Commenting on Monday's Full Moon -- June 2019

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

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Commenting on Monday's Full Moon

The Full Moon in Sagittarius opposing the Gemini Sun brings a philosophical confrontation -- a clash between what you've been taught, "what the experts say," and what society says is the truth on the one hand ... and what you've discovered through first hand experience, your own beliefs that contradict "the party line," and personal research that defines "reality."

Reconciling these now is a problem. You cherish your traditional views -- the morals you were taught and try to live by. You see the value and "history" behind them. They structure meaning and existence in ways you're reluctant to alter -- or question. You feel a genuine core of goodness there you want to preserve and support.

But facts you've learned first hand, your own ideas and incidents in real life that you either believe are valid or that you've experienced call this lovely philosophy into question. What you know to be true is so out of line with what you've been taught to believe you're confronted with conflicting versions of "truth" ... "reality" ... "how the world works and what's happening to it."

Aligning this also poses a problem. If you hold too fast to the history-and-traditional teachings in the face of all this opposing evidence, you risk being called out as a hypocrite -- and your present-day honesty (and all this evidence) can't refute that.

On the other hand, if you go with what your mind, your own eyes and your new learning experiences tell you, it shakes what amounts to a religious foundation you depend on to give your life coherence and meaning. Quite a dilemma when you look at it that way. No wonder Full Moons make people crazy -- even those as cerebral and abstract as this one.


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