Steemit Meetup NYC: The True Global Community and The World Exactly As It Should Be

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


If you've already read @surfermarly's, @prufarchy's, and @hansikhouse's posts then you'll have learned that the excitement of meeting face to face was palpable, to the extent it warranted an explanation to the stranger who took the above picture:

"We're meeting for the first time!" @hansikhouse proclaimed, and we couldn't stop grinning foolishly...well I definitely couldn't as you can see in every single picture where I look like a clown--(a sunburned clown :)

Additionally you'll know that @prufarchy and I are making plans not only for steemfest, but also to go on a 'meester' hunt through the Scottish Moors! I can't even tell you how awesome the thought of traipsing across Europe with this genius poet is (my gorgeous friend in the green shirt) to see the lovely, genuine, hilarious, and always entertaining @meesterboom! Cor! (It doesn't hurt that two more of my favorite people on the globe live there too-- @son-of-satire, @tonyr ;)

I'm going to tell you how this beautiful meeting in NYC came about and a bit more about those in attendance...

...and then I am going to explain the title of this post, so don't skim when you come to the next large heading :)


@surfermarly put up a post to let everyone know she was going on vacation and mentioned she was going to a city she'd never seen, in fact she'd twice before had plans to go but they'd fallen through. As I began to wish my lovely friend an excellent time I suddenly had this I asked: "This city, wouldn't happen to be New York city would it?" "It is!" she told me, and I knew it was fate, an opportunity that I simply could not pass up. Meeting this beautiful German girl who spends her days in the Canary Islands of Spain, surfing and helping her dad raise hot peppers then sharing it all with us, a woman who has been an enormously positive force in my life since we first met on here, as well as the lives of many others... This would be a dream made reality.

So I reached out to @andrarchy, and for those of you who do not know him, steemit inc. could not have chosen a better man for the task of promoting this platform to those who can help 'take it to the moon' as we would all like to see. Day and night he is out there recruiting because he believes in steem, he believes in steemit, he believes in us. And while he misses being a content creator, he knows that all great things require sacrifice. If you get a chance, be sure to thank him, because he is sacrificing the most valuable commodity on this planet-Time.

Despite his busy schedule he was happy to not only meet Marly and I, but also select a place for us to meet not only him but any others who might want to join us.


And one of these others, @hansikhouse, was someone I did not know until just before the meet-up. Yet the moment we met, with kisses on the cheek and a beautiful genuine smile, I knew I'd found another kindred spirit on this amazing journey. He and his friend @voronois have begun a project called steemit park If you have not seen this, I highly suggest you click on that link, or you may be missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. And if it's not enough for them to provide one lifetime opportunity, they're already busy with another- THE CREATIVE BLOCKCHAIN NYC: Steemit's New Meetup Group in the Big Apple


When I saw that last post, I couldn't help but feel a bit of pride at the small role I might have played in bringing it about! Amazing guys.

And lastly, though certainly not least, I met the man responsible for bringing @surfermarly to the platform, essentially making him the reason we were all there that day- her dear friend @knircky. A giant of a man with whom I would feel safe walking the streets of any city, I found him brilliant and kind, and it was easy to see why Marly connected with him in University and remained close friends with him all these years. If you are not already following him, I recommend you do so now as he is an avid curator and if you interact with him, he will respond in kind.


And now what I would like to discuss is this next picture.

What do you see when you look at it?

I will tell you what I see.

I see the world exactly as it should be.


On many occasions, both on steemit and off, I have written my thoughts about how this platform has transformed my life. How it was the creative outlet for my fiction that I was missing, how it inspired a passion for photography I didn't know I had, how it had given me new purposes and experiences...but as incredible as all of that is, it's the people that I fell in love with.

When they say "Come for the rewards, stay for the community"? This is not a gimmick. This is an absolute fact.

Every single day I talk to friends from all over the globe. New Zealand, the Philippines, Nigeria, Scotland, London, Canada, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, France... NO exaggeration, if anything I'm almost certainly missing some!

Steemit shatters every barrier that could possibly exist between people.

I knew one of my closest friends on here for a full month before I learned that English was not his first language! And another great friend who is almost entirely Spanish speaking as I am almost entirely English speaking! And yet another whose gender I wasn't sure of for months. I have become close with people whose faces I have never seen, voices I have never heard, our relationships based on a love of one another's spirits, minds, thoughts, creative endeavors, similar ideas, ideals, and beliefs. There are no borders here, the only color is everycolor, the only race is the human race, the only religion is love. If steemit was indicative of what the future held for the world, then it would be a bright future indeed. We could all go peacefully to sleep at night, we could all stop worrying about the fates of our children and their children after them.

Just about every social media site on the internet boasts being Global. is the first one that actually lives up to this claim.

I can't wait to see any of you again or for the first time, I love you all! Thank you!


I would like to give a special thanks to @surfermarly and @andrarchy for providing me with the pictures for this post. I had one tiny dark smudge on my amazing trip, and that is the unfortunate loss of my camera by some sticky fingers on one of the trains (completely my fault for failing to zip up the side pocket it was in). The cost to replace the device falls far below the irreplaceable pictures that were on it.

And though I know if I were to have put this in the headline of the post I would likely have garnered sympathy votes and potentially brought in enough to buy another, I just couldn't bring myself to make it the focus, because for me the experience of being in the city with a group of evolved beings of light far outweighed the loss of a mere material possession. Marly even sacrificed pictures for her own post to ensure I would still have plenty for mine, such is the beauty of her spirit, such is the power of a real community that cares for one another.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


What a phenomenal post, @dreemit!

The connections being made here on Steemit transcend anything any other social media platform has to offer. It's so kool you and @surfmarly bonded so well, as well as all the other great steemians I see in the pictures! @prufarchy, @hansikhouse, @surfermarly, I'd love to meet you all, lol! @andrarchy, we love you, brother, for pushing Steemit farther than it has ever gone before! Great job!

Well, I'm so glad your planning on going to meet @meesterboom! Almost right on my doorstep near England! Try to make it here to London as well if you are round this side of the globe. You'll be well taken care by us as many other steemians reside here too. It would be an absolute blast! We'll organise something in Steemchat. :)

Great post and glad to see it's getting the love it deserves. You are a dream! Thank you for bringing so much joy to all you come into contact with here on the platform (and now in the physical space, lol). Just awesome! :)

Thank you @ezzy! It was such a great experience, and the connections definitely do transcend, it really is what makes this place so special.

It's not a definite that I'm going yet, though there is an excellent chance, and if I do seeing you would be a priority! You are so sweet, thank you for your kind words. It will be a dream come true to meet you in the physical!!

Hope we can see each other in Lisbon, Steemfest 2. :)

Without a doubt, @juvyjabian.

Great. Hope I can fix things with the embassy :)

I am glad you directed me to this post my friend, I did not know you guys were planning a meet up and never saw Marly's posts about coming your way, shoot, she was just a few hours away from me, another #CryptoCrush I will maybe never meet hahaha!

I had a smile on my face the whole time reading this post, you are such a good soul and glad you felt so good about how this all turned out. Camera loss put in perspective also.

I was super excited to see the pizza and pizza place you decided to structure this meetup around


Meeting steemians makes us all excited. Its like I could not wait no more. Its hard to understand but thats just it, we are bound to be one big happy family. Excellent platform!

Plus @dreemit is like everyone's sister


Good to know that.

She has a voucher that requires her to fly into Canada (I cannot blame you, she is a beauty inside and out!) so you may meet her yet!

The pizza was almost the level of excellence as the company...not quite, but almost haha!

You know there is an actual coin called Pizza Coin eh?

Trade symbol -- PIZZA

That should have been meeeee!!

If she flew into the airport in the west end of Toronto, she was literally an hour from me, 90 mins with some traffic.

She may have flown into Ottawa or Montreal areas, they are likely somewhat closer depending on where in NYS she was heading first or meeting you guys

Oh no, I"m not talking about this time around, she didn't go into Canada. But she has a voucher to fly into Canada that she has to use by next year, so she will be flying there :) We talked about Niagara Falls area because that is only a couple of hours from me!

I was in the Falls for a few days with a friend 3 summers ago. I wish I could get out and do normal stuff again.

This is a living nightmare every day what I am dealing with now.

Hi just happen we are doing meet up here too in the Philippines in Cebu City hope someday you can visit us guys, how we are so happy to see you then. Wooaah amazing everyone is gathering around @barrydutton not just in campfire hahaha

I want to meet lots of you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeesss, and we are willing to embrace you then soon if we have first steemfest here in the Philippines @barrydutton :))

Congratulations dear friend @dreemit for this wonderful experience of having met all these wonderful people, @surfermarly's, @prufarchy's, @hansikhouse, @ prufarchy, @ meesterboom, @ son of satire, @ tonyr, @ surfermarly, @ andrarchy , @voronois, @surfermarly, @knircky, these things are what make our social network unique and incomparable.
I hope someday I can get to know you all personally.
Many thanks for this wonderful post loaded with emotions
Have a beautiful weekend

Thank you so much lovely @jlufer :) I was talking about you in this post too, when I said I have a great friend here who mostly only speaks Spanish, while I mostly only speak English. I hope to meet you someday too!

Beautiful, heartfelt post! You are one of those special people at the heart of Steemit who bring people together and create community. x

Thank you Deb! Is there any way that you'd be able to go to steemfest? Make my life complete? In some ways it didn't feel like it was only the first time Marly and I met, which tells me that it will most definitely seem that way with you. I love you! xo

Unlikely this year, though I would love to. Maybe next year, fingers crossed. The meester hunt sounds like it will be lots of fun too, if it happens.

Darn! There's rumors that the next steemfest will be in the US. If they did it in NYC or anywhere on the Northeast coast, you would have to come and stay with us! If I get to steemfest, I'm definitely doing the meester hunt!

That would be such a special trip - visiting NYC, staying with you, Steemfest. There's something to dream about.

Fantastic post @dreemit!!

If we could all see the world through your eyes it would be a much more beautiful place!! :)

Looks like you all had a great time! We missed you here while you were gone but absence makes the heart grow fonder! :)

Looking forward to seeing you if you make it to Scotland! That would be great!! :)

:) I shall warn the locals of your impending arrival! :)

Thanks @tonyr ;) Hm, maybe I could make dreemit glasses, they would naturally have a slightly rose tint to them...haha!
We had a fantastic time...that was the longest I've ever gone without commenting since I've been on here! Mostly because it would have been rude to ignore my cousins when I haven't seen them in a year, and once I get on steemit it's tough to pull me away.
Then I got home only to learn that one of my closest childhood friends was coming up from North Carolina for a week with her family so I've had to sneak into my room to steal some steemit time.
I am really hoping that I will be able to pull off steemfest and Scotland, that would be incredible! I've never been to Europe.
Yes, definitely warn them!

I ❤️ Steemit

What a great post and its looks like you all had a great time. And damn that Pizza 🍕 looks Good 😊

I heart steemit too, haha! (I'm on my laptop so I unfortunately don't have cute emojis ;) Thank you, we definitely did! That pizza was good, I'd like to move it upstate with me ;)

Ah shoot! I spaced out when I said, I didn't know @prufarchy before (mostly because I didn't recognize him from his pic) haha! Upon further research, it seems that I have commented on his posts on more than one occasion! This being the first time, I think haha

Am I that friend who you thought that English was a first language?? haha! I know there are a lot on here, but I've gotten that statement more times than I can count. I still don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not haha!

It's really great the Steemit is bridging all these continents together. I still believe it's its primary strength, even though some people benefit from that than most. One of these days, maybe with the introduction of the Communities, things would normalize a bit. Until then, seeing these kinds of meetups with different continents represented in one picture is such an encouraging sign. I wish my feed is flooded with these kinds of posts rather than daily milestones that are only meant to milk cash.

I'm so happy you guys had a great time! Hopefully a meetup like this is in my future as well :D

It's definitely a compliment! If I could write another language so well that people didn't realize it was not my first language I'd be thrilled :)
I agree that it's the primary strength, I love that aspect.
lol to the milestone posts. I stopped doing them when they stopped being hard...when I get to a major number in rep or followers I will.

Thanks, and I know you will at some point, has to be done :)

This is an indication that steemit has no boundaries. We can establish good relationship on all corners of the world through steemit and thats just so amazing.

Oh, don't get me wrong, sis! I actually had a conversation with someone in the comments just last week about milestones, and I pointed out your 10,000 SP milestone post as a shining example of what a milestone post should look like. The way you paid an homage to everyone that helped you reach that point is something to behold.

I'm knocking those users who post milestone posts almost every other day (i.e. 300, 400, 500 SP or followers). It really decreases the value of milestone posts to be just some common thing. Milestones, by definition, should celebrate an achievement that wasn't completed so easily. Hence the name "mile stone" to denote the length a person goes through to reach it. If someone reaches milestones at breakneck pace, then the criteria for what a milestone is for said person should be adjusted, don't you agree?

I'll want to be at the next one of these- looks like fun to meet some of the steemit gang in the City.

Apparently @hansikhouse and @voronois are going to start a monthly meetup there. I won't be able to do that, but I definitely will be able to go to some. If you go to the link you can join the group...I haven't really looked at it yet other than to join, but I imagine it will tell you who is going when?

If you came to NY you would have a place to stay...of course if I'm going to a meetup I'll be staying at my cousins on Long Island but you're more than welcome there too. And if you get this far, you definitely have to come up to our area :)

I need to get back to the City, that place still calls me. I don't know if I ever made it to long Island while I was there, now that I think about it. I always wanted to go up into the state though, since reading 'My Side of the Mountain' so long ago, I wanted to see the Catskills and beyond...

Great seeing! Thanks so much for the nice words, you're too kind!

Not a false word in that post, you are all incredible, and you really made that possible for me by passing me those pictures! Thank you!

My dear soulmate, it's been so wonderful to finally meet you in person!!! I'm so happy and grateful you came to New York. Meeting you in real life just confirmed what I already knew from our numerous chats on steemit: you are somebody that just can be loved, with a big heart at the right place and a wonderful positive attitude. Thanks for your amazingly kind words, I just can give all of them back to you. A big hug to you my lovely friend, and once I've escaped from the blinking jungle in Nevada, I'll be back here and look forward to uncountable chats with you 😍😍😍
PS: You know that I will need to dance again in the subway one day and you will need to document that with your new cam 😄👍

My darling kindred spirit, I could not agree more! I knew the moment that you said the city you were goint to was NY we were fated to meet! In fact..I swear I had a feeling it was going to be NY before you said it!
Meeting you, and the others, has definitely increased my desire to go to steemfest a hundred fold, because now I don't just think, I know that I'm right about the evolved spirits in this place :)

I hope you are having the time of your life with @knircky, I can't wait for all of the posts you will do about your trip!! Big hugs and kisses to you too!
You have that voucher! Whereever you choose to go, you can spend some of the time with us and I will take you on the finger lakes wine trail, or to some cideries if you prefer...I'm sure we can find a bottle of bubbly you'd enjoy ;) You would love my brother and sister-in-law, and Rochester is a fun little city. In fact @prufarchy might be moving there :)

(That was definitely the picture I was most disappointed to lose!! It was so awesome!)

Oh that definitely sounds like a great plan for this flight voucher 😃👏👏👏 We'll have to meet again soon wherever it's going to be. This community truly opens horizons in any sense and builds bridges over the largest Oceans 😉
Biggest hugs sweetie 😘😘😘

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