It's your vote, here is one method, but it is a long read - - - One way to Maximize your Votes Power - - -

in #justbecause6 years ago (edited)



          We vote on content or comment to show that we appreciated the work and the effort that went into preparing the content or to say thank you for the comment a person left. (At least that is how I vote). To begin with - - - Do not take this as me
telling you
how to vote or use your vote. I am a 100% believer in that it is your vote and your right to do with it as you please.

          This post is mostly aimed at the new user, to help them learn how to effectively use their vote and grow their reputation on steemit generically.


          There are a few tools that will help you with your voting in steemit. I will introduce them first, then go into some of my personal style of voting. The first tool, and likely one f the first tools any new user finds on teemit is steemd. A companion program to steemit, created by @roadscape, that allows you a quick view of your account information. Here is a picture of what steemd looks like:


is what controls how much your vote is worth. You need at least 80 SP before your vote is worth $0.01. The blue bar is an indicator of how much of your vote power you have used up. It takes about 2 hours to recover 1 percent of your vote power. Steemd does not show when the power will be recovered. So let me introduce you to by @steemchiller:

          As you can see you get a lot of vote information available to you right away in an easy to view and read format. The power wheel, shows just how much voting you have done, to the right of the power wheel is how much your vote is worth value wise at those percentages. Down in the body of the report how SP you have how much you have received, and how much you have delegated. The VP with the arrow is how long until your vote power reaches back to 100%.

          Both tools are different and both tools have their purpose and both tools are indispensable to you when you start getting into steemit. Your steemd account would be: and your steemworld account would be, just substitute @yourname with your steemit @ name.

The Vote

          As mentioned above you need at least 80SP before your vote is worth $0.010. Recently I learned about vote dust level. This is the price point a vote needs to reach before it will convert to a payout figure. Any vote or group of votes that do not reach above the $0.019 vote level will not count toward giving nor receiving of a reward.

          Does this mean my vote is totally useless until I have 80SP. Absolutely not. The only way to grow your account and to gain rewards is to receive votes. The only way to get votes is to be seen. One way to be seen is via comments. I am sure you are like me and would like to know that at least one real person saw your content and left a real comment. Most people are of that mindset. When you see they not only left a comment but a vote also, how did you feel? Felt good I would bet, I still, after almost one year feel good about getting a vote and a comment it is like double the fun to receive both.
          Even though your vote is worth very little if anything at all it still lets the person that received your vote know you appreciated the work they did, and if your vote is on their content, then it will like give you a curation reward. If you are a repeat customer of their, (you visited more than once to their blog), then they may take a look at your content. Speaking of your content, you want people to come back and be repeat customers of yours, so keep that in mind when they leave a comment on your content.
          Now there are a couple of ways to look at your comments and what to do. You have very few votes, and you want to grow your SP, and to do that you need to get rewards, so you need to make every vote count. Failure to reward a customer of yours is going to result in a potentially dissatisfied customer. You can vote on their comment and hope they have an @dustsweeper account, ( I will cover that toward the end), or you can let them know you appreciate their comment, if you just leave their comment hanging out to dry, they likely will think, that you did not care about the vote or the comment and they may not be back. Even though it is a potential loss in vote reward I am one of those that believe a vote should be given to at least one or two comments that you receive on your post. It lets the person who commented and voted on your page know you cared, and it shows future visitors to your pages that yes you do sometimes vote on the comments received.
          You must still be careful about commenting on other peoples post, some of them can be pretty childish or downright asshatish about comments without a vote. If you get something like "What good enough to comment on but not vote on" type of comments, just politely respond back, that you had no vote power left, and that you will no longer darken their door with your visits to what you thought was a wonderful post" or something like that, there are after all a lot of people with content to read enjoy and vote and comment on. Comments drive people to your post. Commenting on other peoples post is the best way to get people to look at your post, but you need to vote on their content or they may just view you as a comment spammer looking for votes, so give the content you like a vote.

How to maximize your Vote

          Maximizing your vote. You want to do that as much as possible. People will look and see what your voting habits are. If you want to increase your Rep and Post payout, Self Voting is not going to help very much in the beginning of you steemit career. Prior to self voting your post or a comment you made, make sure it is past the dustvote level and has reached a payout level of at least $0.030. Why do I say three cents when the dust level is .019 cents? The price of steem fluctuates, it could go down, play it safe you do not want to throw that vote away.

          You want to keep your vote level up over the mid 80% range if possible at 80% it will take a full 24 hours before you are close to maximum vote power. Try to go into your sleep period or your next time frame visit to steemit to be where you are not sitting at 100% vote power, that is wasted vote potential. I myself try to time my vote recovery period to be at the 97% level for when I next visit steemit. That give me about three hours to get up to speed so to speak then I start to vote. Steemworld helps a lot with figuring this out.
          Once again speaking of steemworld, learn to use the manual vote slider in the tools section when you finally get to 80SP. Why wait til the 80SP level? A couple of reasons, it will show people that you are here to take steemit serious, and that you want to not only maximize your vote potential but you also want to maximize your engagement level with fellow steemians. When you get to 80SP learn to use that slider, or one of the other sliders that are available. Slide down to 50% range for your voting. Prior to 80% you were less than a penny people knew this, they still know this. By setting at 50% you show that you are trying to be responsible with your voting. You likely noticed that you did not get any curation rewards until you reached almost 40SP., that is about when you started to get those $0.001 curation rewards. If you drop your slider to far you will miss out on those rewards, it does not matter what slider you use. Staying at 50% power on your votes will allow you to vote for twice the number of people or pieces of content than you were able to before and still get a curation reward.

          Now for @dustsweeper, and to start wrapping this up. @dustsweeper is a program that was developed by @davemccoy and @danielsaori, to aid the new user in gaining some traction on steemit. It takes all of those dustlevel votes you receive and lifts them out of the dust and into the payout pan. You will see on some comments and post something similar to this:

This post protected by @dustsweeper

          The poster is letting you know if you are aware of the program that yes your vote will count, and you will likely get a curation reward, and if a person does not understand what it means, they are likely to ask about it, and thus the word is spread. this is not a vote bot, you do not pay it to come and vote on a one time post. You set a savings type account up with them by making a deposit of at minimum of $0.050, (I believe that is the low side amount but it may be less). You want to try and build your savings to at least 1 SBD, at 1 SBD you will have about 70 votes lifted from out of the dust. Here is the FAQ page for dustsweeper, I urge you to take a visit and see what they are all about.

The Quick form for TL;DR

  1. Build your SP to 80.
  2. Only vote 10-11 times a day initially
  3. At 80SP Learn to use a slider and do not slide less than 50% until you get to 210 SP (edit: You get the steemit vote slider at about 500SP, prior to that you need to find an alternative slider,, and both have early sliders available).
  4. Watch your recharge time.
  5. Don't self vote your content or post until it reaches a payout of at least $0.030
  6. Get Steemd, steemworld, and most important dustsweeper.
  7. Vote on at least two people that comment on your post.
  8. Return a comment on most of the comments you receive. (nice post that sort of thing, can be ignored).
  9. It is your vote!!! Use it as you see fit.
    If you want to sell buy or trade your vote that is your business, all I was trying to do is let you know a little bit about one strategy for generic steemit growth.

I have not grown fast, and I maybe could have done better, but there will always be someone doing better than you and someone doing not as well as you. Some vote strategies will work for some, some will work for others.

As always if you have any questions I will try to answer them or suggest where you may be able to find the answer. I do not know anything about curation trail voting so for that information you will need to find an expert. I like to vote, and I love to comment, to me the two are inseparable, so I maintain control of my own voting, instead of letting some trail or committee vote for me.


Awesome post of great info @bashadow! 💕
Resteeming this one also for more to see! 👀

Hopefully they will read the comments, I may need to do a fully updated steemworld post, I can't believe it was 6 months ago that I was struggling to learn how to use it so I could vote more.

Almost a year for us both, learned a lot
since then, so much more to learn! :-)

Never stop learning! ☀

This helps me a lot! I have been struggling to find information on this stuff that’s digestible. I am still learning the ropes of what’s a good move to do and what’s not the best. Thankfully the zone I reign in, comments, seems to work out well all around so that’s a plus! I still can’t figure out the dust sweeper though, I’ll have to go over there and give it more of a read and research.
Thanks, and reSteemed!

After 7 days when a post or a comment reaches payout time, if a post or a comment does not have a value of $0.020 then those votes are not going to count and you will not get a reward from those votes. For visibility and ease of reading payout is only shown in the three digit format. So a payout being shown as $0.02 may not be a payout it could be a total value of anywhere from $0.016-$0.025. They round up or down from 5. Those vote payouts that are more than $0.020 are going to be rewarded, those at $0.019 or less will not.
@dustsweeper will come in on day four or five, and vote enough to raise the payout above the $0.02 level. With the price of steem though this is no guarantee that that a payout level will be maintained.

Oh great thanks for the explanation it makes more sense now! So I give them a little money and they upvote my stuff so I get a reward?

Yes you are investing in yourself. As a new user or someone that mostly gets votes from new users, (like me), most of the received votes are less than 2 cents. With the price of steem decreasing it takes more SP to give a vote above 2 cents, or to receive a vote above 2 cents. 1 SBD deposited to @dustsweeper will raise about 70 dust votes to a payout level. So instead of those 70 votes going bye bye, they now go to your reward pile.

Thanks for the tip, one more question since I don’t have 80 SP, I can vote on anything right now correct and not have to worry about my power recharging?

That is a tough call, I am not sure how much Vote Power you need to use in order to get a curation reward. It is something you could experiment with, but the other thing about voting way down, is a lot of people will see that in a negative way. Voting and commenting in hopes of a return vote. It is a tough balancing act how far to let your Vote Power decrease to versus how it appears to others.

There is a balance and a point of diminishing returns for curation rewards. Likewise there is the balancing act of appearance, (is he voting because they like my content or because they are hunting comment upvotes)?, some people ask that question to themselves, and will look to see how an individual has been commenting/voting.

In the end, it is your vote. If I see people saying you need to upvote me, I leave. People will tell you you are voting to much, you are not voting enough, you are voting wrong, you should upvote yourself, you shouldn't upvote yourself, who knows, a person really can vote however they want and there is no wrong way.

If you want to keep getting curation rewards, I would still try to stay in the upper 20% of vote power, but to be honest, I do not know if it has an effect or not. I never wanted to do the low vote experiment.

This is all very helpful. I upvoted all these comments just a little. Can you watch the results and figure out the effect of low-power voting? Let me know if you do.

Since I have a @dustsweeper account, the votes on me will be raised to payout level. If you vote on a comment without a @dustsweeper account, most comments only get the one vote, and it is less than a two cent vote then it will just evaporate like it never happened and you will get no curation reward for it.

Example if you were to look at my "curation Rewards" tab versus yours you would see I get about 4 or more rewards an hour, whereas you get about one an hour. On steemworld for the last 7 days I voted 268 times and you 213 times. So 38 times a day for me 30 times a day for you. Only 8 votes a day more than you but In a one day (a 23 hour period) you got 24 curation rewards, for that same time frame I got 34.

1.388 SP for you:
0.402 SP for me.
You have slightly less than twice as much SP as I do. So you are doing much better at voting on paying content than I do. I think if you set out and made sure the vote you cast was at least valued at two cents, then you would double your curation rewards.

Thanks a bunch for all the info! I appreciate the help, I’m getting used to it more each week!

Wow! You really thought hard about your voting strategy. I feel like a need a voting coach now. I've been rather haphazard about it so I started using Steemauto to let someone else do the voting for me. Even then, you have to decide how to choose the settings and it can result in very little return.

I'm voting about 20 to 25 times a day now, I think, and my voting power is always around 35 to 40%. Would it be better to vote less frequently with more power?

Since you are spending a lot of time on curation, have you thought about starting a trail on Steemauto? I would follow you. Maybe I can already do that. I'll have to log in and see.

Right now I'm only following @buzzbeergeek. He seems like a really nice guy and I'm happy to support him.

I was told that the lower your vote value percentage wise, the lower your curation reward. I do not know at what point it makes a lot of difference. I myself do not understand it that well at all. We are dealing with two different percentage numbers. One is the percentage of your vote power remaining. That's easy to see on The other is the percentage at which a vote is cast, (using the slider). Most of the whale accounts I have looked at keep their Vote power levels up in the high 90% range, and then cast lots and lots of votes at a small percentage like 2% or less.

So I sort of base my voting on that standard. I try to keep my vote power above 85% and most of the votes I give are at the 20-30% range, depending on steem price, I like to try and keep the vote value I give at about $0.02 cents, so the person receiving will get a reward, and so I will get a curation reward from giving the vote. It gets hard and is sometimes a balancing act especially when I really do not understand it very much.

I really do not know anything at all about curation trails. I do use a manually controlled curation trail from @thehive, they will put 3 post in the discord hive bomb room about 24 hours before they are going to go vote, so the members can go cast a vote before and get a slightly better curation reward. So that is the extent of my knowledge on curation trails. If I ever get too much SP to where I can not keep up manually on my voting, then I may look into them, but for now, I like to know what I am voting on.

Here is the link you want to look at for finding some one to vote follow
Look at the curation league. Those people know how when and who to vote for. Me I am just all over the place. Asher is very good with figuring out the numbers and letting us know how well we are doing. vote wise or engagement wise.

I'm really grateful for dustsweeper. Now, I can vote more people, those who regularly visits and those contents that I like to vote on. There are those that I comment on and vote regularly but I only get some votes from them that is because maybe they are already out of votes or are following the 10 votes a day or are reserving there votes to their own group. Lots of factors come into play about voting. For me, I vote the contents that I like be it posts or comments.

This comment was made from

For me, I vote the contents that I like be it posts or comments.

That is one of the best ways to vote in my opinion.

This is full of very helpful tips. Thanks!!

It gets difficult remembering how we got to where we are, well for me anyway. I do remember the struggle to get to that first 100SP, and then the sudden slow down from december onward, and now the sudden speed up of steem. A roller coaster ride, no doubt about it. Hopefully some of the new users will find it useful.

"What good enough to comment on but not vote on" type of comments,

If I got that comment I would never go back to any of their post

Thanks for sharing
I agree dustsweeper is an important thing to have to maximize you curation

I have seen that or similar comments on a few different post before. Generally directed at the new users, and no they were not just nice post type comments, but real comments. It is a shame that happens but it does. Some people think that just because a new user is commenting on their whale post that it is only to get their attention, I am sure that happens, but to slam people for a real comment on their post is to me nuts, and if they do it because they think the new user is just kissing ass, then it kind of tells you what that poster really thinks of their own post. (it must be a shit post because they slammed a real comment for ass kissing). pitiful.

yea after getting your ass kissed on every post it gets old real fast. On the same token to many minnows chase whales. I always said leave them alone. and you never know the real story.

I stick by my statement that I would never go back to any of their posts. but I don't chase whales

I try not to think of the reputation or the amount of SP a person has, it could be bought and paid for Reputation, or it could be real reputation. SP level does not help because you do not know if Low SP is a result of a power down several months ago, or if the SP was like the Reputation bought and paid for.

Actions are the only deciding factor of reputation and SP. People that chase after asses to kiss soon find out they get shit on real easy by everyone around them.

The "quality of person" is what matters not anything else
and I got that quote from someone else.

If I would not bother with you in real life why would I here. I am the same here as there

This is a good one @bashadow. I am a bit confused though. You made reference to using the vote slider once you sp is up to 80. Please can you explain because I don't see any slider on my own. has a vote slider, I don't know how it is used, but I have seen a lot of new users that use busy, and slide their vote value down to 1% and they only have 15SP, not a way to grow or earn any rewards at all. On Steemworld,org down in the tools section he has a manual vote slider. Back in january I did a post on using the manual slider on steemworld Using Steemworld manual vote on comments. In that one I tried to explain how to use it for comments, a little tricky, but you basically remove the Z and put the Z back. I have no clue why, but it worked.
Here is the very first post I did about the Manual vote slider on bonus feature for redfish At least this time I was able to scroll back more than 2 months worth, and now I ahve them bookmarked. I think i did one other one on it, but not sure. remember that @steemchiller is always tweaking his code so there are always improvements being made by him, and some things may change, but my wife still uses it and she has had no problems with removing the z and putting it back, works fine for her.
Hope those two post help, let me know if you need more help. There are other front ends that have a pre 500SP vote slider, but I really don't know what they are or how they work.

So I can actually reduce my vote on steemworld? That's cool. I know of though. I think you should be specific as to where the vote slider can be gotten from 80sp. Some persons would think it's on steemit

I did not think about that, I guess I am getting to the point where I think most people know, but there are always new people joining, and all this information is spread out far and wide. I was actually surprised to see it was back in january that I did those two post.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 1 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 26 SBD worth and should receive 349 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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