Everything (Almost Everything) I like here in Steemit! / 我所爱的Steemit挑战或活动 Part 2

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)

I did a 3 in 1 post yesterday. If you miss out and wondering what is it all about, you can check it out HERE. Seems like this is not a bad idea after all... Maybe I should do more compilation post like this. I know many have the same dilemma as I have, too many good posts and too many awesome good authors... But too little SP and VP. So we can only vote one post per author per day... I don't want my friends and followers to face this dilemma too, so I will try to post only one post a day. So you can vote all other awesome posts! Thank you for your love and support throughout my Steemit Journey! Without you, I won't be here today! Thanks again!


LOVE SHOUTOUT / 站在宇宙中心呼唤爱

Captured at Langkawi SkyCab top of Mt. Machinchang with my Redmi 4x.

So today, first I will want to do a LOVE SHOUTOUT to some of my very DEAR FRIENDS... We basically chat every day in Steemit, Discord and/or WhatsApp. @littlenewthings @zord189 @aaronleang @joannewong @orangila @karinzdailygrind

今天首先要来个“站在宇宙中心呼唤爱”!给大家呼唤爱!感谢 @littlenewthings @zord189 @aaronleang @joannewong @orangila @karinzdailygrind

These people especially @zord189 @aaronleang and @howtostartablog @alvinauh basically live in the Team Malaysia Discord chat group... LOL... To all Team Malaysia members, please get yourself into the Discord chat group... so that we can TKSS in there... Dunno what is TKSS, you will know when you are in there! I am not gonna tell you here...

还有这班“家伙”几乎是住在大马队的Discord组群里的。 @zord189 @aaronleang and @howtostartablog @alvinauh 所以大马队队员如果你还没入群,马上进来吧!

And also must THANK YOU our Big Brother @bitrocker2020 and @awesomianist. Always be there when we are lost...

还有要感谢我们的大哥哥 @bitrocker2020 @awesomianist。如果我们在群里迷路了,迷失了方向,他们一定会伸出援手拯救我们。

Not to forget our awesome talented programmer @superoo7! We have all the awesome cool bots because of his hardwork!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!

当然不能忘记,非常刻苦耐劳不分昼夜的为我们写程序的 @superoo7!感恩!非常非常的棒!!!

Then to our awesome coach @maverickfoo and @deborism! All the Masterclasses, Bootcamps and Trainings!!! Team Malaysia is growing STRONGER and STRONGER each and every day!

还有还有坐飞机好像坐车一样的教练 @maverickfoo @deborism,东西南北都有他们的课,让我们大马队有更好的训练!人才是可以培训出来的!开课了!快快来报名上课哦!

Then @danieldoughty and @viverridae for building up the Sabah Team... Wow! We really have lots and lots of members from Sabah now! (^.^)/

不能忘记的 @danieldoughty @viverridae,他们的努力付出也让沙巴Steemian日夜倍增!实在棒哒哒!

Not to forget Steem Cartoon! @perennial @sireh @rambai and team for bringing us so many awesome cartoons and drawing!!! Can't wait to have the MyJuniors and Steem Cartoon Crossover!!! Teaser!!! We will be having a drawing session with @sireh very soon in March!!! Stay tuned for the official announcement!!! Now still in planning, ya!!!

还有还有!!!Steem Cartoon!!!@perennial @sireh @rambai 和组员们!非常期待Steem Cartoon和MyJuniors的合作!!!三月分我们将会有个卡通绘画班!记得守着我们的发布哦!别错过哟!

Add in! Thanks to @positivesteem for dropping by our first MyJuniors workshop and launching! All the way from Sarawak! Support!

还有忘了我们由砂劳越飞来探望我们的 @positivesteem!谢谢你大驾光临MyJuniors的工作坊!

And to all the supporters of MyJuniors... Really thank you for your love!!! Here's some new post with MyJuniors tag.


These are just some of the posts... Please do visit the tag MyJuniors and show them some love and support! 💕💖 💓 💗

以上只是冰山一角而已,如果可以的话,希望大家可以不时点进MyJuniors的tag看看。给一点爱的鼓励!!!💕💖 💓 💗

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@kona's DailyPetPhotography / @kona 的每天寵物攝影活動

I have been visiting @kona's DailyPetPhotography for some time... Always forgot to post my photos for this challenge... So here's a one shot compilation of my animal photos.

我到 @kona 的每天寵物攝影活動逛了不少次,但每次都没把我拍的照片提交上来,所以希望一次过在这里补上。

My cousin's pet tortoise / 我表妹的乌龟 (我二女儿给它取名为“慧龟”)

Mounted Officers at my neighbourhood (Super cool) / 在我社区里的骑警 (很酷吧!)

A cat I met when I was having lunch somewhere at a mamak / 有天我吃午餐时碰上的一只喵星人

My Girls feeding the chicken at her daddy's best friend's auntie's house back in Kuala Perlis / 我的三个宝贝女儿在喂鸡

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Hopefully you enjoy what I have to give so far! Thanks again for all your support and love! That's it for today! With LOVE!💕💖 💓 💗

好吧!今天就到这里吧!再写下去的话,明天就没东西写了。。。哈哈哈。。。希望大家喜欢我今天为大家献上的爱还有照片吧!感谢你们!爱你哟!💕💖 💓 💗

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Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba


If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

Colorful hearts border is created using paint.net and gifmaker.me.


The STEEM Engine



There is a lot of love at Steemit as I have discovered early on my journey here. Happy to see that #team Malaysia is growing by leaps and bounds.

Thanks for dropping by! And also really appreciate you showed up during the MyJuniors launching and first workshop. Really sorry back then I couldn't chat much with you... Yup... You are one of the few that we started to find each other back in June or July last year. Team Malaysia is truly amazing and grow exponentially!

um... please don't mind me, I am just testing this out. I am not spamming, really. I'll be on my way now. oh yes... I just upvoted you by the way. Stephard Tester, superoo7/superoo7-dev

Thank you for your support in contest! Go team Malaysia ;)
Have a nice day and smile :)

Contests and challenges are one of the best ways to help us to come up with awesome ideas and posts! Support and love! ❤️💖💕💗

cool...thank you for your entry👍👍👍

Glad you like this!

@elizacheng, I always find joy reading your post. Got to learn some skills from you next time we meet up.

Looking forward to meeting you... We share experience... 😉

@elizacheng, 嘻嘻,小可可来给你点赞啦~~~ img


@elizacheng 喔,你社区还有骑警?这个真是太有趣!


Thanks for the shout out @elizacheng

I am so proud to be part of #teammalaysia and knowing you guys is such a blessing! Love what you did to the community too. Such an inspiration. Thank you so much for being an awesome person. 🤗

Thank you! 💗💕💖❤️

my sis is not a junior anymore, but i need to get her to post soon!! haha.. 17-year olds need to practice writing for their future =)

Yes. Writing is important. Steemit is not just about writing, it's about communicating too... Which I think is another important element in life too...

@maverickfoo already started the program for the teens, right? Will it be an ongoing project?

@maverickfoo can't do EVERYTHING... he will burn out. haha. it is good to delegate to different talents. ;)

i will be happy to host if i'm free. I've been guiding young students to learn about entrepreneurship around my hometown whenever i come home. Writing is good anyway, it will encourage them to improve their grammar and all, practice makes perfect!

Check with @maverickfoo, I think he would be happy to have someone to work together on this...

Haha. Burn out for sure. But I do have the contents. Just need a trainer to run it.

Wow....so much talent from teammalaysia. 2018 looks so promising.

2018 is gonna be AWESOME!

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