The insane version of the dark knight in "Dark Nights: Death Metal"

in #art4 years ago


This character is the most cunning and creepy dark knight. He first appeared in one of Bruce Wayne's nightmares of Earth 0, which became real in the Dark Multiverse, entirely consisting of the nightmares and regrets of the inhabitants of the ordinary Multiverse. This character's world is known as Earth -22. When the local Joker took over Gotham and began to transform his children into the likeness of himself and Batman, the latter broke free and killed him. As a result, the toxin of the Joker, released from his heart, got inside Bruce and gradually began to process him. A few days later, Wayne, succumbing to the influence of the toxin, personally killed his family, except for his blood son. He infected the latter and made one of the Robins who laugh. These Robins are the fruit of the Joker's labors during their final battle. This is how Batman became the Batman who laughs. After the family, he took up the heroes, applying to each of the special weapons made before the infection. The last heroes turned out to be the Superman family, whom he killed with his own "black kryptonite", forcing the Kryptonites to kill their loved ones with their own hands. When the main character killed all the inhabitants of his universe, Barbatos came to him and showed him an ordinary Multiverse, as well as other Earths of the Dark Multiverse, which were dying at an unknown date. Determined to destroy the regular Multiverse and create a new one, Barbatos orders the laughing one to recruit a team of Dark Knights, made up of the fiercest Batmen of the Dark Multiverse. Batman Who Laughs did just that. The team included:

During an unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Multiverse, the protagonist was stopped by Batman and the Joker of Earth 0. The rest of the team were killed. When the local Bruce left the Joker alone, the dark Wayne disappeared. Later, Batman Who Laughs faced the House of Conquest. A few months later, the one who laughs, crossing with the local Legion of Doom, tells Lex Luthor about the creator of the ordinary Multiverse named Perpetua. Even later, the main character decided to create his own team of infected heroes. Its first members were:

Together with his new partner, the dark Bruce tried to make the local Wayne and the inhabitants of Gotham Earth 0 look like themselves, and Commissioner Gordon - a member of his team. He managed to accomplish only the latter. As a result, the infected Gordon became his eyes and ears. During the execution of the double plan of the dark Wayne, he learns that the last member of his Secret Six was Supergirl (Supergirl (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), "Supergirl Annual" and Hell Arisen), thanks to the Commissioner. A few months after this plan is executed, Batman, who laughs, orders the infected Supergirl (Supergirl) to conquer National City, and the bound Gordon to infect all the heroes who hold him. Later, the one who laughs becomes the Villain of the Year. After the last battle with Lex Luthor, the protagonist becomes Perpetua's new partner.

Now I will tell you the continuation of the story of this character.

The action takes place on Earth 0. Bruce (-22) helped Perpetua connect to the Dark Multiverse so that it feeds on its endless energy of crises. For this, the creator of the Multiverse changes Earth 0. Wayne (-22) becomes the new ruler of this Earth.


Also Batman Who Laughs becomes the leader of the new Dark Knights cast. It includes:

  • Bathomet
  • Batmage
  • B-Rex
  • Beyonder
  • Darkfather
  • Dr. Arkham
  • Etribatman
  • Batclayface
  • Deathbatstroke
  • Plastic Batman
  • Scarecrowbat
  • Penguin-Batman
  • Black Batmask
  • Doctor Batman

A few months later, the main character telepathically orders Wonder Woman (0) to saw down and melt her "invisible plane" (0). Diana did just that. Bruce (-22) sends Batmage, Bruce (B-Rex), and Terry to Hellscape (0) so that Swamp Thing (0) and Wonder Woman throw the shackled and weakened Flash (Wally West) (0) into the "Pits" (0). Wayne (-22) also tells them to bring Diana and Alec to Gotham to the "Castle Bat". The three did just that. The entire Justice League (0) has gathered near the Castle Bat. It includes:

  • Harley Quinn (0), obeying Dr. Arkham and his Bat-Things
  • Aquaman (Arthur Curry), obeying Bathomet
  • Wonder Woman and the Swamp Thing submitting to Batmage
  • Mister Miracle (Scot) (0), obeying the Darkfather

Batman Who Laughs learns that Superman, while on New Apokolips, has almost succumbed to the "anti-life equation" (0). A second later, Perpetua contacts the Clown. The Dread King learns that she destroyed Earth 22. As a result, only 8 of the 53 Earths remained in the Multiverse. The Bat who laughs promises the heroes that he will give them one planet each for their merits. After the conversation, a bat arrow flies into the head of the protagonist. Luckily, he is covered by four Robins who laughs. Bruce (-22) realizes that the arrow was shot by the unexpectedly appeared Batman (Bruce Wayne) (0). Immediately after this, Wayne (-22) orders the rest of the Dark Knights to take the heroes prisoner and kill Bruce (0). The Batman Who Laughs sees Wayne (0) become Black Lantern (0). Using the "black lantern ring" (0) makes the army of the dead, led by the revived Jonah Hex (0), to attack the Dark Knights. A battle ensues, as a result of which the villains defeat the dead. A few hours later, the protagonist telepathically tells Batmage to start his true plan. After that, Bruce (-22) moves to the Pits. There he meets Diana and Wally. After the conversation, Wonder Woman kills Wayne (-22) with her invisible "Chainsaw of Truth" (0).

Hope you appreciate it.




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