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RE: Is The U.N. Running Out Of Money?

in #money6 years ago

I have a bit of a different take on the UN myself, particular in the peacekeeping area much has been achieved, sure like everywhere savings could be achieved but many have been over the years

Again looking at peacekeeping which I know first hand the budgets have been cut considerably over the years and when you compare what is spent on a Un Mission compared to a similar military operation the funding for the UN is pretty low.

But again just my thoughts


and then I see the multiple reports of their peacekeepers raping women and children in various countries worldwide and it just makes ya think...

@doitvoluntarily Yes sadly there have been cases of that by some of the troops deployed by the Member States and yes they are peacekeepers but provided by the member state countries and that is disgusting and I to am shocked and appalled by that, the peacekeeping missions also have had good results in helping out war torn countries, and have many staff who work for the UN in these missions risking and sometimes losing their lives to try and help the countries where they are deployed

I guess with everything there is good and bad, and subjects that could be related to politics I tend to avoid, but it is a subject I personally have strong views about from experience.

That said my opinion is just that my opinion and I never try to force it on anyone

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