in #ita6 years ago



Hello dear friends!
Finally I started today my new marble sculpture :-))))
Marble is a material that can only be removed, so it is important that no mistakes are made.
Unlike clay, where most of the work is done without tools and only with the hands, tools are indispensable here.
First of all, you need something to be able to put the measurements back on the marble:


Ciao cari amici!
Finalmente ho iniziato oggi la mia nuova scultura in marmo :-)))
Il marmo é un materiale che si puó soltanto togliere, è perció importante che non si facciano degli errori.
A differenza dell' argilla dove la maggior parte del lavoro avviene senza strumenti e solo con le mani, qui gli strumenti sono indispensabili.
Come primo vi serve un qualcosa per poter riportare le misure sul marmo:


Then you need a circular saw. It exist bigger or smaller.

Poi vi serve un flessibile. Ve ne sono anche si forma piú piccola.



A protection for the eyes, ears, and depending on, also a mask to not breathe dust.

Una protezione per gli occhi, orecchie, e a dipendenza, anche una maschera per non respirare la polvere.


Hammer and chisels.

Martello e scalpelli.


And files of different shapes and sizes. Finally, we will also need sandpaper.

E delle lime di diverse forme e grandezze. In ultimo servirá anche la carta vetrata.

strumenti lime.jpg

Below you can see the development of the work:

Qui sotto potete vedere lo sviluppo del lavoro:







And this is the result I want to achieve when it's finished :-D

E questo é il risultato che voglio ottenere quando sará finita :-D


I hope you like my new artwork and thank you all for following me ;-))))

Spero che la mia nuova opera vi piaccia e grazie a tutti per seguirmi ;-)))


I put you on auto because I trust you ;-)))

Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 08.27.53.png

Oh thanks a lot!!!! :-))) That's really nice!
Now things work better than last time, so I will try all again in these days :-)))))

I love it so much @carolineschell. What a unique and special hobby you have. Normally marble sculpture done by gentlemen. But you changed my perception. A lady also can do it if you have interest. The other finished sculptured also done by you as well? I could imagine the noise level when you in work:p Do you need to sketch it before you start?

Thank you very much! It's not my hobby but my work.... yes the sketch is the other sculpture :-D

wow @carolineschell, you are an amazing woman. Your work??? How you end up in this interesting field?

The tools look very heavy duty @carolineschell. And what a cool hobby to work on a marble sculpture! But I can imagine the amount of work knowing how hard (and heavy!) marble can be. Do you need to buy the marble? Thank you for sharing your artwork with us! The sculpture is looking good :)

Thank you very very much! It's not my hobby, it's my work :-D
And yes, you need to buy it normally :-D my piece comes from Italy, Carrara.

Nice, I think your work is really cool, having able to create beautiful sculptures from raw materials :) Ah from Italy, Carrara. How do you make your choices of a good marble to work on? Or are all marble the same?

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No they are all different, I choose controlling the shape and the sound... marble sounds different if there are veins inside......to avoid bad surprises you have to beat the marble a bit to hear its sound:-D

Oh my... it's going to be hard work then. I didn't realize you'd need all the tools there in order to carve on marble. You can do it! Patience is a virtue perhaps you have a lot of. haha.

Your inspiration looks amazing though. Whether you can do an exact replica or not we will still be amazed once you finish it because I know it's not easy to carve a sculpture on marble. :) Good luck and have fun!

I prefer to work on clay when doing sculptures but alas have not been doing any for years.

Thank you sooo much!!! Than it's time for you to make something new on clay ;-))))

Thank you for taking us into your workshop, normally I imagine always male artists doing such job, may be because there are so many “men” heavy tools and it seems like you need a bit of muscle work. May be I am wrong. But nevertheless I love sculptures and especially to create a human with such fine lines and features of face is very detailed and complex work. I can imagine that it might take a bit of your time to finish it. The result that you are going to achieve looks beautiful, i wish that everything will work out for you as you wish :)

You are making humans come to life out of stone! This must have taken a long time to learn to do well, so many tools :-)

It depends, it's more easy to learn and understand something if you love it ;-))))

I guess you done this a lot Caroline :-)))


Look Caroline! The robots are getting smarter real fast now :-))) XD

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I know, also the 3D printer can make nice sculptures, but the same it's different..... it's like love: you can buy a "machine" and make love with it, but I prefer to make love with an human, it's absolutly different ;-))))

ma per riprodurre il modello ti affidi solo al compasso, non fai la messa ai punti?

Hai ragione, avrei dovuto spiegare anche questo... ma effettivamente vado a occhio, cosa che non farei da un ritratto ben preciso, ma questa mia scultura é giá inventata da me.... ho utilizzato anche la modella soltanto per controllare in generale che l' anatomia sia giusta, il resto l' ho deciso io, perció questa ragazza esiste solo nella mia fantasia :-D

You have a lot of passionate sculpting to look forward to!

You are busy! I guess by now you are on your way home.
Hope to see you soon again in Vienna - there is this great Italian restaurant - Regina Margherita at the Palais Esterhazy. The boss treats me like celebrity, calls me "Maestro" ........ of course his name is - you guessed it: Luigi!

Ich nehme an es hat geschmeckt Maestro ;-))

that's looks like hard work and I think it will take passion to be able to create something like that, nice work too but can you do my face? Lol

Why not in the next sculpture? :-D... hou have a really beautiful young face, interesting for a sculpture :-))

I can't believe what I just read
I'm so excited right now
Thank you so much and I hope the pictures below will do just fine.



Wonderful pictures of you!!!! WOW!
But I can make your beautiful face only in 2019 'cause before it will be difficult for me...I have to many projects to finish before Christmas :-D
But thanks a lot for these lovely photos!! :-))))

OK no problem
Thank you so much ma'am
And I hope you have a lovely Christmas

I hope the same for you!!!! :-)))

You are beautiful @peachyladiva! :) Love your photos.

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