My Life's Journey - Learning The Lessons Of Life - Listen To Yourself - Part 1

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Well, hello there, my amazing Steemian friends. I hope all of you are well and doing great in your lives. It has been again a while since the last time I sat down behind the keyboard and expressed myself. But, sometimes we all need time alone, in silence, to sort through all the thoughts going through our heads. And, no matter who you are, sooner than later, we all find ourselves in a similar period in our lives. For me, it has been a tough period, on a top of a tough period, topped off with you guessed it tough period. And, to tell you the truth, it was in end my "fault", because in a lot of my posts I have talked about CHOICES. In the end, it is all our CHOICE and we have no one to "blame" but ourselves. During these times I have re-learned the lesson of listening to that deep tiny little voice inside you. Which of course I ignored completely in this past year. How so? Well, let's start from the beginning?

Listen To Yourself

It started with taking care of my father and nursing him back to health. I would not call this a "bad" decision at all, but it sure took a lot of me to do so. Physically and emotionally. And, it has to lead me to make a rushed decision to go play basketball in Morrocco at the start of my season. Even though two weeks before I was supposed to go I caught a stomach virus which has really tired me out. This is where I ignored that tiny little voice deep inside telling me not to go. I went anyway even though I was still sick. Did I go there for all the wrong reasons? Yep, I did. Let me explain.

The only reason I went to Morrocco was to get away, to "rest" a bit from the 4 months hospitals with my dad. The second reason I went there was that I promised the coach there who I am a good friend with that I will come. And, I did not want inconvenient for him to cancel the ticket so I can recover from the virus. So I went anyway and guess what happened?

Well, the president, of a club was a real piece of work. At the signing of the contract, I found out the President of the club changed the entire contract which we agreed upon before I flew to Morroco. And, to top it all of my dear friends he was telling me to trust him. Wtf right? The guy was telling me to trust him while he changed the entire contract we agreed upon? The red alert sirens were going in my head. Do you know that tiny little voice from before? Well, now it was screaming. My voice inside was waving red flags, ringing the bells and turning on the sirens. Smoke alarms were going off. But, guess what I did? I just simply ignored all of them. Actually, not ignored, because I knew there is something off about this guy.

But rather, for the sake of my friend, I CHOOSE not to listen to the signs. My friend was telling me to TRUST this guy and that everything will be ok. And, I truly trusted my friend, so I did. I was able to change some of the stuff about the contract and I signed it.

Inside Voice Kept Sending Signals

The inside voice kept sending signals desperately trying to tell me I should off never left Croatia with stomach flu. It was telling me why after the meeting with the President who changed the entire contract before the signing and talking about trust??? After the initial distrust, he showed he kept doing things which were just confirming who he is a person.

Problems with finding me an apartment, transportation problems, late payments, unexpected expenses never agreed in the contract, plus "accidental" mistakes while converting Morrocan Dirhams to Euro's I was supposed to be paid in. Plus many more things, my friends. Inside ME voice was now screaming hysterically. lol It was telling me what else needs to happen for you to pack your things and go home where you should off stayed in the first place?


Well, the next thing, which tipped the scale for me was when he started messing with my health. After two months of practicing hard without really missing practice, I pulled my hamstring in the practice. It was nothing major. Just a little tiny strain which I waited for 2 weeks to get a doctor appointment. I kid you not guys. It took them 2 weeks to get me an appointment to see the doctor. The doctor said 2 weeks of rest and then I can SLOWLY start the practice. My fibers were not torn but they were very close to being torn. Which means if I keep pushing it can tear and then I would have a bigger problem on my hands.

Had Enough

The moment I said I am leaving this club was the President did not care I am hurt and tried to force to play a FRIENDLY game just 3 days after the doctor said I had to rest for 2 weeks. I did not tell anyone. I waited for my well deserved last salary because I think I would not get if I told them I was leaving. I called up my "friend" the coach and I talked to him first about my decision. He really tried to talk me out of it, but I just told him it is done. The way this President talked to me and other players was to say at least disrespectful and insulting. He treated his players like robots and like he owns us just because he is paying us. Always talking down on people. I guess it made him feel powerful or something. And, in reality, it was just showing what type of person he is. Once he started messing with my health, the decision was easy.


The coach wanted me to meet with the committee of the club and tell them all about my problems here. And, I did not want any part of that. It would just create unnecessary friction which would even further complicate me leaving the club. Because I still needed to get my papers so I have no problems joining other clubs. Plus not to mention I am long ways from home. And, honestly, I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. The only way to that was to cut my contract in an as possible peaceful way possible. Even though I was tempted to just go "all out" on him. But, deep down I knew it would not be a good thing to do so far away from home. The only way to "WIN" against this type of people is to become them and do the things they are doing. Get down to their level. And, honestly, I never was, and I will never be that type of a person.

Heading Home

Like I said I did not want to start any kinds of arguments or fights. I just wanted to be on the plane home as soon as possible. I just simply told them I am not happy playing here, and I wanted to leave the club. When they asked me why I just told them I did not fit in very well with the team. Which was far from the truth. I actually loved playing with my teammates, and they all wanted me to stay but the President of the club crossed every single line of decent behavior he can cross and I can't play for that type of person.

So about 5 days later I got my clean papers which would enable me to join any other club I choose without problems. Which was my goal in the end. Because if I started fighting like my coach-friend wanted me to do I would never get my papers. I would be stuck and unable to play anywhere until my contract here expires. My friend did get really mad at me even though he understood my reasons for leaving. He actually did not even want to say goodbye to me. And, honestly, I can live with that, because I made a tough decision but the right one no doubt in my mind. The right decision for ME.

Lesson To Be Learned

So what is the lesson here my friends? It is simple actually, but I made it complicated. Listen to YOURSELF. You truly do know what is best for you, but you have the courage to listen to yourself. You have to have the courage to listen to that deep tiny voice inside you. That is your souls peaking to you. That is the REAL YOU. And, yes sometimes it is very hard to do so because we do get influenced by the people around us. We listen to everybody, but ourselves.

Not all in Morrocco was bad at all. I truly did meet some amazing people and got to see Marrakesh. Saw some amazing things and part of it was truly enjoyable. But, I am who I am as a person and there are certain things I do have a hard time getting over. One of them being dishonest. I can't be around people like that. I always try to see the best in people, but sometimes there is nothing to see, my friends. And, that is the world we live in.

You would probably think after this bad experience in Morroco I would learn the lesson. But, unfortunately, I did not my friends. Once I returned home I again ignored myself and listen to everybody else. Which in the end lead to more problems for me. Some of these problems I am still dealing with now. But, this next decision I made lead me to experience the worst and the most amazing things at the same time. It sounds strange, yes, but I will explain more in my next post when I tell you about how I decided to go play in Italy for the rest of my season.

Thank you all for reading, have an amazing day all, much love,

dbjegovic 💕 💞 💓





What a nightmare you had to go through OK I do agree Some is in part your fault, but not all, and I think the parts that you feel are your fault are due in a good part to you trying to be the better ad trusting person

Take it as a lesson learned and move on, I often say its good to listen to your gut feelings and thats something you can take from this ad I wish you all the bets moving forward

Well, my friend. To be honest I CHOOSE to stay there even though I felt something was very wrong. I did not listen to myself and things just got worse and worse. I really should off listened to myself. It is a hard lesson but one I will remember no doubt.

So next time I will know better. And, that is to listen to ME. Lesson learned my friend. :)

Thank you for a wonderful comment brother as always. Have an amazing day. :)

Yes I know what your saying and did agree art of the fault was yours but as you say you have learned from it the worst is takes are the ones you do not learn from :)

You to have a wonderful day and weekend

Hi, Duro! I have missed so much in between here! I had no idea you weren't still playing for Italy, but, went to Morrocco instead.

Oh, this is a trap so many of us fall into, isn't it? I think what happens is we have so much going on in our lives that we don't sit still long enough for those voices to penetrate. We all make bad decisions when we don't listen to that voice inside, but, the only thing we can do is pull up our socks and carry on, hopefully having learned a thing or two.

I hope you are doing better now and take good care of that body! You don't want to be a crippled old man! Not even old, just when you leave the club for another life.

I look forward to hearing more from you and it has been great catching up with you a bit!

Upped and Steemed


I started my season in Morocco but switched to Italy at half of the season.

Well, it is really, the trap we all fall into. We tend to listen to everybody around us, but ourselves. And, honestly, I am learning it is not the right way to go. In the end, it is my life and I should not go through life trying to make everybody around me happy, but me. I don't think it is even selfish. It is you taking of YOU first.

And, yes, there is no quitting in me. I have been knocked down before. I believe things always happen for a reason. Sometimes we just have to wait for the answer to why? So I slowly build myself up again, stronger and most importantly WISER. :)

Thank you for such a great comment, my friend, have a blessed day. :)

It's always best to listen to yourself. You can never go wrong with what you feel and think as long as you even notice there is something wrong..But life is full of lessons and so is this moment :)

I believe so to, my friend. After this situation, I realized nothing good ever came out me not doing what I am supposed to do and what I was feeling inside me. Honestly, I even recalled many previous situations I did not listen to myself and they all turned out in a negative way. I wanted to make the best decision for everybody else but ME. And, in the end, of course, I ended up with a mess.

So, yes, listening to myself from now on. Thank you for stopping by Gabriela. Have an amazing day. :)

Sometimes the compassion of friendship tend to overpower our logical decisions and even ignored the warnings deep inside of us.

Though things can be damaging because we do not live in a perfect world, but the takeaway is that when we have faith and learn to forgive ourselves we can bounce back and be better than before, also to serve as a testimony to others that bad things will come in life and we can either drown in it or surf above the storm and go through it. 😊


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Well, yes, that sure played a big role in me not listening but now I understand that true friends will understand your decisions, while others will leave. And, in the end, even if it sounds a little selfish you have to do what is best for you and not every single one around you.

I am slowly learning how to do this because I am always afraid of hurting people around me, but in the end, I end up hurt. So this was for sure one huge lesson for me and wakeup call I need to start making decisions a little differently in my life.

Thank you for stopping by, my amazing friend, have a beautiful day. :)

Hi @awakentolife, how often do we ignore that little voice? More often than we should BUT sometimes it's circumstances like in your case the flight tickets are booked or we've already signed a deal, or whatever else. So we often ignore that little voice because we don't want to inconvenience others! It's not a bad trait, it shows your caring nature! Sometimes we have to go through these difficult times to learn lessons so best you move on.
A wise old man once said to me, If you make a mistake and learn from it, it's all ok, but if you make the same mistake twice, you're a fool! Aren't we all fools at times? I know I am, but we need to learn to throw it away!
Very soon life will be smooth sailing again!

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Hi there @lizelle. :)

What I am learning about life even though I am still young is that life will keep putting you in the same situations until you learn the lesson. So I have been here before. In very similar situations. And, I always tried to do what is best for everybody but ME. And, honestly, I think it is time for me to learn the lesson and start doing what is best for ME. Because honestly, I do not recall one situation I listened to everybody but me which turned out good for me. I truly don't.

I don't think this is a good way to live a life. Because for me was about to fool me about 50 times so I am a well past fool. lol So it is a time for a CHANGE. :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, have a great day. :)

Good on you! Time for a change, go well!

It's an awful experience you went through, being played around like a toy.

You know the lessons to be learned and yet you go through them again. But see, that is the part you need to play to learn in depths. There are reasons why we go through things, maybe the same thing more than once, just to see it play out in a different scenario to give us all the tools and experience we need for something in the future. A preparation if you will.

I wish you well in your journeys and I hope the lessons you need to learn are applied in the future for your benefit.

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@foxyspirit thank you for your input. And, I 100 agree with you. Everything in life happens for a reason. Sometimes we just do not learn why right away. Sometimes the answers come with delay.

Many amazing things happened along the way which I will talk more about in the next posts. But, just like you said it was all a preparation for the future in front of me. :)

Thank you for amazing comment, wish you an amazing day. :)

Awesome that you have amazing moments! You are welcome and I hope you have a great day as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

I absolutely agree we need to listen to ourselves. This is much easier said than done. I myself seem to never listen to myself and continue to make decisions that affect my life in a negative way.

Well, maybe it is time for both you and me to start changing some things and start listening to OURSELVES. Heck, I started after this tough year. Some people might not like it, but to be honest, the ones who are TRUE friends will. Honestly, I asked myself a simple question?

Who's life is this? Mine or everybody else's? Then for me, the decision was simple. I need to do what is best for me, because for some people no matter what you do will ever be enough. They will always want more. And, in the end, I will end up hurt. Not doing that anymore at all.

Anyway, Beth, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Have a beautiful day. :) @bethvalverde

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