The story of the death of the right hand man

in #busy6 years ago

A balam fly from the sea. The bird flapped his wings hard as searched for the branches of the trees at the top of Lamuri. Streptopelia chinensis almost reached the cashew nut when an eagle came from above grabbing the beautiful bird.

"Wusss ..."

Image by: Pixabay

The small body is in the grip of an eagle. The spotted bird tries to fight. He flapped his wings to release the king's sky claw, but the effort was in vain. An eagle that is four times the size of the body does not feel anything at all.

Some strands of hair loose. The bird's feathers flew scattered in the wind, one of which then landed on Mat Guci's lap which was chewing cashew in front of Brahim Naga.

"Dad, you haven't answered the question of your emo." Mat Guci opened the conversation after looking at Brahim Naga who was staring far in the direction of the sea. Brahim Naga did not respond. He seemed to be enjoying the sea breeze on the slopes of Lemur.

Mat Guci then took a turtle feather that fell into his lap. He pointed the tip of the soft hair to the father's nose.

"Atchihhhhh ..."

Mat Guci laughed at Brahim Naga sneezing. He then repeated his words. "Dad hasn't answered my question before."


As it turned out, Brahim Naga had imagined how the weapon was called the rencong. He seemed to be hypnotized with the charm of sharp weapons that had never been seen in the whole country of Lamuria.

"No, the way you survive on Weh Island. Father said that living there was very hard. There is a fire coming out of the mountain and you lack food, "Mat Guci repeated the question. (Read more: Slope of Lemur)

"Oh yeah ... I thought you were not interested," Brahim Naga said.

He then told how through life on Weh Island. How to avoid lava which continues to come out from the peak of Jaboi and flow into the sea.

"At first we landed in the wrong place and were too close to the route of sulfur seekers. Luckily at that time the boat that we were riding wasn't directly into the red flames of the Jaboi peak that extended into the sea," Brahim Naga said.

Brahim Naga said at that time they were not aware of any distress ahead because of the misty atmosphere. They only smelled the sharp smell of sulfur all around and the heat was getting hot and made sweat runny. Sunlight cannot even penetrate the thick fog that surrounds their boat. Until finally one of the Brahim Naga soldiers realized something was wrong in the waters.

"He saw the boat paddle that had been burned. That's where we realize the sea has become a liquid fire (lava)," Brahim Naga said.

They then try to stay away from the beach. However, some paddles that were used for pedaling instead burned and burned. Brahim Naga then ordered his troops to use swords and weapons to pedal the canoe. Of the many weapons used, only two-eye axes belonging to Brahim Naga were able to provide impetus instead of paddles.

"Luckily, the stern wood of the boat is a little thick. Whether a few feet away, the boat we were riding started to leak. There were several troops without orders to throw themselves into the sea to push boats. They forget, flames (lava) still burn the ocean around there. Two of my troops were roasted. The meat melts and disappears in the ocean," said Brahim Naga again.

Brahim Naga said there were two people who managed to pull the boat away from the lava. However, unfortunately their two legs burned and eventually died upon arrival on land.

Image by Pixabay

Brahim Naga troops managed to land not far from Jaboi volcano raging. They were exhausted to travel around the island further. Finally Brahim Naga ordered his exhausted troops to rest and take care of those who were sick.

Brahim then told how they struggled to live on Pulau Weh at the beginning of the landing there. Including at the beginning of their difficulties food and drinking water. Brahim ordered some of the top troops to find food and water once they landed on Weh Island. However, he requested that the troops not be so far looking for food.

"Do not let you leave our friends who are sick here or you even get lost on this island," said Brahim Naga who then followed with laughter.

Despite the difficult conditions, Brahim Naga was known as a commander who often joked with his troops. He rarely shows a sad expression even in conditions that are life threatening.

"Good bro. Let me, Seuman Badeuk, Rungkhom, Ben Puteh, and Cage who are looking for food. We are still strong and hopefully we are not lost. We tried the most late before sunset had returned here," said Arya, smiling.

"Be careful on the way. This takes the rest of my drinking water, "Brahim Naga then threw the dried pumpkin which had been used as a water storage container.

"Thank you, bro," said Arya.

They then traced the Seukee bush and disappeared. Brahim Naga noticed the steps of the five men from the shoreline. He shuffled his waist, looking to the east which was filled with mist that smelled of sulfur and lava which snaked up to the top of Jaboi.

Just a few moments, Arya and his colleagues disappeared behind Pandanus Tectorius, suddenly Cage ran staggering towards Brahim Naga. His arm was filled with blood because it was scratched by a thorn bush. "Help…"

"What is wrong?"

"Help me please ... Arya is wrapped in a large pyramid. Seuman Badeuk and others were trying to release Arya, but had not succeeded. We need help, the snake is very strong," Cage shouted.

Brahim Naga immediately ran towards Cage. Some of his troops followed. They then rush to Arya's location. There, Brahim Dragon saw Arya already drowned in the arms of Malayopython Reticulatus. Brahim immediately drew his two eyes.

"Hold the tail," Brahim shouted.

Seuman Badeuk followed the orders of Brahim Naga. He tugged at the tail of the python that was helped by Cage. While Rungkom and Ben Puteh still stabbed the body of the python with a defective sword that had been exposed to lava.

Brahim Naga then ordered a soldier to look for the snake's head. He advised the soldiers to use pointed wood to reveal the snake's head which was hiding in its large body.

"Be careful, do not get exposed to Arya body," shouted Brahim.

Arya looks increasingly limp. His eyes were red, while his nasal cavity was bleeding. The sound of broken bones getting heard in the ear. Broken, Arya's body is now destroyed. Sanca is so strong. This reptile was interrupted by the arrival of Brahim Naga and several humans there.

In an instant, the snake showed its head after Brahim Naga slammed its body with a thorny pandan branch. Not wanting to let go of that opportunity, Brahim Naga immediately swung the ax towards the snake's head.

"Crashh ..." Fresh blood spurted onto Brahim's face.

Snake entanglement starts to loosen from Arya's body. The man looked weak. He was helpless and finally breathed his last breath with the python who was beheaded by his commander.

Brahim looks upset. He chopped the python in several parts. Brahim also hit the snake's head shell until it was destroyed using two eye axes.

Arya's death was a heavy blow to Brahim. Arya is Brahim's right hand who faithfully accompanied him on the battlefield. Arya is also a mainstay for Brahim to think of strategies on the battlefield. Arya's death was the biggest mistake in Brahim's travel record. The thing that made the man frightened the most was that Arya was actually killed by a snake, not on a battlefield like a knight. (to be continue...)


This is a serial story from some of my previous writings on Steemit entitled: Slope of Lemur, The Tiger Handle, Little Fighter, and Volcano Island.

I hope the story that takes on this colossal fiction theme is able to attract attention and appreciation from friends in Steemit. Best regards, Boy Nashruddin.


Kisah kematian si tangan kanan

Seekor balam terbang dari arah laut. Dia mengepak sayap sekuat tenaga seraya mencari dahan pepohonan di puncak Lamuri. Streptopelia chinensis itu nyaris mencapai pokok jambu mede ketika seekor elang datang dari atas menyambar burung nan cantik tersebut.


Tubuh mungil balam berada dalam cengkeraman elang. Burung bertutul itu mencoba melawan. Dia mengepak-ngepakkan sayap untuk melepas cakar si raja angkasa, tetapi usaha balam sia-sia. Elang yang berukuran empat kali badan badan sama sekali tak merasakan apa-apa.

Beberapa helai bulu balam lepas. Bulu-bulu burung itu terbang tercerai berai ditingkahi angin, salah satunya kemudian hinggap di pangkuan Mat Guci yang sedang mengunyah jambu mede di depan Brahim Naga.

“Ayah, kamu belum menjawab pertanyaan ananda tadi.” Mat Guci membuka percakapan setelah lama menatap Brahim Naga yang menatap jauh ke arah laut. Brahim Naga tidak merespon. Dia seakan sedang asyik menikmati desir angin laut di lereng Lemur.
Mat Guci kemudian mengambil bulu perkutut yang jatuh ke pangkuannya. Dia mengarahkan ujung bulu halus tersebut ke hidung sang ayah.


Mat Guci tertawa melihat Brahim Naga bersin. Dia kemudian mengulangi perkataannya.

“Ayah belum menjawab pertanyaanku tadi.”


Ternyata sedari tadi Brahim Naga membayangkan bagaimana senjata yang bernama rencong tersebut. Dia seakan-akan terhipnotis dengan pesona senjata tajam yang belum pernah dilihat di seantero negeri Lamuria.

“Bukan, caramu bertahan hidup di Pulau Weh. Kata Ayah hidup di sana sangat keras. Ada api yang keluar dari gunung dan kalian kekurangan makanan,” Mat Guci mengulangi pertanyaannya. (Read more: Slope of Lemur)

“Owhh… ayah menyangka kamu tidak tertarik,” kata Brahim Naga.

Dia kemudian menceritakan bagaimana melalui hidup di Pulau Weh. Bagaimana cara menghindari lahar yang terus menerus keluar dari puncak Jaboi dan mengalir ke laut.

“Pada awalnya kami mendarat di tempat yang salah dan terlalu dekat dengan rute para pencari belerang. Beruntung saat itu perahu yang kami tumpangi tidak langsung masuk ke lidah api merah dari puncak Jaboi yang menjulur ke laut,” kata Brahim Naga.

Image by: Pixabay

Brahim Naga mengatakan saat itu mereka tidak mengetahui adanya marabahaya di depan karena suasana sekeliling berkabut. Mereka hanya mencium bau tajam belerang di sekeliling dan hawa yang kian panas sehingga membuat keringat mengalir deras. Cahaya matahari bahkan tidak mampu menembus pekatnya kabut yang mengelilingi perahu mereka. Hingga akhirnya salah satu prajurit Brahim Naga menyadari ada yang salah di perairan tersebut.

“Dia melihat dayung perahu yang sudah terbakar. Di situlah kami menyadari laut telah menjadi api cair (lahar),” kata Brahim Naga.

Mereka kemudian mencoba menjauh dari tepi pantai. Namun, beberapa dayung yang dipergunakan untuk mengayuh malah membara dan terbakar. Brahim Naga kemudian memerintahkan pasukannya untuk menggunakan pedang dan senjata untuk mengayuh sampan. Dari sekian banyak senjata yang dipergunakan, hanya kapak dua mata milik Brahim Naga yang mampu memberikan dorongan sebagai pengganti dayung.

“Beruntung, kayu buritan perahu sedikit tebal. Entah beberapa kaki menjauh, sampan yang kami naiki mulai bocor. Ada beberapa pasukan yang tanpa perintah menceburkan diri ke laut untuk mendorong perahu. Mereka lupa, lidah api (lahar) masih membakar lautan di sekitar sana. Dua diantara pasukanku terpanggang. Dagingnya meleleh dan hilang dalam lautan,” kata Brahim Naga.

Brahim Naga mengatakan ada dua orang yang berhasil menarik perahu menjauh dari lahar. Namun, sayangnya dua kaki mereka terbakar dan akhirnya meninggal dunia setiba di daratan.

Pasukan Brahim Naga berhasil mendarat tak jauh dari amuk gunung api Jaboi. Mereka kelelahan untuk berpergian menyisiri pulau lebih jauh. Akhirnya Brahim Naga memerintahkan pasukannya yang kelelahan untuk beristirahat dan merawat mereka yang sakit.

Brahim kemudian mengisahkan bagaimana mereka berjuang hidup di Pulau Weh pada awal pendaratannya di sana. Termasuk saat awal-awal mereka kesulitan makanan dan air minum. Brahim memerintahkan sebagian pasukan yang masih prima untuk mencari bekal makanan dan air begitu mendarat di Pulau Weh. Namun, dia meminta agar para pasukan tersebut tidak begitu jauh mencari makanan.

“Jangan sampai kalian meninggalkan teman-teman kita yang sakit di sini atau kalian malah tersesat di pulau ini,” kata Brahim Naga yang kemudian disusul dengan tawa.

Meskipun dalam kondisi yang sulit, Brahim Naga dikenal sebagai komandan yang sering bergurau dengan pasukannya. Dia jarang sekali memperlihatkan raut muka sedih meskipun dalam kondisi yang sedang mengancam nyawa.

“Baik pang. Biar saya, Seuman Badeuk, Rungkhom, Ben Puteh, dan Cage yang mencari bekal makanan. Kami masih kuat dan mudah-mudahan kami tidak tersesat. Kami berusaha paling telat sebelum matahari terbenam sudah kembali ke sini,” kata Arya tersenyum.

“Hati-hati di perjalanan. Ini ambil sisa air minum milikku,” Brahim Naga kemudian melemparkan labu kering yang selama ini dipergunakan sebagai wadah penampung air.

“Terima kasih pang,” kata Arya.

Mereka kemudian menelusuri belukar bak seukee dan menghilang. Brahim Naga memerhatikan langkah kelima anak buahnya dari bibir pantai. Dia berkacak pinggang, melihat ke arah timur yang dipenuhi kabut berbau belerang dan lahar yang mengular naik ke puncak Jaboi.

Hanya beberapa saat ketika Arya dan para rekannya menghilang di balik pandanus tectorius, tiba-tiba Cage berlari sempoyongan ke arah Brahim Naga. Lengannya dipenuhi darah karena tergores duri semak pandan. “Tolong…”

“Ada apa?”

“Tolong… Arya dililit sanca besar. Seuman Badeuk dan lainnya sedang berusaha melepaskan Arya, tetapi belum berhasil. Kami butuh bantuan, ular itu kuat sekali,” teriak Cage.

Brahim Naga langsung berlari menuju Cage. Beberapa pasukannya mengikuti. Mereka kemudian bergegas ke lokasi Arya. Di sana, Brahim Naga melihat Arya sudah tenggelam dalam pelukan malayopython reticulatus. Brahim langsung menghunus kapak dua matanya.

“Pegang ekornya,” teriak Brahim.

Seuman Badeuk mengikuti perintah Brahim Naga. Dia menarik-narik ekor sanca yang dibantu oleh Cage. Sementara Rungkom dan Ben Puteh masih saja menusuk-nusuk badan sanca dengan pedang cacat yang telah terkena lahar.

Brahim Naga kemudian memerintahkan seorang prajurit untuk mencari kepala ular. Dia menganjurkan prajurit tersebut menggunakan kayu runcing untuk menyingkap kepala ular yang bersembunyi dalam balutan badannya yang besar.

“Hati-hati, jangan sampai terkena badan Arya,” teriak Brahim.

Arya terlihat kian lemas. Bola matanya memerah, sementara rongga hidungnya telah mengeluarkan darah. Bunyi tulang yang patah kian terdengar di telinga. Remuk, badan Arya kini hancur. Sanca itu begitu kuat. Reptil ini terganggu dengan kedatangan Brahim Naga dan beberapa manusia di sana.

Dalam sekejap, ular tersebut memperlihatkan kepalanya setelah Brahim Naga menimpuk tubuhnya dengan dahan pandan berduri. Tak ingin melepaskan kesempatan tersebut, Brahim Naga langsung mengayunkan kampak ke arah kepala ular.

“Crashh….” Darah segar muncrat ke wajah Brahim.

Belitan ular mulai melonggar dari tubuh Arya. Pria itu terlihat lemas. Dia tidak berdaya dan akhirnya menghembuskan nafas terakhir bersama sanca yang dipancung komandannya.
Brahim terlihat kesal. Dia mencincang tubuh sanca itu dalam beberapa bagian. Brahim juga menghantam batok kepala ular itu hingga hancur menggunakan kapak dua mata.

Kematian Arya menjadi pukulan berat bagi Brahim. Arya merupakan tangan kanan Brahim yang dengan setia menemaninya di medan perang. Arya juga menjadi andalan bagi Brahim untuk memikirkan strategi di medan pertempuran. Kematian Arya adalah kesalahan terbesar dalam catatan perjalanan Brahim. Hal yang paling membuat pria sangar itu menyesal adalah Arya justru tewas dibelit ular bukan di medan pertempuran layaknya seorang ksatria.


Ini merupakan cerita bersambung dari beberapa tulisan saya sebelumnya di steemit yang berjudul: Slope of Lemur, The tiger handle, Little fighter, and Volcano island.

Saya berharap cerita yang mengambil tema kolosal fiksi ini mampu memikat perhatian dan apresiasi dari teman-teman di steemit. Salam saya, Boy Nashruddin.

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