Is The U.N. Running Out Of Money?

in #money6 years ago

According to the U.N. Chief, Antonio Guterres, the organization is running out of money thanks to delayed contributions from members.

U.N. officials recently urged member states to pay their contributions that are still owing. If they don't start paying, he warns that they could see a cash shortage like they've never seen before. It's estimated that there are still dozens of member states who have yet to pay their annual assessments, but this isn't unusual.

They are still waiting on their biggest payment which will be coming from the United States and allegedly accounts for roughly 22 percent of their entire budget.

This scenario has happened before, with many states lagging behind on their payments well into the year.

Hundreds of billions have been fueled toward this organization over the years, and you might have wondered what good has been achieved with all of that money? Has it been worth it?

U.N. Officials have insisted that they are going to be looking for ways to reduce spending and cut back on their expenses, along with waiting for those outstanding tabs to be paid.

Wasteful spending tactics have previously been exposed by those who've worked for the U.N., and allegations have been made that the organization has been untruthful in their financial reporting and they've neglected to be forthcoming about where the money is going.

Previous reports have disclosed that the organization has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on travel costs alone, with thousands of their workers flying business class, or first class, all on the taxpayers dime; which they had no say over.

No one should be forced to fund this organization.

And it would likely be better for the cause of liberty if the organization were peacefully dissolved completely.



I wouldn't be surprised, it's easy to cut funding to the UN first if there're economic problems

What good have they done until now?
Its just one of the biggest scams out there...the countries who funds them the UN would never go against them...
It's just mind-blowing how so much money is wasted on them which could have been used for a better cause...

It's easy to be cynical of their value but the UN also represents world peace and it'd be ominous to see it decline and fade into obscurity.

But I feel it's just been created for us to think that it represents world peace...what happens inside is totally different...

Dry them up financially and stop all their murder and war they perpetuate.

The most amazing thing is that UN hasn't been able to act even as an effective watchdog. Truthfully at the end of the day the amounts pledged to the organization comes from our pockets and our say there is so far removed in proxies that a common man doesn't gives a s*** about what happens there.

If the last two decades has shown us anything, it is that Neither our countries nor the UN are willing to protect us. The question of protection isn't about protection from outside, the heart of the question is that 'who protects us from our own countries'

People are learning the hard way that they are on their own. UN has bigger problems than money. The biggest problem is that after seven decades of failure people don't care about UN anymore.

Governments always waste money from countries on unimportant things

Governments always
Waste money from countries on
Unimportant things

                 - jennimorillo

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maybe it can be said that there are some individuals in the forum who use the budget for personal needs.

I have a bit of a different take on the UN myself, particular in the peacekeeping area much has been achieved, sure like everywhere savings could be achieved but many have been over the years

Again looking at peacekeeping which I know first hand the budgets have been cut considerably over the years and when you compare what is spent on a Un Mission compared to a similar military operation the funding for the UN is pretty low.

But again just my thoughts

and then I see the multiple reports of their peacekeepers raping women and children in various countries worldwide and it just makes ya think...

@doitvoluntarily Yes sadly there have been cases of that by some of the troops deployed by the Member States and yes they are peacekeepers but provided by the member state countries and that is disgusting and I to am shocked and appalled by that, the peacekeeping missions also have had good results in helping out war torn countries, and have many staff who work for the UN in these missions risking and sometimes losing their lives to try and help the countries where they are deployed

I guess with everything there is good and bad, and subjects that could be related to politics I tend to avoid, but it is a subject I personally have strong views about from experience.

That said my opinion is just that my opinion and I never try to force it on anyone

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