Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost006

“No, in this I am more like a woman and you are being like a child; I see things as they are. Your problem is you see everything as having to be romantic, so you forget about love.” I was stunned that she could be so perceptive and remained silent, trying to see past my own defences, to work out whether she is right.

Previous Post 005


“Robert,” she continued a few minutes later, “you are forgetting something. If we are together, making love, our passion will be so strong…and she is linked to us. She will feel it. But because of you, she will be alone. You are the one who is cruel.”

I despaired of winning the argument, of explaining to her, so I got a bit nasty. “Okay then, fuck it! You try it, you go invite her. You’ll see! And you do it honestly, no manipulating, I’ll be watching you.”

“I will !” We were silent for a while, just our emotions bouncing around between us. I was not in the mood for talking anymore and just needed to relax. “Robert, can I please ask you something, but you promise you won’t get upset or cross with me? About something that happened on the boat.”

I laughed. “Your ‘pappou’ Alki would be really upset to hear you call it a boat. On the yacht. Shoot, what is it?”

“How did you stop me? You would not allow me to come into you, or, I mean, to send into you. How could you stop me. Was it on purpose?” She sounded desperate. “You needed me to help you, but you locked me out!”

It was all still too raw and I had not had enough time to convince myself I did not deserve it, so I did not want to revisit those memories, but her question and the direction my thoughts took brought back to life the pain. It was almost as if I was living it again.

“Robert, please no, no please! Stop it!! Let me in. What is happening? Oh god it hurts!”

I was able somehow to pull myself out of the vortex of misery. Softly, shaking, but holding her trembling body to me, I explained. I was shocked to feel her sink into despair. She now did what she rarely does. She bawled like a kid. Dommi came out and stared, but she did not interfere, just stood to one side watching. She must think I’m some kind of monster, I thought to myself.

“Oh Robeeert! It’s not fair! It’s not fair!! Now I am very scared.”

“Shh sweetheart, come Cherry baby, nothing can be that bad. There’s nothing to be scared of, it’s finished. It is over my baby. Don’t cry.”

“It is that bad. You are going to die!” Now there was no controlling her as she wept. Dommi came quickly, her face a white mask of terror.

“What are you talking about Cherine? Why must he die. You must be wrong, he’s okay now.”

Cherine threw herself into her arms. Held tightly, her voice was barely audible. “When he is sick like that, I cannot help him anymore! He has found a way to stop me. I’m going to lose him. I keep making bad mistakes, I’ll make him die now.”

“Robert, what is she talking about?” The pallor of her face showed she was taking Cherine very seriously.

“It seems I have found a way to block her from sending to me.”

“And? How can that kill you?”

“If I go into shock, my mind or soul separating from my body, she brings me back by emoting, sending me her love. She makes it so powerful, all mixed up with a mothering, a soothing calming emotion. She…”

“And she won’t be able to do it now? But how do you stop her?”

“He holds on to his pain and makes it bigger than me.” What a poetic way to put it I thought. Then I saw Dommi’s face. I quickly went to her and helped her to a chair. I took Cherine and put her back on her lap. They held each other, both watching me. I began to pace up and down, thinking my way through my, no, our problem. What I would not do for myself, I will have to do for their sake. A new sense of purpose, of determination grew as I watched the two ladies who mean more to me than my life.

“The problem. Cherine you are able to hurt me, attack me as you say, not just because you are stronger than me. My own guilt, my own feelings that I do not deserve you, my fear that I may hurt you, these are what make me vulnerable to you. When you attack, it does not even cross my mind to defend or counter-attack. So, the first thing I have to do is examine myself, find the self-esteem I need to be stronger. Your love by itself is not enough to help me achieve that Cherine, thanks to my own guilt.

Dommi, what crosses my mind is this. While only the two of us knew about my true relationship with Cherine, being the only adult, I felt that, whatever the facts, I may be using them, distorting them to justify my deeds, that anyone else who knew what is happening would be horrified. That guilt made me vulnerable. How can I resist Cherine if she attacks me, she is the one I am molesting, doing all these terrible things to. If she wants to hurt me, I must deserve it.

Facts. My logic tells me I am just as much the victim here, if there is a victim. I did not and never will have a choice. I also have supporting evidence that I am not solely to blame for giving in to our loving. My evidence is made up of two people. They are both adults, decent, respectable and fairly old fashioned who would be outraged at any adult molesting a child. Their names are Alki and Dominique. Through the decision of the molested party (young Cherine) they were made aware of the alleged molestation. Result of such disclosure? Through becoming acquainted at firsthand to the important facts of the case, they accepted it as inevitable without voicing any reservations or expressing any form of condemnation.

The said facts point to this Robert being a bit of an asshole. Instead of flogging himself, he would do a lot better doing what he is supposed to be doing, looking after the said Cherine, not to mention the young lady Dominique.”

As I had started talking, Dominique was looking at me as if I had gone balmy, I’ve never talked in that stupid way before. Now she was even able to give me a smile as she nodded. Cherine just looked puzzled, but she was responding to my emotions. She was not sitting on Dommi’s lap like a terrorised kitten anymore.

“The matter of my blocking you Cherine. Of course I did, you had given me punishment I felt I deserved so I was not going to allow you to forgive, kiss and make up just because you love me. That pain was mine because I felt I deserved it. I’m sorry to tell you my love, I no longer see it entirely that way. What you did was wrong, it was not the way of love. If you ever attack me, think of punishing me by using my love for you to hurt me, I will attack you in return and when it is over, I promise you I will use this big manly body, my stronger arm, to give you a hiding that you will always remember.” Cherine stuck her tongue out at me and hid her face in Dominique’s bosom.


I slightly softened my voice, “Cherine my love. The life you lived during your earlier years has left you traumatised and defensive. However, you have to learn to respect the rights of other people, even if it hurts you. If people grow to love you because of yourself, without you using your gift, because you are kind, considerate and so on, you will treasure that friendship. If you trick or force them into loving you by using your powers, you will only have contempt for them. Their friendship will mean nothing to you. You damn well start earning friendships from now on. And stop taking advantage of me just because I’m too soft where you are concerned. I don’t want to become harder, Cherine, but if you don’t stop, my life will be hell very shortly and in the end, you will have to suffer through me.”

I hesitated. “Dominique, with you things are more complicated. When we had a relationship with only the two of us involved, your insecurities drove you away from me and my own insecurities crippled me so that I could not fight to keep your love. You are back in my life - I hope. A decision has to be made now, are you back as the friend and sister you wanted to be, or are you back as my lover. If it is as a friend, the situation will be far less intense and most of the adapting you would have to do has already taken place. As a friend you are welcomed by both Cherine and I with all our love.

First let me say, whether as a friend or lover, you are needed. Two times already you have shown an instinct, a compassionate understanding of our special needs. You have saved my life both times. Dominique, by saving my life you have also saved the life of Cherine. We are both in your debt. We can only repay that by asking you to be part of our love. We both want it, it is not just me asking.

If you want to return as my lover, the nature of our relationship means that you are indirectly the lover of Cherine and of a man who has sex with a child - though I’m hoping you will help me fight her compulsions that are draining me. There would by many complications, some due to your upbringing, some due to the normal instincts any woman has, mainly the need to know that her man belongs exclusively to her. Think well how you would feel in bed with the two of us. When I hold her body in my arms I am obsessed, it is as if her mind is within mine and there is no way I could spare a thought for anyone else. If I am loving you, would you be able to cope with the knowledge that Cherine is indirectly monitoring my feelings?

A few side benefits are; one you would be part of our circle of love. You would never, not for a second, feel unloved. The unbelievable strength of love you will be a part of you already have had a taste of. When you remember back to our lovemaking, recall the most intensely passionate moment and multiply that to try and imagine how it will now be. Lastly, something that affects Cherine and I only, but if I am to be brutally honest, I must mention. With you seen by the world as my lover, you will be shielding Cherine and I from the suspicions that are sure to come.

Oh, one more point, should Cherine try, whether you are a friend or lover, to manipulate you in any way she will be punished by me. You are loved by both of us, whatever you decide, even should you decide to walk away from us.”

Dominique looked down at Cherine who was eagerly looking up at her. I closely monitored Cherine, but she was only emoting her anxiety. Dominique looked back at me and her eyes dropped to the ground. Before she spoke I already knew her answer.

“I need some time. This is too different. It’s weird! You can’t ask me to do something like this and then want an answer immediately. I can tell you, I cannot handle the lover bit. I also would only be in the way. Let me think about being a friend.” She now spoke to Cherine. “Cherine I love him a lot, you know that I also love you, but I cannot do this. It is very difficult, ask Robert. When he loved me and I wanted him as a friend, he ran away to London so as not to be near me. It may be impossible for me also.”

“What if he gets sick again! I can’t make him better alone. Only with you I can! What will I do?”

“Cherine,” I quickly interceded, “that is manipulation. Ordinary childish manipulation, but still wrong. You do not have the right to expect her to sacrifice her life, or the life she wants to live just to suit us. You have to respect her wishes. Grow up darling. We will be there to look after each other and that is all we have the right to ask of this world. Dominique, thank you and please remember, both Cherine and I will be there for you whenever you need us. We will always not only be in your debt, but also consider you a very special friend.”

It seems I had defused the situation and they were both a lot calmer, though troubled and saddened. As for me, I had been certain Dommi would not want to be a lover, but I regretted her decision not to be a friend. When we were called to have supper at the harbour taverna, I think we were all relieved to be escaping the possibility of any further discussions. We also needed to be forced to a change of conversation and the enjoyment of an evening out with family and friends.

Towards the end of the meal my two girls decided they wanted to take a walk to the fishing boats at the wharf. Cherine was keeping her mood light-hearted and I was surprised to see a glow of pleasure in both their eyes when they returned. As a matter of fact, little Cherine was positively strutting and could hardly contain herself.


I was curious as to what the little scallywag is up to. Knowing them both, there is no way it can be anything thought up by Dommi. No point in trying to probe the (my) master and I could not invade Dominique’s privacy, even if I was able to. As we walked back to the house, Dominique had her hand lightly under my arm while Cherine scampered ahead. I had never seen her act like a child before - at least not without any other children around, and it did gladden my heart. I sent her my love and she returned it at least three times more powerfully. At the house the two girls went for bed while we adults had our last coffee or brandy. As Cherine pecked my cheek she whispered, “Have a shower tonight.” I was instantly afire. I did not stay long and I too was soon in bed, clean and nude under the sheets impatient for my tiny lover.

The door opened and Dominique walked in.

Neither of us spoke. She walked to the side of my bed, disposed of her dressing-gown, all the while looking me in the eyes. As she came to me I breathed in her scent, just as I had always loved it. Her natural body scent, not out of a bottle. I pulled back the sheet for her to get in. Cherine sent me a gleeful spurt of pure joy in response to what I must have sent to her.

I decided to be whatever Dommi wants, so I queried Cherine, a soft gentle arousal (?), then a hard furious passion (?) tailing it with a puzzlement. She sent back a wild feeling of harsh heat and passion, then a soft drawn out eagerness, then a questioning mood. I answered positively. She was of course welcome, not that I needed her to build up the fires burning in me.

“I did ask Cherine if I could come just this once. I told her I wanted to spend at least one night alone with you. Robert, she was happy for me! What a lovely sweet girl. Doesn’t she ever get jealous?”

“Jealous? You obviously don’t remember the first time you met her, she would not even greet you. Don’t worry, she can be quite an ordinary girl.” I grinned. “Spiteful too on occasions. Dommi, she just really does love you.”

“I didn’t have to tell you did I? She had already told you I was coming.”

“Only after you came in, it was like a shout of happiness.”

She put her hand in mine, touched by what I’d told her. “Can she come. I think just for one time I would like to be with both of you.” She was fiercely blushing, not looking at me.

“Not a chance my love. You’re going to have to do all the work by yourself tonight.” Serious, I turned to her. “Actually Dommi, you don’t have any idea how special this is, what a sacrifice it was for her. After a day like today, when we’ve shared strong emotions and fears, we are both as horny as hell. She becomes a real little devil in bed. A whirlwind of teeth and nails. She knows that after this night with you my desires will be blunted while hers will have been fuelled even further by sensing my passions tonight. I will cope with her tomorrow, but do not be surprised to see me half crippled afterwards.”

I was grinning at her as I put my hand to her cheek and turned her face to me. My lips softly kissed her. I kissed her face all over, returning to her lips repeatedly, probing her with my tongue, remembering the sweet taste of her. As I came up for a breather, lying on my back, she giggled and pointed at the sheet which was being tented.

She was wearing one of those chaste looking cotton nighties that hang almost all the way to the ankles. No longer gently, I grabbed at it and pulled it off her. As her body lay bare before me I attacked her with my mouth, biting and sucking, cupping and squeezing, kissing and biting her neck, her ears, her stomach, while my hands roughly probed each curve of her.

It felt a bit strange, wrong. She was so big! At the moment I faltered, Cherine hit me with her first orgasm. It sent me skyrocketing, out of control. We were only at the stage of sharing oral sex, but thanks to the sending by Cherine, I was instantly too far gone to stop, try to delay, to time my climax to hers. I exploded in her. I kept moaning, “that’s my girl, that’s my love”. Her pelvis thrust itself at me as she rocked to her spasms. She gave a scream, bit on her lip. Then in Greek she was calling me all the endearments she never had before.


Soon as she settled I was back at her face, trying to love her now with my kisses. My arms my legs were all over her. Within minutes we were shaking to our new climaxes. I held her tightly to me, my fingers now gentle as I caressed her face, then softly to her breasts and back up again. As our breaths calmed, I put my lips to her ear and told her again how I love her. Forever.

Our passion settled and I got up, bringing a dampened towel I wiped her face then her body. She was now deliciously cool and almost dozing. I lay down next to her. I turned her over and massaged her back. She was moaning with the pleasure of muscles relaxing. My hands reached her coccyx and as I massaged there my other hand went under her to massage her lower belly. It was all soft and gentle, almost languid, but I could sense the need growing in me. Cherine relayed to me Dommi’s sensations and passed my own on to her. Added for both of us were Cherine’s own still desperate needs, just now and then when her control slipped, leaking through.

Dominique pulled away and sat up. “No. I’m not going to do it anymore. You must come here.” I realised she thought because Cherine can sense her feelings, she can hear her voice or thoughts.

“She cannot hear you. She is not telepathic.”

“You have to get her to come. Please.”

I sent a welcoming and a pleading feeling. I could sense she was doubtful, but gave in. Within a minute she was through our door. I laughed as she entered. She was totally starkers, not even her panty on, walking in without any shyness. Her voice was shy though.

“I wanted this to be your special night.” She went straight to Dommi and lay next to her.

“It was and still will be. I could not carry on knowing you are suffering next door.”

I tried to remain practical. “Cherine, can you keep a watch on everybody? We don’t want anybody else walking in now.”

She pulled a face. “I’ll try, but I don’t know about her parents. I might not hear them.” She giggled. “Boy would they get a big surprise!”

“Not funny.” I admonished.

Dommi spoilt it for me by also giggling. “Cherine forget about them. If they think I might be here, which they might, they will not come. They won’t even dare leave their room in case they meet me coming out of here.”

Cherine stretched out her hand to me, “Pull me over to you.”

I grinned. “Say please.”

Dommi surprised me by lifting Cherine and placing her on top of her. Cherine rested her cheek against her breast. One tiny hand softly felt it and she looked at me. “How can you say you love mine. Hers are so soft and beautiful.” She squirmed and fell over on to me. I felt the blazing heat in her.

“Cherry baby, don’t. Just the two of you, between you, don’t send to me, I’ll never last.” Although she tried to do as I asked, I could still feel a trickle of her passion, but I saw Dommi’s chest beginning to rise and fall swiftly. I started to kiss and fondle my baby girl, intending to build her up slowly and was very surprised when she pushed me away.

“Not me first.”

“You are third. And don’t tell me what to do. First I am going to love you. Then Dommi will be ready for me. I know what it is you want, but you’ll have to wait for that.” Dommi had turned on to her side and she looked at me quizzically, so I explained.


“Cherine wants to know what she is missing because of me refusing her.” My bluntness made them both blush furiously. I checked Cherine’s chest. There was no rash. “You cheated. You never came…thank you, not that I can understand how you faked it.”

Cherine became strangely subdued, she was actually afraid. So was I. Our loving has always been such a secret, with the knowledge constantly in the back of our minds that outsiders would not understand and would condemn me as evil, a despoiler of children - as I sometimes do. It could be said I had infected Cherine with my guilts and fears and it is not easy to banish them with one decision. Now we had someone with us who would be judging us, deciding whether I am a pervert or not. It might have been the furthest thing from Dommi’s mind, but we could not help feeling intimidated. By now I should have had her reaching her second climax, but we were still talking. Tenderness washed through me for my little girl - it is so easy at times to forget that is what she is, whatever her powers.

I placed her face down on me, my eyes looking deep into hers. She did not have to sense, she saw the tenderness, my aperanto (a Greek word for ‘infinite’ I had taught her) love for her. She rested her cheek on me, listening to my heartbeat and closed her eyes. As I lovingly rubbed her back she slowly relaxed. I also shut my eyes so that I was only aware of my tiny lover. After I had touched all I could reach, I gently, as if she were asleep, lifted her, placing her on the sheet and then moved down to her feet. I massaged my way up. Curiously there was no passion in me and from her came a deep contentment, similar to the purring of a cat in my mind.

I did not touch any of her erogenous zones. I made sure I had rubbed and caressed the rest of her and then gently laid myself over her, on elbows and knees, letting enough weight sink upon her to give her the comfort and warmth, the feeling she wanted of protection, of being enveloped in love. Of course I did not rest any of my weight on her head. Dominique placed her hand in her hair and gently stroked her. Cherine was almost audible in her contentment and I thought, if the others in the house can feel her, they will be having the nicest sleep in a long time. I looked sideways to smile at Dommi and saw her eyes were brimming with tears. She had the look of a mother adoring the miracle of her child. I guessed Cherine was emoting to her, sharing her feelings.

When her emotions had peaked, I lay next to her on my side and gathered her into my arms. I rubbed the small of her back and with my fingers massaged her coccyx letting my hands slowly become more erotic, teasing and loving her flesh. She arched her back, pressing her tummy into mine. I used my hand to press her lower body even tighter against me. Laying her on her back I saw her eyes, tiny slits with moist darkness gazing at me. I moaned from the love I felt for her. She was starting to emote her love for me also and as I kissed and licked her lips, her eyes, her ears, I felt in her that the contentment was now turning into an erotic stirring. I let my lips adore their way down her throat, the little hollow at the base and going over her collarbone. As the stirring of her awakening built up I moved over her slightly bulging tummy.

I could tell she had not had a bath that evening and the natural musky scents were blended with a slight aroma of sweat and urine. I was starved for her and I could no longer resist. In response, her hand shot out and grabbed hold of Dominique’s hand, digging her little nails into her.

I was driven by my need to feel Dommi is a part of our loving, even if only symbolically, so I raised my head and pulling Dommi down I kissed her, letting her taste the sweet scent of my little girl on my lips. As I was returning to my own private little heaven on earth, I glimpsed Dommi licking her lips and then her hand came onto Cherine’s belly, just above my head.

Cherine should have come by now, but she was holding herself back by willpower, building up the pressure until I thought I was going to explode. The knowledge that my woman lover was with me, by my child lover, was on the verge of driving me insane with lust. Cherine literally exploded in my mind and her body writhed. As Cherine’s spasms subsided and her little cries quietened, I released her.

Both Cherine and I sensed Dommi was close to exploding. I do not know how she had lasted so long. I moved over to Dommi, stilling her hand I shushed her, stopping her, calming her down, making her wait for me. I warned Cherine with a slight tug and as she rose and placed herself in a position to watch, I looked at Dommi. Her eyes were glazed with passion and she was moaning both my name and Cherine’s and pleading ‘please, please, now.”


Cherine had opened wide, a conduit linking Dommi, her sensations and the hot agony of her approaching orgasm to my aching hardness as the pressure built, to her own excitement and back again. As a scream built in my throat I remembered where we were and falling forward I clamped my lips and teeth on the swollen nipple under me, slamming my pelvic bones into her.

When I limply slid out, Cherine, with a hunger still burning in her grabbed me and began licking, sucking as hard as she could as she violently spasmed again and again. I had to hold her tightly as I was afraid, I had never seen her climax so violently before. She bit into my arm, her voice muffled as she screamed. Dommi and I shared her orgasm, almost without sensing it our own bodies triggered by her emoting, and Dommi at the end just lay there muttering ‘Panagia mou’ repeatedly.

I placed Cherine between us and we both cuddled her as she sank into a deep sleep. I looked into Dommi’s eyes and finally mouthed in Greek ‘I love you’.

When they left in the early hours, I wondered how we are going to get through the next day. I was utterly exhausted.

Chapter Fourteen

The way Dommi had let herself go, becoming so uninhibited, I worried she might be embarrassed the next day. The only difference was that she was even more loving and protective of Cherine. When we walked off to see the town, when out of sight of the house, she hugged Cherine, then hugged me.

“Thank you, both of you. I think last night was the most beautiful I’ll ever live through. I will remember it all my life.”

“You mean you will not stay with us?” Cherine sounded amazed.

“She did ask for just one special night sweetheart.” I turned to Dommi. “Not that we will say no at any time you want to be with us, even if it is just for an odd night. Isn’t that right Cherine?”

Gravely she answered yes, but she looked as if she wanted to cry. I had advance warning, but I let Dommi get to her first, to hold her. To give them a moment on their own, I started looking for a hotel, but it was not as easy as I thought. A room I could get, but how would I take Cherine there. I only now realised how foolishly I had planned; the island is small and the village very small. All the locals, I was certain, know we are guests of Alki. To take a room at a hotel and turn up there with a little girl…it was asking for trouble. I was sort of dejected about it.

Cherine asked me what is wrong and when I told her she looked at me as if I was nuts. Dommi backed her, saying if Cherine was good enough to serve as my chaperone and can protect me at night, why take the risk and why waste money. The discussion broke the sad mood Cherine had been putting us into and we spent a few hours happily exploring. Cherine was not used to this carefree way of life and enjoyed herself hugely. The island does not allow any motorised vehicles and Cherine was fascinated by the sight of elderly women dressed in black, riding past on mule back as we clambered over rocks, following a rough path to other inlets.

When we returned to the village, we found Alki sitting alone at the harbour square. He seemed rather dejected. I asked what is wrong. He would not say. I wondered whether it had anything to do with our previous day and the revelations. Was he now having second thoughts? Even Cherine felt nervous and when she could she whispered that I am the reason for his moodiness. I told her to take Dommi for a walk.

“Alki, what is wrong? Has it got to do with yesterday, what you learnt on the yacht?”

“I am still thinking about it. Not the sex thing. I’m worrying that you two are heading for big trouble. Is Dominique now also part of the problem?”

“Not anymore. She finds us too weird. I think her problem is that she is quite taken by Cherine.” I sighed.


“Who would not be, especially after what she did yesterday. Robert, I have never known such a wonderful sense of pure love. In that you are very lucky. But have you thought further down the road, what could happen, what you must do to protect the two of you?”

I explained my thoughts and the more I went into it, the more grim his face was. “But then this gift as you call it, is a curse!”

“No Alki, it is a blessing. To even have lived months this way would justify the price. And price there is for everything, as you well know. If I have a few years I would not be regretful. Not as far as I am concerned. But I cannot bear the thought of anything happening to her.”

He nodded vigorously, “It is not good to give up from before. We think about it, but for now you must enjoy life. I have one more thing to tell you. My house has a security system. Not for the island people, but there are many tourists here. Some are very bad. So, they steal, or I spend a fortune to stop them. Either way, they make me poorer. Tonight I tell everybody that my insurance says all doors must be locked by the security system when we go to sleep. I have also prepared a room for Dommi and Cherinaki to share. Their door and yours will unlock soon after all are retired. The other doors open at six a.m. The doors can be opened, but people are funny, they do not open the doors I lock. I wish you and your lady much joy.”

I was truly touched, not only by the thought he had put into helping us, but also by his consideration, calling my little girl my lady. Alki is a puzzle. He delights in telling us that he started life in a village and I know how narrow-minded they are about many things, but especially powers or gifts which they consider supernatural. The word, supernatural, does not mean the same to them as it does to us. They consider all such manifestations to be the work of Satan. Ask any one of those old ladies in black that we saw riding their mules as they returned with bundles of sticks they had spent the day collecting, and they would make the cross in terror.

“Alki, I did not expect you to take our secret quite so…well. Didn’t your upbringing affect the way you view such manifestations?”

“Why do you think I’ve been blind to the truth for so long? Thinking back on it, I can now admit I knew from a long time ago, but could not face it. The poor child, she tried so hard to tell me, in so many ways, but I kept on blocking off the possibility of it being true. Roberto, that story with the artists, she made the truth so evident, but I was still afraid. The experience Cherine created, that golden ring of light and love, such a thing could never be created by evil. It brings to mind the icons in our churches - all the saints have such golden haloes around their heads. The love she shared with us, it was the kind of magic only angels can create.”

I smiled, amused that this once, when Cherine would have been overjoyed at listening in to our discussion, she was too immersed in her talk with Dommi to hear us. “To tell you the truth Alki, I sometimes still feel she is an angel. We adults who love children, I’m talking about all adults, not just paedophiles, we tend to idealise them and think of them as angels. In that sense Cherine is nowhere close to being an angel. But when she is Cherine, the girl born with empathy, her gift is the link that turns humans into angels. I still haven’t worked out where someone like me fits in.”

Alki nodded. “Perhaps all that is required is that you love her?”

Earnestly I replied, “If that is all, then I have achieved all I could dream of. Alki, I have a feeling it is not going to be that simple. Surely as a lover of Greek drama, you must also believe much more will be demanded of me?”

He leant forward and placed his hand on mine. “Whatever the load, I will be there to share it whenever I can. Roberto, please, you must not think of me as your employer anymore.” His eyes flickered, glancing at something behind me and I briefly smiled, ready for a surprise, but also in gratitude for his commitment.

I felt little hands over my eyes and I shouted with surprise, “Dominique, where is my Cherine?” We horseplayed while the others watched on indulgently. Having so many persons around me who love me was a novel experience and for a while I became foolishly happy. I think it was the same for Cherine. At one stage I chased her, letting her run to the boats. I caught her and seating her on my lap we looked out to sea.

“Would you like to know a bit of my life story?”


Her eyes instantly took on her cheeky look as she asked, “Is it interesting?”

I tried not to laugh. “You realise it will be about another ten years before I can grab and kiss you in public? So until then, maybe I can tell you a few boring stories. Help pass the time?”

“Oh I have a pappou back there who tells me interesting stories.”

I grabbed her by the hair tilting her face up and gave her a kiss, my heart rejoicing so strongly she just had to sense it. “You’ve suddenly blossomed. Where is that solitary little girl who came into my magical garden?”

“She fell in love with the monster and turned into a princess.”

“Well she hasn’t changed completely. She is still cheeky.”

“Yeah, and the monster is still a monster. I think I liked the old monster better. At least that one didn’t bite little girls.”

I hugged her and stood up. “You dare to say that after the way you bit me? Look! No, it is kind of sweet that you felt so strongly. Oh dear, come we must go, Alki is waving to us.”


“Yes love?”

“I do want to hear your life story. Can you tell me tonight?”

“Maybe tomorrow. Tonight you must sleep early.”

“Okay daddy. But I’m sleeping with you.”

I told her about the new sleeping arrangements. She was happy to be with Dommi. As we arrived by the café she ran ahead and kissed Alki on the cheek and gave him a hug. “Thank you pappou.” He hugged her back, staring at her glowing face. During our walk back, she walked tiny hand in his hairy hand and they chatted. Dommi and I lagged behind, for I felt she needed to talk.

“Roberto, I’ve been thinking about this all day while watching Cherine. She has been just a normal eight year old. I cannot believe she is the same girl of yesterday and last night. I’ve seen why you could not resist her. I’ve also seen why you two need to be together. Last night when she came to us, your tenderness, compassion, your love, it was poetry and maybe I only imagined it, but I felt something at the edge of my awareness, just for a few moments - maybe Cherine was trying to help me share? You have always been a gentle person, but last night, if I had not loved you already, I would have fallen in love with you. If there was a moment I thought it was possible for me to accept your offer that was it. You were so afraid of doing anything that might hurt her, that I am surprised she was able to enjoy it and climax. And then, speaking of it, her passion, that was not an eight year old. That was a woman. She was more of a woman than I was.”

“Yeah, she’s actually a dwarf.” I quipped.

She flushed. “I am trying to bare my heart to you and you turn it into a joke. That is your problem Roberto, you don’t know when to stop being funny.”

“Dommi, I don’t think I’m funny. To tell you the truth, I am afraid, that is why I joked. Sorry.”

“Afraid, of me! Why?’

“Because both of us, no, because I, was still hoping you would change your mind. I desperately need you with us, so I could not stand to listen to you tell me why you will not join us. It hurts to think of you as not a part of us.”

Her puzzlement showing, she shrewdly asked, “Why are you still afraid?”


“If you ever decide to join us I will tell you before you do. Fair enough?” I stopped her and turned her towards me. “These days, before we return to our normal lives, won’t you please join us? Even if we are only all sleeping together. Please?” Now it was my turn, I thought, to be accused of childish manipulation.

“I’ll think about it. I’m not promising anything.”

By the time the adults had gone to bed, Cherine was fast asleep. I sensed it so I did not expect her. I needed the sleep also so I switched off the lights. I was asleep almost immediately. The next morning I could not wake up. I half woke up and saw Cherine sitting watching me. Her hand caressed my forehead, soothing me.

She had a damp towel and she softly used it to refresh my whole body. There was nothing erotic about it, just my little girl taking care of me. When she finished, she ran her fingers gently over my face and eyes. “Shh. Go to sleep again. And don’t say anything about me coming here to Dominique.”

When I woke up at about eleven she was still there and Dommi had joined her. I grinned at them, my heart warmed. “Why are you two being so nice to me?”

“You are the only male of the species we have.”

“Dommi! You making a joke? God, it’s been years since your last one - I think”

“It was no joke” she deadpanned.

“Ladies, you want to let me get up to wash, etc?”


“You keep me here I’ll wet the bed.”

Dommi retorted, “So? You made us wet the bed.”

“Hmm. I was pretty stupid to want two women in my harem when I could hardly manage either on her own. I suppose you’re going to make a habit of ganging up on me.” They giggled, agreeing. “I really do have to go. Please?”

“Shall we let him Cher?” Dommi asked.

She giggled, but before she answered she sensed me. “I think we better let him or he’ll be all stinky. But you have to promise to come straight back to bed.”

When I came back they were ready for me. I thought of the old woman who cleans the house. “The maid. What about the door?”

“She has gone, but we locked anyway.”

As I lay down they put a towel under me. They rinsed a cloth in a basin of water and taking turns lifted my arms and wiped me clean. I wondered why they were doing this after the morning wash, but kept quiet as Cherine had asked of me. Then Cherine wet and twisted the cloth and they made me turn over. I felt vulnerable and was not getting excited at all. They spent a few more seconds giggling, then the cloth was put away and one on each side they leaned down and began to lick me from the back of my neck downwards. They were not licking to arouse me, they were washing me with their tongues, like cats washing a kitten.

I was starting to pick up erotic excitement from them both. I reached out my hand to touch one of them, but they slapped my hand away.

“Don’t move until we tell you.”


They turned me over again and they licked their way down over my chest, my nipples, my stomach down to my hips. Of course I was long since fully aroused. They had obviously decided it was not necessary to do my legs. I was glad to have them finally lie down alongside me and wondered what this was about, were they trying to prove or teach me something? They were still clothed and as they now began, one nipple each, to suck and bite, their hands were exploring me again in lovely caresses. As the pressure grew they moved down.

I think the reason I had not climaxed yet was my feeling of loneliness. Cherine had not, for some time, been emoting to me. It was obvious they were sharing and I felt excluded, but I reasoned that Cherine is finding it difficult to break through into Dommi, which is why she is concentrating on her. I want our Dommi to fully share, so I did not protest. I realised they are both also feeding off my burning sensations, which pleased me.

I began to throb. To give her warning I called out “I’m going to come. I’m coming!” Dommi slid me into her as deeply as possible. As my climax subsided, Cherine stopped moving for a while and then withdrew. Cherine then moved up and her hair hanging in my face she fiercely told me she loves me.

Cherine had her rash and red splodges as usual. I showed them to Dommi. She was fascinated as she says this never happens to her anymore.

Once they had regained their equilibrium they began to talk to each other across my chest where they both rested their cheeks, their arms holding me.

“Thank you Cher.”

I cut in, “Cherine, please?” Dommi looked to see why I was pleading, but Cherine immediately opened herself to me again.

In a slightly aggressive tone, she informed me, “Now you know how I felt when you shut me out!”

“You telling me this whole love-making was an exercise in revenge.” My throat was tight and I was angry and hurt.

“Roberto, please don’t get angry with her. It was my idea. We were talking last night. She told me how she had been practising so that she can also keep you from being hurt if she is in pain. We still would not have thought of this, but we got talking about what it is like making love with you. She told me about the previous night, that when you called her she had not had a bath. You had told her she must always be clean and she was very embarrassed when you licked her clean. I told her I had been watching your face and there had been nothing but pleasure for you.

She was still not convinced and remembering how you always say nothing is disgusting we came up with the idea of washing you with our tongues before you have a chance to bathe. She also decided to use the cloth first, to lightly cleanse you, to avoid making you embarrassed - yes, she owned up about that. We both wanted to see if we would enjoy it like you said we would. So we decided to block you out just in case I did not enjoy it, so as not to hurt your feelings. That meant Cherine could also for the first time see whether she enjoys sex if she does not have her gift. I think she did, a lot. I knew already what a great lover you are, but I at least did discover I am not disgusted, I enjoyed washing you - even if we both cheated.”

I lay there holding them and thinking for a long time. Dommi did not seem to realise that the reason was not important, only what I feared it might mean for our future. The more I thought, the unhappier I became. Cherine sensing it tried to probe, but was only further puzzled, not because I was holding my thoughts and feelings from her, but because my fears are alien to her. She lifted herself and anxiously looked at me, her heart racing.

“What is wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just sad. What we had that was so special is now dying.”

Frightened she sat up. Dommi also got up, concerned.

“Why Robert, why? Is it my fault?” She probed. “It’s not dying, it is the same!” she cried out in relief, but her eyes remained anxious.


“I’m sorry. I was feeling too sad to explain properly. No, it is not you fault, it would have happened some time or other. Maybe you did not realise it, but what we had meant we could not lie to each other about anything important. You could always be absolutely, no questions needed, sure I was always honest with you. Now that you can block your mind and emoting from me, it is gone. We have to wonder just like all other people.”

“But you did it first!!” she wailed.

“I said it was not your fault. It is not anybody’s fault. Since it was possible it was bound to happen.” I bitterly added, more to Dommi, for I knew Cherine would not understand why I feel this way, “It is just that when I think I have found my garden of Eden, the damned snake appears.” I could not hide my despair, but how long before I also could?

“I’ll never do it again, I promise. I swear Robert. Never!”

I hugged her, not explaining. She will realise it herself sometime soon. Dommi was looking at me and from the sorrow in her eyes I realised she understood. The first time she needed to, Cherine would be tempted. Or I would. Then it just becomes a matter of trust.

“I’m sorry Roberto. I did not think.”

“It’s not your fault Dominique, I did it first, so, if anyone is to blame, it is me this time. I just had not realised it could be done so easily…and voluntarily. I don’t believe anyone is to blame, as I said, since it was possible, it was bound to happen. I’m not angry my loves, just sad it is possible.”

Ever since I was a child, in Nairobi, I had one weakness which I still have - and of which I am not proud. I can sometimes be brave when I am afraid - especially if I get angry, but I do not have the courage to fight my depressions. They overwhelm me so that I have no will to fight back.

Being depressed on an island where everyone is having fun and celebrating the season, makes any kind of moodiness stick out. I could not hide it by pretending to read a book, and I felt it made me look selfish and weak. I tried sketching so that I would be left alone and it seemed to work, apart from those who know me well and what is causing it. After the first few hours of my self-pity, Dominique made it obvious she thought I am punishing Cherine and for a while was angry with me. I did not try to set her right, for the truth is, I cannot discount any motive, for I am not willing or able to examine myself as I should.

Chapter Fifteen

As the days passed, I knew that my depression was spoiling the holiday for everyone, but I still did not feel capable of controlling myself. Dominique did not come to my room at night, and during the day mostly kept her distance. Cherine faithfully, though it could not have been pleasant for her, came and slept with me and she cried once in her sleep. Selfishly I forced myself to ignore her pain and continued to indulge my dark thoughts. We did not love again. She tried, but I was not interested, my libido probably at the lowest I can recall it ever being.

I spent my days alone, forcing myself to be apart from Cherine, walking the island and desperately wishing for the holiday to end so that I can get away from everyone. Marian was very confused as to why her daughter had suddenly lost her zest for life. Cherine did not cry, but her face was drawn and pale. She could not even get a good nights sleep. I would often wake up to find her soothing me from a nightmare.

Dominique was withdrawn and quiet. Her parents thought she had fallen out with me again. They offered to leave, go home, but she refused. She became Cherine’s only permanent companion. Thanks to her caring love, and to Alki, Cherine was able sometimes to sleep a while or to have a shoulder to cry on.

I could feel that I was acting like a spoilt kid and hated myself for being this way, but heaven had been so close that tears came every time I thought of what I had lost. I don’t know whether it made it worse for me, but I only realised what a heaven I was in once I lost it. The constant fear and emoting of Cherine, her vigilant watch over me, only served to remind and accentuate for me my loss.

Next Post 007

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
24th February, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 24th February, 2019

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