💪Back to a gym! Do you work out?💪

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

This post carries a more personal character since i am usually behing the camera myself. But it's been two weeks since i am back to my gym after quite a while.

It feels so good after I've been feeling like a broken old man after first days of exercise and those who do work out probably know this painful but somewhat sweet feeling when it is even hard to get up from a bed because all your muscles hurt.


I am posting this from my phone and it does not have spelling correction so i am sorry for any spelling mistakes as English is not my native language.

I would also be intrested if there are any more steemians who practice finess?

Have a good workout!

David @BeScouted


Definitely. I run every day. I broke my distal fibula last December so it has beena real struggle to get back to where I was. I am nearly there physically. I do upper body and strength training three times (give or take) a week.

It makes me feel more alive and the benefits are awesome. I didn't think that the first month back after being down for 6 months. It was pure hell.

PS... If you didn't tell me English wasn't your first language, I would never know. ;)

Keep up the good work and Steem on!

Oh, i am sorry to hear about your trauma. Have you recovered fully already?

Yes, I am back to running although I would usually do 5miles and now I do only 3, but, slowly working it back up. Other than that, there are no residual effects. Thank you for asking. First broken bone and it was a doozy!

Hope is all good now, just start slow :) Warm-up well. As i have no idea how did you manage to brake it while running. Or wasn't it while running?

Running through the forest on a path and went off the path (as I normally did) as it was a glorious day to be alive and running. There were leaves all over the ground and I ran where someone had dug a big hole to steal a tree and the leaves covered it- in went my foot and my body went sideways.

No kidding.

The bone is thin and hard to heal, so they wanted me off it, not even with the cast on and crutches. It was slow, but, I am almost 100% So close. He told me it would take a year and he was right. On the bright side, I made good use of hand weights and have kick ass arms. :)

Who would dig something and not fill it in with dirt?

Wow! Impressive. I go to Aikido twice a week. At least I try to keep the schedule for some 5 month now... want to stay fit and flexible for a little longer ;-)

I used to go to Aikido, for quite a while, really amazing martial arts school, and so much to learn, but it takes tens of years to be able to master the level to some extent. But is is definitely very good for spiritual and physical training.

Very steep learning curve indeed and I don't think I'll reach any degree worth mentioning in this life. But I notice its good for my balance, coordination and flexibility... I also like the philosophy behind it.

I like philosophy too, and it is use a lot in MMA, jujitsu and many other forms of martial arts. it's is all about coordination and balance, those things improve a lot and you feel much better spiritually.
And... don't be so hard on yourself. Every level is worth mentioning. The only level that is not worth mentioning is no level.

nol... lol! Agree with you completely. Thing I like in Aikido on top of it all, that its not about beating an opponent, but to deescalate conflict and to be able to defend yourself from an attack without "destroying" the attacker..

wonderfull photo and always be happy ❤️🌸

Yaas! I'm in the gym 4 times per week doing power lifting. Day 5, if I can manage it, is the climbing gym or outdoors climbing. That depends on my recovery needs and weather etc. Mostly, recovery. I understand your pain in returning to the gym. Persevere my friend!

Wow, climbing and power lifting should be hard together, as in power lifting you put on muscle mass which makes climbing only harder right?

Well, the more you weigh the more you have to pull up the wall. But the more muscle you have (and skill) the more leverage you have as well. Let's just say it's all hard work and lots of sweat. I'm a rather tiny thing so, it's not something I'm overly concerned about.

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