How Cryptocurrencies Appreciate: Speculation versus Organic Growth

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

The word “bubble” is more and more frequent when it comes to cryptocurrencies. After all, Ethereum was $10 just a year ago and now sits at around $300. If anything, this appreciation is extremely fast.

So, what does it takes for a currency to appreciate? How its value increases (or decreases)?

In my opinion, there are only two ways in which this happens: speculation and organic growth.


This is a process in which risk is traded for reward. The higher the risk, the bigger the reward. And the loss. You bet with a certain amount of your current stake that the value of that token will appreciate in a certain timeframe (usually a very short one). If it does, you get a lot of money. If it doesn’t, you lose a lot of money.

The problem with speculation is that big actors can manipulate the market. If there is a “smell” of a profit, they will start moving the market in the direction they want. How they do this is beyond the scope of the article, but it’s not rocket science. In short, they can make a token “seem” profitable by manipulating its actual growth, making it “look like” it’s growing. When other actors see a significant increase in the price, they jump in, by fear of not losing out (FOMO).

But when they do, it’s probably too late: price will correct itself fast and they will lose a lot (if not all) of their investment.

Speculation is a high risk / high reward process and, because of that, I call it “expensive”. Many members of the ecosystem will lose very fast very significant amounts of money, while others will reap the benefits.

Organic Growth

This is a process in which the risk is balanced in an ecosystem of external transactions for goods and services. In other words, the currency is valued not only towards people who want to trade it in and by itself, but also against the perceived values which that currency can bring to them. Namely, what you can buy with it.

Many fiat currencies appeared as a byproduct of barter transactions, by the way. They were created as placeholders for trust in one to one exchanges of goods. Whereas cryptos were created (well, most of them) as a mathematical experiment. There isn’t (yet) much you can buy with crypto.

But as the quantity and quality of the goods which can be acquired with crypto will increase, their value, as tokens, will stabilize.

The price of organic appreciation is usually very small. It’s not an “expensive” way of appreciation, because nobody actually loses anything. The underlying value of the entire ecosystem grows. Think of it like countries and their currencies. The stronger the economy of a country, the more you can buy with that currency.

Anaerobic versus Aerobic Effort

As many of you know, I’m an ultra-runner, currently enjoying distances between 100 and 200 km. Getting to that level of endurance requires - apart from training, obviously - a lot of knowledge about the inner working of the human body. I learned this hard way. I really can’t remember how many times I was injured during my first year of running. I know that swollen ankles and blocked knees were just natural for me. Slowly, I learned not only how to run better and stay injure free, but how to train that specific part of the body that accounts for endurance.

You see, the human body has two way of moving:

  • extremely fast (anaerobic), but for a small amount of time - the “fight or flight” protective mechanism
  • or slow (aerobic), but for a very, very long time - the "persistence hunting" mechanism

And by very long time I mean really long time, like days. I know it’s hard for a modern individual to accept the fact that you can run for days, continuously, but this is how we, humans, outsmarted other mammals, with what is known today as ‘persistence hunting”. Basically we could pursue a much faster animal, like an antelope, for days, until that poor antelope felt down, overheated and exhausted. We still have that in us.

As for the “fast but short”, we used this to avoid imminent dangers, like bigger predators or environmental hazard (earthquakes, fires, floods). The downside of running fast was that the fuel for it was in less quantity than ideal. In other words, we couldn’t sustain maximum speed for more than a few dozens of minutes.

And the real downside was that the byproducts of this high sprint were quite toxic: lactic acid was forming between our muscle fibers, overall body acidity was increasing, leading to all sort of other dysfunctions. We could escape the danger but usually it took us days to recover. The cost was high.

The differences between these two “gears” of the human body are very similar to the differences between speculation and organic growth of a currency.

In certain conditions you can have a sprint, and appreciate really fast, but the costs are usually high. Members of the ecosystem will be deprived (they will lose a lot more than they can afford) and a correction will come soon. The recovery process will be lengthy.

Whereas organic appreciation is much more like persistence hunting: it may take months or years, but the overall cost for the community is insignificant: everybody will have a piece of the prey and the body damage will be minimal.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Nice analogy ;-)

I guess the best strategy is to have a bunch of crypto and sit on it, and then have a smaller pile that you play the markets with.

At the moment I only have a small pile, but once that builds up a little, I'll take an even smaller pile and see what reward I can get from the risk. ;-)

That's my strategy too.

I started to build a portfolio with very small amounts of STEEM (5-10 / day, for a few weeks) and I have now 2-3 minuscule positions. Once these are getting to a healthy amount, I'll start short term trading as well. From my FOREX trading experience I know scalping tends to be quite time consuming. And addictive.

This article taught me another thing. I didn't know people are able to run for days, never imagined that... I feel respect for you for developing such abilities. Congrats!

Thanks, but, with proper training, anybody can do that :) You may get a few tips from here.

I can't believe, you have written a book about this topic... So it seems that you are not entirely on the crypto. Wow, I feel like a child now :D

I wrote many other books :)

This is a very interesting and I think quite the insightful way of looking at this issue. The important distinction here is that the cryptocurrencies which are going to grow organically over time are the ones that offer some additional utility, not just an opportunity for speculation.

I've said this before, but I think Steem offers a utility that most other cryptocurrencies can't and this allows it to build a unique type of economy that can allow for value to be created for all participants, not just for the winners of the speculation game.

Steem offers a utility that most other cryptocurrencies can't

I'm 110% with you on this one. Actually, I started to write the article thinking about how STEEM is different from other cryptos and why it is appreciating at a slower speed, but then got sidetracked by my running ramblings :)

Oh, in my opinion your running parallel is actually brilliant and you can always make a brand new post about what makes STEEM different later.

Agree. 'Value to be created for all participants' comes about by the value given by the participants, in terms of their time, skills and expertise. 🦋

The true value of Bitcoin and cryptos is unkown since this is a new market. We will have to wait and see what happens but considering that large companies such as Facebook have a market cap of 500 billion dollars I would not be surprised if cryptos reach 1 trillion dollars market cap. After all it is the next .com boom.

But the point is that most current BTC buyers, are in fact buying btc to make a profit from(In $)

Your "rants" about running are always enjoyable

Hey @dragosrua, dind't know you were an ultra nunner. You probably know Kilian Jornet and and silver medal 2005 long distance duatlon Marcel Zamora both from my hometown, Barcelona.
I remember the day I met Marcel, 10 years ago, a common friend introduced me to him and I had a chance to congratulate him for his recent silver medal and we chat for few minutes. I was amazed when asked him how he was doing after coming out of a minor injury and he told me he was ok but his leg was starting to hurt after running 100km. I was just amazed at how someone can run for more than 100km and just worry because after that his leg hurts :)
He is a very humble guy and his answer was, "nothing to be proud of, as with anything in life, just training, training and training".

To me the reason bubble is thrown around so much is its click bait. Who wants to read an article about the organic growth of the crytpo market. What about the crypto market is going to moon next month and here is why.

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