🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍Fruits And Veggies Monday - Cooking is all about using your imagination and enjoying yourself- Delicious veggie patties and rice dish recipe. 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍

in #fruitsandveggiesmonday6 years ago (edited)


Hi there my amazing Steemian friends. Do you know what day is it today? It is the amazing Fruits and Veggies Monday created by an even more amazing friend Lena Vegan Living. I believe I had said this before and I think I will repeat it many times in the next weeks Monday's as well. Lena is amazing, good-hearted, gentle soul, and she deserves all the success here on Steemit and generally in life. Do me a favor and show her profile some love from time to time. And, I promise you she will return the same love to you. Because she really is that amazing.

So now that I have written all these compliments, I expect to win this contest this Monday. lol I am just kidding of course. I am always about letting the best, most creative, delicious, healthy, and amazing recipe win. And, the competition is getting bigger every week. So many amazing, healthy, and delicious recipes shared every week. So I decided to do the only thing I could. Get better, get out of my cooking comfort zone and try something new. I had a day off after my basketball game yesterday night so I decided to cook myself a great lunch.

Creating Relaxing And Positive Cooking Atmosphere

I always say cooking is all about using your imagination, creating your own recipes, and having fun while doing it. So here is my getting out of comfort zone and having some fun recipe for today. I always usually buy patties and veggie burgers from the store and honestly, they are not cheap. So I decided to make my own today. Like always in all my submissions I want you to turn on some music and relax. Create that amazing cooking atmosphere. My choice of music today is Bob Marley and the amazing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" song.

Feeling little more relaxed? Awesome, let get into some cooking now. Are you ready? 3,2,1... LET'S GO. :)


  • Chickpeas
  • 2 Sweet and 1 white potatoes
  • Onion
  • Red pepper
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tomato
  • rice
  • Chickpeas flour

SPICES - paprika, pepper, Himalayan salt, olive oil, rosemary, oregano.


This recipe is merely a guideline. So you add the ingredients, and spices you like. Cooking is fun. So have fun with it. Make the recipe your OWN. :)


  • Start with warming up the water in the pot. While water is warming up clean the potatoes and cut them into the cubes. I cook mine with skin on and just wash them thoroughly before cooking. After you have cleaned and cut them dump them into that preheated water. It should take about 15-20 for them to be done. Cook them little longer like you are going to make mashed potatoes from them.


  • So while the potatoes are cooking clean the onion, red peppers, garlic and cut them into tiniest pieces you can manage to cut them. Place them in a separate bowl.


  • After cut the tomatoes and place them in your blender together with chickpeas. Blend until you get one solid mass. Add some water in a blender so it mixes little easier. I have a cheap 20 euros blender here and it does great job blending stuff like this. When it is all nicely blended add the mixture to the bowl with onion, garlic, and pepper you cut before. Wait for the potatoes to be done.


How is that Bob Marley working for you? I love his songs. So many amazing messages in his songs. Not to mention the amazing relaxing tone of his voice and music creates a perfect atmosphere for cooking. :)

  • After the potatoes are done, drain them, and add them to the mixture in the bowl. Add little olive oil and all the delicious and amazing spices to the mixture. I did not have a potato masher so I used a fork to mash everything together. Soon you are going to start sensing all the amazing flavors mixing together. DO NOT START EATING IT. It will be TEMPTING. lol I know I was tempted. lol


I also saw I have some sesame seeds so I added those to the mixture as well... Sorry, it is just my cooking imagination working. So if you have some you can add them as well to the mixture. Like I said my recipe is a guideline and I encourage you to make this recipe your own.

  • Start preheating the oven to 300F/150 C.

  • Once you are done mashing it all up together start adding the chickpeas flour to the mixture to make even more solid mass so you can shape them into the patties. The mass will always be sticky a bit, but keep adding flour until you think it is solid enough to shape the patties from them. Now, get your hands dirty and shape those patties between your hands. You can splash some flour on your palms to make it easier to shape. Once you shape them place them on the aluminum foil and toss them in the oven. Turn up the heat to 200C/400 F. It should look something like this before you place them in the oven.


Easy right? Because cooking is easy and can be fun. The only thing you can mess up now is to burn them.. lol Cooking is all about NOT burning stuff and not over spicing things. Once you "master" that everything else is easy. I actually almost burned my apartment here in Italy trying to cook chickpeas one day. lol You can read about that story by clicking here

  • While the patties are baking cook the rice in between. It should take about 30 minutes of baking the patties so they get a nice brownish crust on top. So you have plenty of time to cook the rice or any other side dish you want. I leave this choice to you. Cook the rice or something else. And, yes, don't forget to RELAX and ENJOY yourself. You are almost done. Turn the volume up on Bob Marley.Sing along with the songs no matter how bad you sound. And, trust me I sound bad, but I do it anyway. It relaxes me. I am telling you the more relaxed you are the better "taste" your dishes will have. Have fun.


Finishing Touches

Once the patties and rice are done it is time to serve them on the plate. So this is what I added in the end. I saw I had some cherry tomatoes in my fridge so I decided to use them. I cut them in the half and squeezed their juice over the delicious patties. And, I dropped couple more drops of olive oil on top of all the crusty and delicious looking patties and the rice. It gave them little extra flavor.


So it looks good right, but how does it taste? Because that is the most important thing of all right? I was actually amazed how good it tasted. The amazing blend of sweet and white potatoes mixed with veggies felt like you are having lunch and dessert at the same time. So many flavors for my taste buds. I mean incredible guys. The craziest thing of all this is my first time trying to make something like this. And, I can safely say it was a great success. I had fun cooking it all and it turned out to be one amazing and delicious lunch. Not to mention this meal basically all the vitamins and minerals my body needs on daily basis to endure basketball practices and games. Do you guys mind if I give myself a well-deserved tap on the shoulder for making this one? lol

Final Words

The only problem I had with this recipe was that I made too much and had a hard time to stop eating. lol But, this is all healthy so even if you overeat a bit it should not hurt you at all. I love this recipe as most patties and burgers in the stores also contain some chemical things inside of them to make them last longer which are not good for our bodies. Not to mention they are expensive. If I went to the store and tried to buy something like this it would probably cost me over 20 euros just for patties or veggie burgers. So definitely "worth" my time making this dish.

So by making this recipe from scratch I saved some money, eliminated almost all the chemicals and preservatives, and had an amazing time preparing and cooking it all. Everybody in my family cooks, but I believe I am the first one on the journey to becoming a full-vegan. Let's just say that did not go well with people in my town. My hometown in Croatia is famous for smoked ham. lol But, I believe this is the best decision I made for my body recently.

I hope you guys are going to try this recipe and make it your own. Add your ingredients to it, and have fun while doing it as well. Cooking is not complicated, and it sure can be simple, delicious, and healthy as this dish. Cooking for yourself is one of the most rewarding things you can for yourself and your body. That is if you don't burn it. lol Invest time in your health my friends. Your body will thank you for it. :)

Thank you all for reading, have an amazing day all, much love,

dbjegovic 💓 💗 💖



Looks like a great recipe thanks. I love tomatoes in anything.

You are more than welcome. Have a great day. :)

This is fabulous recipe Durko......................from now on I am commenting only on the best posts, but everybody get acknowledgement.

Your recipe definitely deserves a special attention, it is clearly super yummy and highly nutritious. I bookmarking it for later.


And speaking of music, this is the first song I recognize from your repertoire you posted so far. I love Bob Marley too, but lately I am listening this type of music:

Bob Marley is amazing. I really like his songs, lyrics, and the overall just "heart" music. I had 3 patties left for dinner tonight. So I am having a delicious dinner again tonight. lol Making a burger from it. It should be delicious. :)

Thank you as always for an amazing comment. And the music suggestion. I will sure check it out. :)

Always a pleasure Durko............... I would love to have your patties for dinner tonight too, lol.

OMG Lena the burger with these patties was amazing. That is my next share next Monday. Incredibly delicious. I honestly don't think I ate a better burger in my life. And, it is vegan... lol Can the next Monday come little sooner? lol

I really look forward to that Durko 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓


Oh, that looks delicious! I'm always on the hunt for the perfect veggie patty, so I definitely need to try yours out. And I love your reminders to enjoy the process! I truly enjoy being in the kitchen, but sometimes I get in my full on meal prep mode trying to get ready for the week and I forget to have a little fun along the way. Thank you for making me think about that! :)

Thank you @plantstoplanks. It was truly delicious. Considering this is the first me trying something like this it turned out amazing and I highly recommend you try it. Plus like I said make it your own. Add your ingredients and spices. I am already thinking of adding the mushrooms in it next time, or eggplant, or zucchini, or altogether.. lol

And, yes, when you enjoy doing it the time flies by and it makes your food "taste" even better. :)

Thank you for such a great comment. Have an amazing day. And, if you do end up trying I would love to see your post about it. Have the best day ever. :)

Your positivity is infectious! I hope you have a fantastic day, as well!

Well, thank you. :)

If they ever come up with vegetarian meat -- or synthetic meat -- that tastes like meat, I'm there. Front and center. Meanwhile, this patty of yours looks like it could be interesting. I love how you try stuff just for fun. It's talked me into "winging it" more, too. I've made some fabulous meals (especially refrigerator garbage soups) doing that.

@enchantedspirit I am telling you if you tried the burger I made from the leftover patties for dinner you would reconsider fast. It was incredibly delicious. I will share the recipe next Monday. Try to make it yourself and then tell me there is no good substitute next week. :)

The world is slowly changing toward more veggie eating diets. How do I know this? Because all the big supermarket chains are having more and more plant-based products. There is more and more demand for it. But, again everybody according to their desires. :)

hehe so now you have became my dumpster diving friend? So you can't make jokes no more? lol

Dumpster diving never looked so good! You'll make the sport popular if you keep this up.

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Bookmarked this for when I persuade my family to actually eat this xD I can't even persuade them to eat a fish every once in a while, they are all about pork :) Look delicious, and I'm sure it is. But I'd eat it before it's done xD "just a little" until I see it's an empty bowl

hahaha yep not easy to persuade to eat anything plant-based. lol Don't tell them what it is inside. Tell them its chicken. :) lol

Trust me don't even try it or you will give up on making the baked patties and eat it all right away. lol

I will try to trick them, but won't be easy :)

Well... "just a little" hahahah

Batata and Reggae, a perfect combination. I see you love healthy food, that's cool!!

People are not using sweet potato often in their cuisine, but as you said here, it just gives you that much sweetness to enjoy the meal completely... No need for dessert afterward...

I sure do brother. Nothing like treating your body the right way and feeling great from it. :)

Sweet potatoes are amazing for your body. Nutritionally superior to any other sort of potatoes. And, yes no dessert needed afterward. You got it all in this meal. But, brother the burger I made from those leftover patties was the best burger I ever ate in my life. I kid you not. I am sharing the recipe next week. :)

Haha I believe you for the burger... Last months I've been eating homemade burgers maybe a lot.. They're sooooo good...

Excellent post, here I put to see my wife that we both cooked, I am excited that she wants everything to do it, thank you so much for sharing it. Yummy!! Happy week bro! @awakentolife

@gersson you are more than welcome. Thank you for the great comment. I hope your wife and you try it. If you do be sure to let me know how it turned out. :)

Have an amazing week as well, brother. :)

Thank you, I will be very careful to tell you when we prepare it!

I will skip the rice. Just taking some potato veggie patties with me. Thanks! tip!
When you said "Don't Worry, Be Happy", the first thing that pop into my head is Timon and Pumbaa's "Hakuna Matata"...

Hey potato veggie patties is the star of this dish. Next Monday I am sharing vegan burger recipe I made from the leftover patties. Eliza it will make you forget it is not meat you are not eating inside. I mean delicious. :)

Thank you as always for a great comment, and the tip. :) Loved the Lion King clip as well. One of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid. :)

Revisiting... Grab one more potato veggie pattie... Ngom Ngom Ngom... 😀
Lion King is a great cartoon! 🦁

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Amazing...you got a good taste too...just like mine😉 i too try many dishes time to time..and i like eating myself... For sure when i used to be hungry...i can eat anything😂

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