It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living ---> Issue #83

in #astrology5 years ago

There's been an interesting set of three aspects from Mercury -- especially since Mars is right alongside it. They're acting in lockstep, so keep that in mind, because I'll write more about this tomorrow. But if I try to explain it all at once, we're going to wind up with one of those TLDR (Too Long; Didn't Read) documents -- and nobody wants that. (Especially not me!) So consider this the first part of what will follow.

The three aspects I'm focused on tonight are these:

  • Mercury trine Neptune
  • Mercury opposing Saturn
  • Mercury opposing Pluto


As an Astrologer I look at this set and just shake my head. There is such irony there. Let me tell you why. (I know. Plain English works best.) The sequence ---> what happens first, what comes next, etc. ---> is part of the picture.

Essentially this says ---> you come up with interesting information or you have a bright idea or a moment of insight that truly speaks to you. This is something creative (even lyrical) and lovely that really meshes with your spiritual beliefs. It's full of Cancer's caring compassion. It may even grow out of your history -- the experiences you've had, things you were taught, a piece of your personal legacy.

It starts with the Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces ---> the two most caring, compassionate, supportive, emotional signs in the Zodiac. A mixture of thoughts, poetry, emotions and healing. So, you can expect it would be kind, loving, and earnest, an artistic or verbal message with substance.

You'd put it out in a compliment, maybe ... or an email, or something on social media. It might be a memory you'd want to share ... or a story from your past ... something with heart behind it. Something revealing about you. Something poignant and personal. (At least you'd think about it.)

It would be something you'd want others to find and enjoy. Maybe something they could learn from. Maybe something they would help you promote because it also had meaning for them. You'd say or write this so it would be noticed and treated kindly. It would be smooth, well-crafted, even artistic ... non-threatening, inspiring, entertaining, warm, spiritual -- pretty much everything you could ask for in thoughts to be proud of, offered up with the best intentions.

But the reaction you get (best case scenario) is ... silence. Nobody cares. Nobody notices. Nobody gives a rat's ass. Or maybe your intuition (we are dealing with Cancer / Pisces after all) tells you to expect this ... and to tread softly from the start. So ... since this is something that means a lot to you -- you decide to just keep it private instead. You shut yourself down in the face of this imagined indifference before it actually has a chance to get to you.

Or ... you find your courage and take the risk ... and what you get back is criticism, scorn, ridicule, maybe. It might even be misunderstood, misinterpreted, considered anything from maudlin to manipulative. Whatever ... it's not what you were aiming for -- or what you really expected, but it sure sets you back on your heels.

You believe what you think / what you have to say could actually make a difference if people would hear it -- or understand it correctly. But if you try to defend yourself ... or explain things as you see them ... you find you're in the middle of some intellectual power play -- with you on one side, your critics on the other, and both of you trying to change the way the other guy thinks.

In today's polarized, impersonal world -- it's not out of the question. So realize this set of karate kicks is out there -- coiled and waiting. Choose your next move carefully. If what you're working with is sacred to you -- creatively, spiritually, personally, etc. -- beware the risks. It may be awfully fragile. Handle with love.


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