The most important skill needed when dating a Hong Kong girlfriend (funny) | 與香港女朋友交往最重要的技能(搞笑版)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for @swagprinces inviting me to write a funny post similar to her post:, check it out if you haven't read it yet!

What is the most important skill needed when dating a Hong Kong girlfriend? I give you three seconds to think about it. It is post for fun, don't read it seriously.

The answer is photography! When dating, you are her private photographer, you need take sweet PDA photos and beautiful photos of her. Girls have high standard towards photos, here is a not to do list when taking her photograph. Don't make any mistake, otherwise your life will be miserable. :D

謝謝 @swagprinces 邀請我寫個跟她寫的相似的搞笑帖 ,還沒看的朋友要按這裏一看喔。這帖純屬搞笑別認真喔。


好了,我要公布答案了,就是拍照,拍她的照片!! 交住後你就是她的私人攝影師,主要工作是拍你們兩的閃光彈和她的美照。女生對照片的要求可高呢,以下是一些絕對不能犯你禁忌,不然你會死得很慘喔:

1. Upload non-photoshopped photos to social media platform

The photos in Facebook are for the public, they must be perfect. Just photoshop my face would be fine. What? It doesn't look like me, my friends know how I look? Come on, everyone is doing the same thing.

1. 上轉沒有修過圖的照片



2. Make her looking ugly,fat and short in photos

Your technique sucks. Everyone looks perfect in certain angle, why can't you take a perfect photo?

2. 把她拍得很醜、很胖、很矮

你技術很爛啊,不會抓角度? 每個女生都有個最漂亮的角度的,角度對了拍出來會像修了圖一樣的,為甚麼你總是抓不到呢?


3. Need long time to take a good photo

You are taking photos of me everyday? Why can't you take some good one immediately?

3. 拍很久也拍不到美照



4. Being impatient when she is taking photos

(Taking photos of delicious looking Japanese food) I am a perfectionist, I need to take the best photos of the sushi and sashimi. What? You feel hungry? Just wait for a minute!




ps: The above is what I saw in my dream, it is FAKE, Hong Kong girls are the best.

ps: 以上都是我發夢看到的,都是假的,香港女生最棒。


I am inclined to agree with this hahaha @carinewhy

Haha, every girls want to be treated as a model!

那很好笑! 😁

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Wow, you do speak Chinese! I'm very suprised! Thank you for the upvotes. :)

I can speak many languages also can read.

Being a male in HK, i can totally felt the selective pressure of survival of the fittest.......RIP HK guys if you are not a photographer

You will be trained well when you get a girlfriend :)

upvoted you!!! hehe i like it
Yes maybe for all girls, the important skills might be to take good photos? lol

Yeah, thank you! Everyone want to look good especially in photos!



不是,我的意思是 交香港女朋友最重要的技能是 要听得懂广东话,哈哈。


I'm safe, I don't know anyone from Hong Kong. Besides with my paws I can't take pictures good or bad... ok good.

Hello, @guarddog! You can't take photo but you can read!!! What a genius dog!

Shhhh....don't tell anyone 😉


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