My Weekly Report As a Moderator In CampusConnect

in CampusConnect2 years ago

Home Work Post for Tron Fan Club Tutorial.png

Hello everyone, How are you doing?. I welcome you once again to my weekly report as a Moderator in the CampusConnect Community.

As a Moderator in the community, my role is to check the quality of user's post , check for plagiarism{1}, check for the exclusivity of the post and ensured it is #steemexclusive{2}, and as well check if a user is making use of a Vote-Buying (delegating to bots){3}, and lastly, check for #club activity, genuine users are to maintain #club50505, #club75 or #club100 before there post could be voted in the community or reviewed.

And as well, all users in campus connect are to be verified at the minimum level of achievement1 as there was a user whose vote could not be reviewed due to their identity review in the newcomer's community, below is the format I used in evaluating users' publishment


Afterwards i check users' posts, I give observations on the post quality and as well asked them to embrace the use of Grammarly or Grammar checker to avoid errors in their publication, and also increase the quality of there content.


My Evaluation date was on Friday August 5 2022, and below are the users post and Link to the post that was evaluated by me.

The key features included the Username, their club tag, Post Link, Most importantly the post Originality.

Usernameclub tagPost LinkOriginality
@tayonNew Userlink100%
@gamcantoi23No Statuslink100%
@hayleydemiclub 5050link100%

A total number of 11 post's were active which I was able to review , and most of the post were unique and two users was not eligible for club 5050 status , and as well a user was yet to be verified on his Achievement 1 level.



Campus connect is a student community on the steemit platform, we frown against plagiarism and we as well reward unique content and club eligibly post by encouraging user with upvotes through the community account.

Plagiarized users are given a warning on the first offense, while three-time repeated offenders are muted and no longer allowed to post in the community.

Thank You, I am @badmus-official, reporting for @campusconnectng community


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