Community Rewards Challenge

in #communitychallenge5 years ago (edited)

In response to a challenge by, well, me. I have challenged the community at large and some specific individuals to respond to a #communitychallenge and the question “Which has been more important to you in your journey with Steem? Communities or Rewards?”

The challenge post is right here if you’d like to take a look. The answers we collect are important in the direction of the entire community. Please respond.


Rewards? Not so much.

I didn’t come here for the rewards. My friend @jongolson just ground on me for two weeks to take a look at this great new blogging platform. He’d made $50 on his introductory post so I came to take a look.

Right from the first day I was accepted (after a suitable 5 day wait) I could see that I was going to like this place a lot. It had lots of content to read and a blinking cursor waiting for my first post. I wrote and published it the first day. And let the record show that I was a lot closer to 1% of Jon’s intro post than 10%.

Do you know that they let you publish here for FREE? I had three blogs going that I was paying hosting, domain name and spam protection for. Free? With a ‘built in audience’? I was so on that bandwagon it would frighten you.


I believe it was my third day on the Steem blockchain that I staggered into Discord. Holy Cow! People. Real people, like me, that were creating content and living the life and talking about it? How cool does it get?

By that third day I had bought a small amount of Steem. I am a wholehearted believer in having ‘skin in the game’ wherever I might play and I saw this as no different. So I used my company sponsored delegation for precisely one post.

My first exposure to a community was PAL. I read a post from @hearttoheart that had the Minnow Support tout at the bottom so I checked it out. Amazing place then, and it still is. As I’ve grown I have quit using the Minnow Support program but have never given up on that community.


Somebody in the chat at PAL (do you know they have their own RADIO station?) DMd me a link for Adsactly. In Adsactly I met some writers that were making real money, and heard about Isle of Write. Then it was Quarator. They had standards for admission and offered an upvote? Holy Cow. Then The Steem Engine. A small group of content creators that really look out for one another.

I am still an active member of each of these communities and more. Each and every one of them has not only accepted my square pegness but generally embraced it. I’ve met true life friends, Honest to God friends in each of these places. I have a world wide circle that supports and encourages me. The rewards I get are pretty small potatoes compared to that.


Not that I don’t like small potatoes. When I was a young man I would go (generally at night) and ‘thin’ some potato rows of neighbors in the late spring when the potatoes were about the size of a golf ball. I loved them, and I love the rewards and possibility of Steem. It just isn’t very important to me in the cascade that is the people, the community here. I’m home! Where are my slippers?

Thanks for sticking with this all the way to the end. I encourage every person that reads this to write #communitychallenge post. You can help determine the direction of the entire community.

You want some really cool stuff? Check these authors, they will not disappoint.

@broncofan99 Sports Teaching Fishing BBQ. Not necessarily in that order.

@morkrock Music Games Stinging Politics. Don't go here with thin skin.

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@soyrosa Great Photographs and Insights for us All

@sultnpapper All the truth you can take and then some. The monthly BBQ is worth the price...

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I think many said they were not here for the money, and the ones who meant it are still here :)

For me its the sense of community and support that I loved from early on on Steemit and why I am still here and plan to stay :)

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 7 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 4 SBD worth and should receive 201 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Very interesting! Thanks for giving me a good idea of what you are looking for with your challenge. It was really interesting to hear how you got started. I think I am going to start working on my post for this challenge later today.

Howdy sir bigtom13! wow bring that guy his slippers! lol. Great post. Can I say both?

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