I reached 1000 followers yesterday. Steem has changed my life and I am so grateful!

I joined Steemit in August 2016. What a blessing to have found this amazing platform so early on!

I reached 1000 followers yesterday.

#1000 follower is --- @philippinetrail

I have sent the philippinetrail a gift of 5 Steem Dollars.


* This was my Introduction Post Last August: *


Until recently, I built up my followers VERY SLOWLY, but the followers that I did have were the best!

The reason is that the topic that I have posted about most frequently is very controversial.

A lot of people disagree with what I have to say, or they just don't care to investigate my claims.

The subject of the dangers and short-comings of vaccinations is very dear to my heart. I hate to see more lives destroyed for lack of knowledge in this area, and due to the extreme corruption surrounding it.

This picture pretty much explains my motivation to speak out. This little girl below went and gave the VaxXed Bus a big hug after she was told that all those names on the bus were people injured or killed by vaccines.

I continued posting on Steemit, and each time I slowly advanced my writing and communicating skills.

For the most part, I have been VERY IMPRESSED with how people here on Steemit have dealt with me.

I am usually open for a good debate, and the people here who have debated with me, even when they strongly disagreed, have been civil.

I respect someone who can remain civil no matter how different our conclusions may be.

There was a brief time where some of the comments were starting to get out of hand and I had one particularly awful comment made about my unvaccinated children.

It was then that I added the following to the end of each of my posts:


Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...

but if you care about children as much as I care about children...

surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.


After adding that to the end of each of my vaccine-related posts, things greatly improved again and I have had no real problems.

My approach has been to assume that the person arguing with me loves children as much as I do. I assume that they are passionate and abrasive because they really believe that what I am saying is harming children. Just like I am passionate (but not abrasive) because I believe that the lies and corruption I am trying to uncover are what is harming children and humanity.

My point is ... we probably have more in common than we realize. So why insult each other and be rude?

In my experience, Steemit has people of higher caliber than other social media sites. We may come from a huge diversity of lifestyles and viewpoints, but most of the people here can think out-of-the-box and can be respectful of other people's views.

So THANK-YOU Steemit Community!

Thank-you to all my friends out there!

Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut


Congratulations - that's brilliant and much deserved.

When I first discovered Steemit (last August like you) one of the first subjects I was thinking of posting about was vaccinations.

So I did a search on vaccinations and found you. You were one of the first people I started following on Steemit.

After seeing your posts, part of me breathed a sigh of relief, and I thought, it's all cool, she has got this one.

From then on I've never done any posts about vaccinations on Steemit. I do have a bunch of webpages about vaccine stuff, but have previously found vaxxers to be some of the most militant, angry, and abusive people I've ever encountered online.


I still have people I've known for years who won't speak to me because of comments I've posted previously on fakebook.( And I seldom ever look at fakebook)

Starting out on Steemit with barely any followers, I also had the thought, that talking about vaccinations would be shooting myself in the foot (and I already do that regularly anyway) - so I've watched you on Steemit with interest, and am now totally in awe of how successful you have been.

These days you are one of my biggest inspirations on Steemit, and although I'm not usually very interested in follower milestone posts - this one is different. You didn't get 1000 followers by posting mainstream feel good stuff, you did it by exposing one of the biggest scams of the past century, and I admire you greatly for achieving that!

Very cool! And you are absolutely right :)

Thank-you my new friend!

Fantastic! And I love your name...... we are all Canadian coconuts in some way!!!<3

AND look how you connect us too! Amazing.

Wow, yes you're right!

Nice comment!

I too love reading @canadian-coconut's post and I've learn a lot from them even though I already knew so much about vaccines and also unschooling.

Like everyone we get close on Steem I feel a very special bound.

Thank for everything @canadian-coconut!

Gotta respect the truth seekers out there!

And when I discover steemit on a news last july 2016, I never had a doubt and joined immediately. That moment I started to think what to post, my intro post was a bad one. I never thought it would be that important which cause me not to have a good head start in the platform.

How interesting! Also signed up, now I'll look at the vaccination tag.

Congratulations! You post much needed and informative material!

This is so awesome! I feel like it goes to show that many more people are at the very least open to this topic then I previously knew about. I hope as steemit grows, so will your followers exponentially. The more people messages like yours can reach, the better off we all are- especially our children!

I am strongly in disagreement with you on vaccines. In fact, it is one of the main reasons why i left steemit for the longest time because you and your whale friends downvoted this

My dad passed away due to liver cancer 2 months ago. It was indirectly because he caught chronic Hep B and lived with it through out his adult hood. He was born during the 1950s in singapore, which was back then very backward and underdeveloped. So no vaccines were available for Hepatitis B. If there were vaccines back then, my dad would have not been infected with Hep B.

To all parents, it does not mean that your children look fine now without any vaccinations.

It just means that virus can stay dormant in your children's body and only fully erupt when your children enter adulthood.

When the virus becomes active, it is then too late for regrets and the past will come back to hunt U for the longest time.

I am sorry to hear about your father. An early death is ALWAYS a tragedy.
I can relate to a degree, because my own father came extremely close to dying from Polyarteritis Nodosa which appears to have been caused from the Hepatitis B Vaccine itself that he received.
(It is a an auto-immune disease that attacks muscles and could have shut down his heart which is a muscle.) It is well documented in medical literature that this is related to that particular vaccine.

What I would like is for modern medicine to find solutions to terrible things like Hepatitis B, by finding solutions that do not themselves kill and maim people. My discussions here show that in many or most cases, the risks of the vaccines are greater than the benefits overall for the general population.

I have never flagged anybody for disagreeing with me on this issue (except the person who said that my children should die).

I don`t want this issue to keep you away from Steemit.
We all have our own stories and our own wounds.
It seems best for you to mute me, as I want you to enjoy your experience here on Steemit.

An early death is ALWAYS a tragedy.

It is not an early death. My dad is 67 years old. Chronic Hep B is something my dad lived with it and did not know until he hit adulthood. It was with proper care and advanced liver supplementary medicine that helped to prolong his life.

I can relate to a degree, because my own father came extremely close to dying from Polyarteritis Nodosa which appears to have been caused from the Hepatitis B Vaccine itself that he received.

If adverse effects with vaccines are something that run in your family, please a check at your genes. It might not be the vaccine.

My discussions here show that in many or most cases, the risks of the vaccines are greater than the benefits overall for the general population.

So far I have not seen any strong references or journals in health risks assessment from you. I would also welcome a well documented report that is written by you and published here. If not, please stop spread FUD about vaccination risks and what-not. Vaccination has saved many children lives in developing and underdeveloped countries and is a fact.

It seems best for you to mute me, as I want you to enjoy your experience here on Steemit.

I can't because it is on the trending page.

The world often does not see a problem until we step out from the crowd and state the facts.

You are speaking up for an important issue and one that must be discussed. Thank you for leading the charge.

My mother stopped vaccinating her children almost 20 years ago, and I am grateful for that. You have a loyal follower here.

Thank you so much! You are wonderful!

You are welcome! And thanks for being #1000!

You are The Coconut Women;

Way to stand up for the children against Big Pharma..
Hitting the follow button now....newbie.gif

Ah! I love Harry Belafonte! Thanks for that. You gave me a BIG smile!

I love me a good milestone post sister! LOL

You are posting what you believe in and that is important, no matter the topic.

Your topic affects most people since the state forces vax on everyone and turns a blind eye to vaccine injuries since they would be then forced to have to deal with that and we all know they don't fix anything right, nor give a crap about humanity.

Only the political and globalist goals.

You are such a blessing and I really missed you when you were not commenting or posting my friend.

Congrats on your yuge milestone my friend!!!

It's good to see you're in the know about this topic. I'm looking at everyone who's commenting here.

Actually @canadian-coconut and I have chatted since she joined. We have some common friends and interests.

She is important to truth everywhere, not just here on the Steemit! (:

If anyone looks up Dr. Andrew Moulden online and what he went through as one of THE leading Dr's and experts in this field of study, he was a personal friend of mine.

He flew to meet me one time, he had heard of me through common interests and research/connections.


What the police state, gov't corruption and medical field did to harm him, while using tax dollars and lives to do it, is an absolute disgrace and shows the state agenda:

Harm people and waste taxes doing it, while serving themselves.

I have always found that interesting because their first oath they take and relate to for their hypocratic oath as Dr's and medical people is literally


"To do no harm" is my ambition. It used to be "To do great things," but the older I get, the more extraordinary it is to find anyone who can manage to do no harm (myself included). Now that I'm here at steemit, I'm starting to see people do great things - AND doing no harm!

I love that here too. I started to consciously ask myself just for sake of awareness in my own life "is it harmful or helpful?" Sometimes I forget , but it's a great way to keep perspective!

You knew Andrew Moulden. He looked like a very nice guy.

I am just getting offline for my 10 pm deadline for my health but you are right.

He was awake. He woke me up and planted seeds that I never knew about until 2009 and it all came back to me, flooding in the things he taught me and told me over dinners on the East Coast.

By the time my wake up process was in full swing, I sought him out to meet and thank him..... but it was too late.

I get upset talking about this, because he was right. And people are literally PAYING to be harmed by the state daily.

I will TTYS my friend.

Thanks again -- you are helping a lot of people. Like Andrew did in your own way.

Seeds are being planted and watered by you and @canadian-coconut and many others while the state gets away with......

well you know.

Trying to catch up on replies, it is really becoming a challenge for me, I am not sitting at 100% reply rate anymore, sadly.

I do my very best but no way can I do that any more LOL.

I know you understand my friend.

Keep up your nice work my friend, good times ahead LOL


Dear friend @canadian-coconut,

Thank you so very much for your strong and principled presence here on Steemit. I am so grateful that you champion the truth about vaccinations here, and especially that you do that so very graciously.

Your insight about the common ground of loving our children is brilliant, and I hope that it will always "carry the day" when there is a debate that begins to heat up.

I also look forward to learning more from you about radical unschooling. I need insights in this area in order to be more persuasive with my wife and other family members.

In any case, Congratulations! on your excellent milestone of 1,000 followers, and I hope they will all truly follow and read and grow from what you have to say. And that many more will follow in their footsteps!



Thanks so much creatr!

Girl, it takes a serious pair of balls to stand up and stick your ground. I take my hat off to you. We have two little girls one is 7yrs and the other is 4yrs old. we experienced horrible side effects from the 6in1 and mmr vaccines with our eldest that still play an effect on her little body every day still. Our 4yr old wasn't vaxxed.. she only got the 2vaccines, polio drops and TB vaccine as these two are predominant in our country. Sadly I can say I kick myself very often for having our eldest vaccinated on the "fullest" schedule available in the private medical sector at the time I was not educated enough. Now after the damages are done I can just really encourage people having children to please research all avenues before you vaccinated your children.

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