the enemy." These are the ingredients for explosive, destructive, violent behavior like we haven't seen before.

I am really worried about this one -- and some of the events that could be set in motion during it -- and some of the ones that come after. There are some real "sh*t just got serious" moments coming up in spades now, next January and later next year. I need to write several pieces about the Saturn / Pluto conjunction that's coming together now -- because it will be so influential over the next year ... and beyond. So watch for them. (Coming soon.)

In the meantime, let's talk about the set-up in the sky at the moment. Mars is in Cancer -- and as I've said before, it's not very strong in that sign. It's in a condition Astrologers call "fall," which means it's literally out of its element. The planet doesn't work well with the quaities of the sign and it has trouble expressing effectively ... or doing the job it's designed to.

Mars is a knock-heads-and-kick-ass kind of energy. It does well out competing in the world -- or literally fighting battles. It's Warrior Energy -- meant to help you assert your desires, pursue your ambitions, defend your interests and protect you and your loved ones. It's not quite as welcome when it tries to throw its weight around at home -- or when dealing with family. They tend to push back unless things get really nasty.


But Mars in Cancer is fueled by emotions and feelings -- so it tends to sulk and pout ... and manipulate and guilt-monger when trying to get its own way. It's passive-aggressive. It whines and complains. (Think of the stereotype of the unhappy, nagging wife or mother. That's afflicted Mars in Cancer.) It's enough to drive anyone crazy.

Line that up now with the cold, remote rock-solid resistance of Saturn / Pluto in Capricorn -- the very epitome of the robotic, government bureaucrat with his rule-book, his authority and his ability to make your life miserable. He's someone who could help you in ways that would make problems dissolve. But he not only chooses not to do that, he finds ways to throw more rocks in the road -- because he can ... and because your petty problems don't interest him, really.

It's that attitude -- that kind of stand-off -- we're all dealing with somewhere in our lives. Mars opposing Saturn is angry, resentful, frustrated beyond words. You may feel bogged down with responsibilities you don't want, thankless tasks and chores, a lack of help, a lack of appreciation -- but you still have a job to do regardless. And none of what you're dealing with seems to have a point or a purpose -- or offer one speck of relief. There's no reasoning with the situation ... and the stress is multiplying by the minute.


We meet this energy every couple of years -- and it is never any fun. (And it never gets any easier.) Usually you can just try to wait it out ... and, if possible, that's an option to consider here. But the presence of Pluto as part of the opposition makes that kind of patience (or maybe that kind of leeway) unlikely.

Mars opposing Pluto is a temperamental, rageful, explosive blow-it-sky-high kind of reaction, which may be what eventually comes of this alignment this year. You can certainly see this impasse showing up in the maneuverings of politicians in government -- but it's also playing out in your personal life somewhere.

Mars is at about 20° of Cancer. Where is that in your natal chart? That's where the pushiness and pressure is located. Saturn / Pluto is at

18° - 22° Capricorn. That's where the "resistance" is located. (And ironically, that's what needs to change. But it's liable to take virtually an act of God -- or worse -- to make that happen.) Lovely ... huh?


Yes, time is on your side here -- assuming you can wait that long. Depending on what's happening in your individual world, the tension / impatience / resentment, etc., may be reaching intolerable limits. You'll have to decide how best to handle it. Meanwhile, for heaven's sake, don't poke the tiger. This is an unstable, highly-charged situation. (Hopefully you understand this!!) You may have stuffed a lot of anger over a lot of months (years?) already ... and that sack just can't hold any more without bursting. (And that could bring serious problems tumbling out.)

In some ways this stand-off is a test of your self-discipline and patience. In other ways, it may be a decision point of how much more are you going to take. Like Howard Beale in Network, there are large segments of the population that are mad as hell, and they're not going to take it any more -- which could set up some dramatic encounters from what happens during these weeks and months -- worldwide, in politics and government, etc.

But, once again, something similar (virtually word for word identical) is happening in your personal life -- and if you don't honest-to-goodness know what it is (because you've lived in denial for so long) you could be in for quite a surprise when it finally erupts.

Pay attention. This one is serious.


What to expect?

From Mars opposing Saturn

  • Anger, frustration, seething resentment
  • People who seem determined to get in your way
  • Oppressive commitments and responsibilities where you still "have to deliver"
  • A feeling of being personally attacked, possibly -- disrespected, inconvenienced, dismissed, blown off, etc.
  • Feeling you're "up against the wall" ... and somehow you have to get past it
  • Serious inner turmoil and stress -- enough to cause physical illness, even collapse if you let it run over you

From Mars opposing Pluto

  • Serious pressure to squelch or derail some behavior, desire, ambition, etc., others find threatening to their progress or stability
  • Strong pushback against what you see as oppressive, but formidable opposition (refusing to change, but trying to change "them" instead)
  • Possible involvement in a power struggle where you feel you need to win this one -- nothing else will suffice
  • Powerful drive to make something happen, make something change even "against all odds"
  • In extreme cases, this can feel like a fight for survival -- or the need to destroy something in order to be safe
  • Also possible involvement with criminal behavior / dangerous situations -- be aware of your surroundings, don't take chances


Be careful driving. This energy is not rational -- and it's not very predictable either. Back down from confrontations. Be aware of possible "road rage" situations. Let things simmer down before you try to do anything more than stay safe. Hard as it may be now, "being invisible" is your best option. Don't add to the problems.

This phase -- this flashpoint -- at least will straighten out and settle down in a few weeks. If you can ... give it time. The situation will transform into something different, something more workable -- especially during the time of Mars in Virgo -- starting in mid-August.


Before we can forgive one another,
we have to understand one another.

~ Emma Goldman ~
Born June 27, 1869


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