The Inner-net Musings, Quantum Entanglement .. and spacetime

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


As some of you know, this year I am focusing on what I call the Innernet. I've deactivated Facebook, and unplugged from the Internet almost completely. I hardly look at the news, and spend most of my time doing my own thing, keeping busy with many maintenance jobs and garden activities. It's been about two months now, and its been an eye opener! Even though I am located on the edge of a mountain in the far reaches of southern India, I am connected to you all and everything on the Innernet.

I have discovered a new world, and I am sill only learning what it is all about. Living more on the inner means many things to me, it is partly about unplugging from the various negative inputs of media and the general zeitgeist of fear. That is a breath of fresh air, but it is also about learning to act upon and influence others and the world from the inner. I have been doing this in the very small things, and the big. A very small example would be when I want a friend to give me something, but rather than ask I just think it and feel it and then let go. It then seems to happen very soon. Another nice example is what happened this morning. I went to fit a water filter in a neighbours house, and was picking up the various tools and things I would need to do the job. I noticed a roll of insulation tape, and whilst I didn't think I would need it, I had that feeling, and so I picked it up and brought it with me. Sure enough It was just what I needed to do the job properly! We all know these subconscious thoughts, and often ignore them, or don't even hear them whilst we are focused on our task. Now I have learned to trust that little voice, it is making life much easier. Another little voice came to my mind whilst fitting this water filter. I was about to connect the filter to the cold water tap, and under the sink were two main outlets marked clearly with red and blue. I was about to just plumb it in to the blue line when that little voice told me to check it, hot water would ruin the filter. As unlikely as it seemed, I was right and the hot water had been plumbed into the cold tap line!

Where do these voices come from? Where do our thoughts come from? That voice comes from the Innernet, and is what I am now using to guide and manifest a new and better life.

On the larger scale of things, I realized some time ago that trying to effect change through debate, posts, arguments etc. is pretty ineffective. I realise now that it is much easier to bypass the ego and the mental/emotional state and use the Innernet for communication, at least for deep stuff and not general daily logistics. We can change each other from deep within, because we are all connected.

I have also spent some time pondering some of the concepts around space, time, and the mystical quantum world. It's way too complex to understand exactly, but today we know enough to say that most of what I am experiencing on the Innernet is well explained by quantum entanglement.

Space time. The speed of light.

Did you know that the speed of light is constant? What do I mean by that? It is a very strange thing, but true. If light is emitted from an object that is moving very fast, that light will travel at the same speed as an object that is not moving at all. It seems impossible, but is just a small part of the quantum world. Nothing can travel faster than light, and so regardless of how fast the object is moving, the light will never travel faster than the object that is in a fixed position. To understand this, and much more I will share what I was thinking about this morning.

We are already moving close to the speed of light, and nothing goes faster, so what gives?
When standing perfectly still we are moving at speeds close to the speed of light. Our planet spins on its own axis. The whole earth moves in orbits around our sun. Our entire solar system spins in galactic orbits, and on it goes. We may not feel it , but we are moving at dizzying speeds in each and every moment. Therefore we cannot go that much faster, since we cannot exceed the speed of light, and so when we try to move too much faster we reach the speed limit of light and start to crunch time and space instead. This is not theory but it is real, exactly how things are. If you take two clocks and put one on a very long and fast journey, the clock that was moving will be slightly behind the other clock when it returns. This has been demonstrated!

Time is like the element of perception. It is the vehicle to experience life, and was created from the One which was split into infinite pieces. Time is like a lens that we can use to discover the individual moments that make up life. Time gives us reference points so that we can compare one with another, and ultimately discover who we really are. Time is anything but static, fixed, or reliable because it can be effected by so many things including gravity and more importantly consciousness or emotions/feelings.

Consciousness, the missing element.

I believe there is a fourth element to the equation of life, which is consciousness. Consciousness is like the mesh that ties everything together to give it form and structure. Consciousness is like the light of a projector in a movie theatre, shining through the film of reality. It is possible to affect space/ time by changing our consciousness. This is good to know! This is the root of something much bigger and interesting, related to manifesting what we want in the world. We can not only alter time itself through our feelings, but also our space, or better said, the particular thread of time we are moving on.

We can jump between potential realities by altering our feelings, just like that. Our universe consists of all potentials and possibilities happening at the same time. We know this from the microcosmic world, where electrons do not exist in one location in one moment, but exist in one or multiple locations at the same time. It is only when that electron is observed that it takes a definite position in reality and jumps onto one of infinite threads of space/time. So, as luck would have it, being lucky may be more of a factor of our positive feelings changing our reality than any random roll of the dice. In each and every moment we are moving between these realities because they are all one reality overlaid and meshed. Every reality exists and is happening, and we choose which one we would like to focus on and experience! That is reality, it is literally your choice!

Time Travel

In moments of intense emotion we can also time travel. It is very hard to squeeze time by moving faster, but much easier to do it by changing our perception or feeling. The ironic truth of our reality is that we do not move through time, but everything else moves and squeezes and expands around us. We are all pulsating at different speeds and rhythms, living in the same space but in different vibrations, with time linked to our consciousness. Does time not massively speed up when we are enjoying ourselves and slow down when we are not? It is real, not an illusion, time really does speed up when we are enjoying ourselves. Do happy people not appear younger, perhaps that is why!!!

The universe is like a triad of space/time and light. Each one effects the other, and they are all linked. That means that you can affect any one of them by altering the other. And so, time travel is not only possible but happening all the time. We are all time travellers, and some of us move faster than others through it. There may be a few very special people who have discovered a feeling far greater than enjoyment, that speeds time up to such an extent that you can move to the future. That is the time machine of the Innernet! No tech, no machine, just pure consciousness in a heightened {enlightened} state. If you are an accomplished athlete and want to shave a few more milliseconds off your running time, then learn to enjoy the run as much as you can, with maximal enjoyment, and you will squeeze space and time and appear to run faster, whilst actually time travelling. I'm sure it will work!

Time and space are inexorably linked, one cannot exist without the other, they are in a way one and the same thing, or better said, time is the fractional or fragmented perception of space. Time exists because of space, and space cannot exist without time. Neither of them can exist without movement through this triad of life. This is the divine lens through which we are granted an opportunity to experience the microcosmic universe and so know ourselves even deeper.

How to Vanish

If we could stop moving, which is impossible since we live in a moving universe, time would stop completely, which would also eradicate space. The universe would cease to exist to us. We would literally disappear if we could stop moving, and would enter a parallel dimension that Transends time and space. I would imagine you might discover a place akin to heaven in that reality, or else perhaps a great void in between.

Quantum Entanglement

You and I are entangled. What I feel right now is affecting not just you, but also tiny particles on the other side of the universe, instantly. The Innernet has its roots and workings based on this entanglement. What you think, feel and perceive affects me, no matter where I am. We can interreact with the world through this channel, and it works. When we look within to communicate with the outside world we can tap into the power of the Innernet and Quantum Entanglement. I have been playing with this new way of manifesting even the small things I need in life through thought and feeling. It seems to be working because lately I just think about something I need rather than asking someone for it and it just seems to come by itself! It's almost like once you start trusting it, and just put what you need out into the quantum world of feeling, it responds! It actually works and the more you trust in it the better it seems to get.

I hope this has given you a fun peek into the quantum world, and life, the universe and everything. I'd love to hear what you think about all of this in the comments!

Have a perfect day folks!



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I admit, when I read the title I thought it was about a hidden part of the internet akin to the deep web, the truth was much better. Great read, I have noticed and I agree with much of it, I found specially interesting the part about consciousness, it it true that not much is know about it, so really anything is possible. Have a perfect day too!

Thanks mike! Glad u tried it!

I enjoyed very much this scientific article without any “scientific reference”: I recognize you as a scientist that is sharing its own experience and I’m very grateful for that.

I feel that for recognizing a truth, we need feelings rather than thinking: this way we can be free from the many mental cages built by our false ego.

I resteemed with joy and I would like to share your innerspace description with my Italian friends, so I’m going to translate this post, if you agree @eco-alex.

A huge hug 🤗 from @amico!

Posted using Partiko iOS

thank you amico, these words touch me ;) im Very happy for you to spread this around to your friends so please do feel free to translate it .. much love from the innernet!

I was reading your post with such an amazement! Normally I got turned off by such texts that push the envelope of reality, because before I get too far in it, I'm overwhelmed by immediate semantics: "what do you call xyz?" and "how do you define abc?" Not so in this case! In fact, most of what you were talking about regarding time and space, perception and reality, consciousness and change, have all been lessons to me the world has demonstrated time and time again during my long bike trip last year: Making decisions, actively choosing freedom to alter the world. Inviting Serendipity and Good Providence to help us manifest reality, as if they were (they are!) actual conscient beings. Traveling through space at our own pace, and time will bend itself to place. Looking back at it now, it almost feels like I was living in different world at that time, with different rules guiding it. So reading your piece makes me see that it's not, unless I decide to put limitations on it. Thanks for sharing these awesome thoughts!

thank you for this loveley comment stortebeker! Im really happy it resonates with you, and totally understand what you are saying.. reality is a funny ol world ;-)

was just hanging with hart tonight, eating vegan cheese pizza and playing games.. hes cool. and says hi!

Well, Hi back to him too! I have a feeling it's just a matter of time (hehehe... time...) before the three of us do the same together! :-)

I absolutely LOVE this post!! Enjoying tiny glimpses of your innernet experiences, and wanting more. It has been a week of releasing things that don't serve my peace or creativity, or which take my energy in directions that don't feed my soul. Thank you for your reflection. Untangling is a beautiful thing. Resteemed and also shared to my evil 'front of house' facebook audience. Your thoughts there will speak to at least one person who is ready to hear, and we will collectively grow. Much love from Thailand.

An excellent read Alex. The more you get still the more your consciousness elevates. We are all entangled with each other and can influence each other through the vibrational levels we are at. As said, we are all in the same school but just different standards.

Im glad it made sense for u!! .. and no surprise there xxx

-WOW!! That was really eye opening.... I really enjoyed your explanation about consciousness .......also could you just please explain me the part where you said time passes by faster when we are enjoying and that's the reason happy people look younger.............. shouldn't it be time passes by slower than usual when people are happier and that's why happy people are younger?

I just made an article for life and inspiration that all ecotrain readers will love HERE

Great article, agree with pretty much everything. Not only an enchanted life but one in which the enchangtment gets deconstructed; yet the carm still works. I'll be folloiwing your posts!

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