LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post089

“I think we should let him keep my body for a while. We must get his own body away from the asylum. Bring it here and make it strong and handsome for him. Then he will not need to stay in my weak and sick body anymore.”

Previous Post 088


“You cannot.”

“I cannot do what Henry?”

“Get me out.”

“Henry, if Robert says he will do something then you can bet your life he can do it. Think, not only was he able to stop you from hurting me without him being here, he was also able to find out who you are, where your body is.”

“You were hoping I would find your body and go into it, then the drugs would keep me in there until your body died. Yes, I know, it is dying already. Henry, do not worry, your body will not die. I will make it well and strong for you.”

“Not get me out.”

“Oh, you mean I will not get you out of my body?”

“Not get me out. I kill you.”

“This is nonsense Henry. The first time you attacked us you could talk properly, now you act as if you can’t. Speak clearly, say what you want to say - if I disagree with you I will tell you.”

“Fuck you!! And fuck your little bitch too.”

“That is much better. Well done Henry. Just for that, for being a good boy I’m going to give you a piece of chocolate. Do you remember chocolate? I love it.”

I got a slab, broke off a small piece and tossed it to him. He watched as I broke another piece and ate it. He chewed his. Without expression he demanded, “More.”

“Only when I say so Henry. You talk to me, tell me interesting things and I will give you more.”

This went on for the rest of the night. I saw he needed sleep, at least my body did, but he would not sleep. I had to use the healer to force him to sleep. I got a pillow and put it under his head and covered him with a blanket. I left him on the floor and took Cherine by the arm.

“It is time for you to sleep love. Sam must also return. I will come back again soon.”

“Are you crazy? I can’t go to sleep alone with him in the house!!”

“The healer has paralysed his arms and legs. He cannot hurt you. All external energy is blocked off by the void and the protector. Anyway, I know you. It is not out of fear. You are just hoping to get me to make love to you with Sam’s body. I have kept the main parts female so it would not be of much use to you.”


“You didn’t make a penis!!”

“Nope. I didn’t need it to fight him.” She burst into giggles at the picture of me fighting him with my penis.

“Oh Robert, I have to see! Please!!”

“Only if you promise me that you will never tease Sam. You can tease me - but not her.”

“I promise.”

Back in our bedroom she watched as I undressed. She got into a fit of hysterics so I clowned around until the laughing was hurting her. I could have cried seeing my love being so childishly happy. I changed my appearance back to what Sam is used to and lay down, sending Sam back.

I sent a part of myself out to meet Solomon and Ordinx. I brought them up to date. It called for a lot of explaining about Earth and our still backward methods of treating the sick. I promised to let them know how it ends.

*The mother of Cherine was right. I let my anger blind me. He hurt my love, but this is a far better way. Maybe we can help him to learn what love is.*

*We will need to talk more about this thing you call love.*

*I now have a job to do and I need your advice again. It all has to do with the void and the energy here, you are the experts, I ask to learn from you.*

*You who has conquered the void, made all its power a part of you call us the experts?*

*I am a child who holds a powerful weapon. I fear my ignorance may be the cause of more damage. So I ask. Solomon, when our World shattered, imploded into me, I held every mote of that energy. Wherever it went through the Universe, I still hold it. I would like to try and reverse the implosion, bring back our World.*

*If you do not have the correct controls over it you could destroy us and the Worlds of Ordinx. You were wise to ask. Robert, I suggest you create a new World.*

*That was my intention. Meli, our creator of worlds, she grieves. She created a new life form on our World. They are an intelligent race. If I could bring them back I would save her a lot of pain. Solomon, is there anything preventing me from reversing the implosion at a location far from all energy forms of life. At worst I may fail. If I succeed, then we need to find a way to bring it back here.*

*As ever Robert, you wish to do the impossible. The plan you told us of, the worlds your Meli would create for all the races we have wronged. That is a dream, but a dream worth waiting for, even for one such world. It would seem the longer we wait and watch you, the more you confuse us. This is also good for you are awakening our Thinkers again.*

There was only a tinge of bitterness in my ‘voice’ as I answered, *I’m glad to hear I am doing somebody some good.*

I gathered myself and searched for an area where no prickling of life energy forms irritated me. In my mind I replayed all that happened to me as the void and then willing it, made the reverse come about. I moved the centre of my awareness to the point where the energies were coalescing. I sent a part of myself into the maelstrom, hoping the presence of my soul would help bring back order out of chaos. It was like watching a film in reverse as the miracle of our Kaleidoscope World snapped back into existence, even to the point of our emerald isle.

I recalled an article I had read in some technical magazine about how space can be warped. I imagined the void as some monstrous creature with a skin.

Point “A” is where we usually come to dance, where the Sparklers are and where our World should be. I had brought back the World at a distant point. Roughly I decided point “B” was half the distance there. I folded in my skin until the points where the folds are touching and moved the World past the fold - and repeated the exercise a number of times. Now our World should be ‘close’. It will still take time to bring it to its original space, but not the vast amount of time I would have needed otherwise. I left the void and entered our World.


I am surprised the Robert part has come on its own. It explains it wants questions answered. I should have known it only came to make demands. It asked why I allowed the shadow entity to enter the World. I had made no ruling that I was not to. It demanded I do not allow any such invasion again and claimed the parts are to have exclusive say in which entity may enter. I explained patiently that in this World, the I has total control, since I am the sum of all the parts, no one part may order the I.

It showed what it had done and how it had brought me back. It gave me an ultimatum; either I accept orders from it or else it implodes me again and creates a new World. I explained it cannot. Soon as it creates a World, then it is I who will be in command. It cannot create a new I. It left in a fury.

*I have a suspicion friend Robert that it was the same for us. Over time we have melded closer and there are no further individual clashes.*

*That explains a lot about you Ordinx. By forgetting your individuality, you lost your youth as a race, leaving you with no drive to do anything, not even to learn. Just the pointless existence of the old who have turned in upon themselves.*

*Each life form has a time of youth, of learning. There must also be a time of old age, of reflection.*

*Not correct. The reflections of the aged are only of use if those reflections are to be passed on to the young, to help increase their wisdom and knowledge. Your way, the acceptance of domination by your I has led to a sterile ending for you.*

*Harsh words Robert. Perhaps you speak with the anger of your argument?*

*Thank you Ordinx for not taking offence. I would ask you this. If your Worlds have existed for as long as you can recall; what new knowledge has been gained by your race in that time? You have mindlessly fled the Sparklers - why were there no adventurous personalities on your Worlds to try and solve the threat? Why no efforts to communicate? By now you should have been masters of the place we call the void. How is it a young upstart (τυχάρπαστος) like me comes to the void and within a blink of the eye, a tiny fraction of time, has total control over the future of every single entity throughout the Universe? Let me show you.*

The same way I had brought back our World, I brought all those of his people who had fled. My control was finer now and they blazed in glory within sight of us. They saw the Sparklers and panicked. Ordinx had to rush to them, explain before they tried to leave again. I sent him a promise I would not let them leave.

*You are now taking control Robert. It did not take you long to bow to the power you are now.*

*I am but repairing mistakes Solomon. If you talk about my bringing back the people of Ordinx, it was not right that they be separated. Let him explain to them. If they still wish to flee I will not object. After all, Ordinx has but to ask and I can show him where they are. It is not my power that made me talk to my friend in such an offensive manner. It is my fear.

Solomon, it is very tempting, after having lived a life of struggle, to hand over control to some ‘god’ mind. I fear many of my world will do that. Our destiny will be at an end - we are then but parasites that feed off the void. I will no longer tolerate parasites. If there is no joy in living, no adventure or growth, I will allow a time of reflection and then I will withdraw my energies. No race may feed off me if it does not even contribute to the young of its own race.*

The image of Solomon trembled and shattered. I found myself alone. I considered all I had said and done. No wonder! I raced forward to the Sparklers, calling for Solomon. I entered their multitudes and raced for the heart of their area. Sparklers dashed out of my way, a tunnel opening before me.

*What is it Robert? Why do you come in such haste?*

*I have come to show you my solution.*

*What solution, solution of what!*

*Of you Solomon. You fear power will corrupt me, think it has begun to. You left me in distress. Here is your solution.*


*I do not understand.*

*I promise to come to you, without my protector and thence the power to become the void, at any time you call. I am but a weak energy form. A handful of your Sparklers could take me, destroy me. I come to ask. Will you allow me to dream for us, force changes that give meaning to our lives? You do not need to speak for all the races Solomon - just yours. If you wish to stop me, then attack and let it be over.*

Next Post 090

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
10th November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 10th November, 2018

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Αυτό το κείμενο με δυσκόλεψε. .Τι εννοεί αντίστροφη έκρηξης? Και με αυτό τον τρόπο θα επαναφέρει πίσω όλους τους κόσμους?
Επίσης δεν κατάλαβα ποια είναι η λύση που βρήκε ο Robert σε περίπτωση που γίνει κακός για αυτούς?
Ολεεεεε βλέπω 60αρισες...


Den ksero ean to prosekses - to SP ehei pesei kai tora ean poulisis SBD pairneis mono 0.76c

Oxi de to exw dei... Giati de exw leuta na diathesw gia agora.... :(( Kai tha ithela na parw...Opote to afinw na min kserw...
Esi skeutese na pareis??


Tha ithela se 3 me 6 mines na mporo na vgazo pano apo $200 to mina, gia na mporo na travo $100...alla afto tha ginei mono ean anevi to nomisma.

Gia tora, eho kapou na kano post afta pou grafo kai na epikoinono me kainourgious filous, pou den tha eiha gnorisei ean den impoun sto Steemit.

(tha kano post mia sahlamara, etsi gia na gelaso...)


xaxaxa!! tha tin dw me tin proti eukeria!

Nomizo oti otan kano post kati pou ksero oti kanenas den tha to diavasi - tha onomaso ton eafto mou 'Itchety Dichety'


Το είδα αυτό το post, εγώ πάντως θα το διαβάσω ή σήμερα ή αύριο.. :)))

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