⏺I don’t just want followers, I want partners.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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I'm not here for a quick-fix. So don't ask me for one! Way too many people have far too much of a short-term approach to things. People of this era want instant gratification for the work they put in, and when they don't get it, they quit. This mentality needs to be changed ASAP!
Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with striving to achieve results quickly. In-fact it's a good thing, if it's motivating you. If it gets you to work harder, then it's great.

The issue comes into play when this motivation turns into discouragement.
The only difference between a quitter, and a person who is able to persevere through anything, is the emotional attachment. Don't worry, it's not just you. I am also guilty for this.

I have failed at so many different things in my lifetime already. Why? Simply because I had given-up too early in the process. I failed to commit. If we want to achieve anything great, we need to commit to mastery! Someone who talks about this topic a lot is Tony Robbins.

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Why am I talking about this?

Well, everything a person does is generally through habit. If you are coming into things in your life with the expectations for instant-gratification, that will tend to follow through in everything you do.

You know the saying 'good things take time'? Well, the opposite is also true. If you aren't giving things much time, how do you expect them to be good?

This can relate completely to Steemit.

If you are here with an instant-gratification mentality, do you think you will gain a loyal following? Do you think people will truly be able to relate to you and your content?
I'm not kidding when I say that. See I want results to come in quickly, and for that I am engaging with more people. At the same time, I want friends. I don't want quick-fix followers. Quite frankly, I want all my non-genuine followers to unfollow me. That's how serious I am.

When you click that follow button on my blog, I want you to join my success team. I want you to know that we are about to partner up. That we are about to take our lives to the next level.

That's what I'm about. Anyone has the right to think differently, but that's what I'm looking for here. I want to communicate with you guys. I want to impact your life for the better!

I cannot wait to see what the future holds. All I know, is it's looking really bright!


More than how much this post can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others!

I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned! Talk soon guys.

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.2K+ Followers.

You can join my success team by following my content and vision here: @ENAZWAHSDARB (576+ Amazing Followers Strong)

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I been thinking like this for sometime now @enazwahsdarb many people are coming and going I been here almost 10 months and haven't given up.

@SimonJay you are a beast! Thanks for stopping by. That's what its all about hey! Just consistent work over a long time frame! You're a great example of that.

I hope to see you here more often. I am posting every 12 hours or so, so talk again soon! It's 1am here by me, so I'm signing off, but I'll be sure to check out your blog!

Talk soon.

great and valid points, creating a collaborative environment is the best way to succeed on Steemit!

Thanks :) So true! Be need to find people of similar interest, and assist each other! Only way we can truly grow in the initial fazes.

Thanks for stopping by @jznsamuel. Talk again soon.

Love, love, love your attitude! Steemit is a wonderful place for people who want to put the work in! When I started blogging on Steemit last year I set a goal to post something every single day, and not just some fluff post either, but entirely original content. Some days I am tired or don't feel inspired, but I just keep going, and it has so become a habit!

Two posts a day is my current goal too, and I wish you luck with all of your Steemit endeavors 😊

I'm so glad! Steemit is an amazing concept!

You set a great goal. It's a tough one, I know by experience right now! Writing 2 original, high quality posts a day can really be tough. We must just punch through it!

Thanks for stopping by! Good to see you here. I'm posting every 12 hours or so, so I hope to see you here soon! I love engaging with you guys. Talk soon.

Nice insight that truly comes from the heart. Your self-transformation will take you on a wonderful path. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading and connecting more

Thanks a bunch for that. It's really nice that you guys are seeing a part of the vision too!

I appreciate your kind words and your stopping by. I trust we will talk again soon.

You are right, the best partners are those who think different, but work together.

Thanks for your comment! Appreciate you stopping by. You are right :)

Talk soon.

Great post! I totally agree with you on the instant-gratification mentality. It kills so much potential. Followed and upped!

Nice to see you here brother. It's true, it really is a killer to potential!

Thanks for stopping by. I see you have made a couple really successful posts already. I think you are getting great exposure with that open-mic contest. Really congrats! I trust we will talk soon.

Needed to read something like this, I feel a little bit frustrated :(

Maybe it was meant to be! :)

What you frustrated with my man?

Probably it was meant to be bro, I was frustrated because I thought it is too difficult to succeed in here.

I understand what you mean my man. The thing is, you just need to really believe you can do it. That's all it takes. You need to believe, and you need to work really hard!

If you are persisitent enough, eventually people will see what you are doing. In many cases they will follow your content because of your attitude.

Stay strong! If you have any questions, you can ask me in my latest posts whenever you want. Talk soon.

Got it mate! I'm following you, your words raise spirit, Best Regards!

Thanks brother. That's my goal here.

I made my latest post about an hour ago. You can leave your thoughts there too :) Talk soon.

Wow......Im speachless :0)
So much great stuff and I can say Im guilty of some of those thoughts to.
I love what u said about being here for the long turm and wanting to conect with people.
U live as u teatch. Im here for the same reason
I love talking to people hearing their thoughts ideas. Hard times good times.
How can we support someome without interacting.....or knowing that person.
I have meet so many amazing people U included who has giving me so much and I want to give back.
Teamwork thats the key....to raise to the next level and share our goals and achivement.
Upvoted and resteemed....U gave me no choice.....lol Amazing!!!
Talk soon

Sara you always have so much to say! I love it :) It's difficult to actually reply lol.

I agree completely with everything you're saying there. I do try and live by what I teach :) There are so many engagements and comments on this platform that are meaningless.. It's clear sometimes to see who means the words in their comments. That will build a relationship over time, not the other ones.

Thanks for stopping by once again :) I just made my latest post like 8 minutes ago :P

U are so right in everything :0) U have a great spirit ♡ lucky to have u as a friend.
Together we can reach stars.....lol
Talk soon. I will try write less next time. Probably wont happen but.....:0)

Haha you don't have to! You can make your comments as long as you want :)

It's great that you always have something nice to say.

Well thats me...rapped in nice paper :0)
Im just speaking from my ♡

I do think we live in such an instant world , that everything is quest to yield results to be deemed as an achievement. we forget that a hit and miss , still gives us experience on how to hold the bat.

You put those words in very good context right there! Well said. It's so very true.

We need to constantly learn from our experiences.. Good or bad. A failure is only a failure if you make it one :)

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