A few words about the Solar Eclipse -- and what one means in Astrology

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

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Special emphasis -- not a crisis
-- unless you make it one

The New Moon on Tuesday arrived along with a Solar Eclipse at 11° of Cancer. If you have personal planets in this mid-range of degrees -- from 10 - 22° -- especially in Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) -- these next six months may have some powerful adjustments, psychological confrontations and significant course corrections in store for you.

It's not a reason to worry. It's all part of the process of personal growth, which is itself the business of life. It's just time for some extra attention to any individual issues involved -- and these will be different for everyone. I'll make some general predictions on this in future posts, but knowing how these energies affect your Natal Chart -- and therefore, your life, is indispensable now. It helps you know what to look for -- and how to help things progress when the invitations show up.


Astrologers have always respected the symbolic power of eclipses, and even today an aura of apprehension and foreboding may attend one's arrival. But predictions that link eclipses with problems, misfortune and disasters, I think, miss the mark, given our greater psychological sophistication now.

Eclipses represent significant points of change, partially because the concerns they highlight hang around so long. Its sheer "staying power" points to something that really needs extra attention ... and it won't depart until you've dealt with it. (And if you refuse to deal with it ... the hindrances you've saddled yourself with will become quite oppressive while you struggle to catch up -- and make up lost time and opportunities under ever-increasing pressure.)


Traditional astrology interpretations teach that eclipses forecast "crises." Yet, I have found that this emotionally loaded word is unnecessarily upsetting, even when Natal planets are involved in the month's unfolding business. The eclipse simply depicts some life matter that has reached "critical mass" ... and it's time to deal with it now. It doesn't have to be disruptive, chaotic, or stressful, but you do have to take action.

Traditional astrology also teaches that a Solar eclipse symbolically represents the need to set aside or reconsider issues of pride, ego, and ambition, and let intuition, emotions, and a need for profound and searching reflection have the ascendancy.

I agree ... and would add that a Solar eclipse denotes the need to realign yourself in a different way ... with a "heart and soul" commitment to some new endeavor, project, or resolution that will develop over the coming 5 months ... something where passion and instinct can be definite allies and where "too much ego" could actually undermine your efforts.


It's a time to look at what you really want in this area and why ... and then act decisively from those motives. (Not just because you want to look good, claim power, or get attention. Those will come naturally enough ... if you take care of these other concerns. And be more impressive besides!!)

Some realignment within the inner self, or a measure of therapeutic examination and healing -- perhaps within the psyche, might be the order of business now. The eclipse itself is simply the outer signal that the moment has come to undertake this piece of personal work.

So, when a Lunar or Solar eclipse occurs in connection with a Full Moon or New Moon ... take an especially careful look at where this falls in your Natal Chart and how it aspects other planets and important placements there. The location of the eclipse components tell you -- by sign(s) and house(s) -- what needs special attention, or what will trigger special events and awareness.

A Lunar eclipse points to a need to realign yourself and rebalance competing concerns and interests ... especially on the Lunar side of the scale. A Solar eclipse (like the one we just had) tells you -- by sign and house -- what needs special attention and where you need to recommit yourself with particular determination to new efforts, ventures, and interests that will ultimately bear your special stamp in what results.


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Hmmmmm. It had honestly never occurred to me that an eclipse might indicate anything but a specific conjunction between the earth, moon and sun.

Not that I don't appreciate an eclipse. I do. I have been on the totality line for 3 annular and two total solar eclipses. God willing and the creek don't rise I'll be in Maine in 2024 for another total. It's an almost indescribable experience.

Without looking I probably have a pretty good idea what part of my natal chart may be under consideration. We'll see how that works out.

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