LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post090

*I promise to come to you, without my protector and thence the power to become the void, at any time you call. I am but a weak energy form. A handful of your Sparklers could take me, destroy me. I come to ask. Will you allow me to dream for us, force changes that give meaning to our lives? You do not need to speak for all the races Solomon - just yours. If you wish to stop me, then attack and let it be over.*

Previous Post 089


Chapter Eighty Two

“How could you make such a promise Robert! You did not have the right to!!”

“I see you are all angry. Not one of you agree with me? Alki, Savva, Sam?”

Alki jumped up in anger. “Agree!!! I think this is the biggest mistake you ever made!”

“I am truly sorry you all feel that way. Cherine love, stop looking so frightened, again you have lost faith in me - so quickly?”

“But this time Robert, you have…you …” she began to weep.

“Sam? What say you?”

“I am trying to understand. You insult our friend Ordinx, frighten Solomon and at the worst possible time you offer yourself, while entirely vulnerable, to their anger and fear. It is very frightening dad. They might have killed you.”

“Did they?”

Sam spoke evenly but forcefully, “But they may have! You do not know how they think, they are aliens Robbie. What you have done, it is unforgivable.”

“It is very strange. Not one of you have made a comment on my argument with our World.”

Sam answered again, “After what you did later, that pales in significance.”

“You are wrong! The key to everything is our World. It has closed the door on us. We can no longer look upon it as our resting place for all eternity. We have to redefine the role it plays in our future. I was presumptuous, but that is what I did. After doing so, I saw that Ordinx and his people had fallen into the same trap we nearly did. I gave offence knowing he is clever enough to see through it once he has cooled down. I have not cost us a friend. I think I have gained us companions for the long adventure ahead of us.”

“What is the role of our World now?”

“At last, the right question. Thank you Meli. Sam you have let me down, I expected you to be the one to ask that question. Our World will be nothing more than a motel. None of us may live there. After living our life, we may go there to rest and consider which world of Meli’s we wish to go to and with whom as our companions. There might be times some of you need a break from me and you choose to spend the next thousand years elsewhere. That insufferable ‘I’ will only remain as a point of reference for us from now on, not the beacon that calls us back to home.”

We discussed it at length and if they did not all agree with me, at least they understood me. I was careful not to dictate how others should deal with their own World entity, but I hoped my example would serve to help them resist becoming as the people of Ordinx.

“Still Roberto, why such an offer to the Sparklers? None of this explains that!”

“I think it does Alki. They will soon realise I offer life to all the races of the Universe, but not to them. In return they must live in continuous fear that power will corrupt me and cause me to treat them as my playthings. I will not allow that.”


“We can discuss it later, you better go see to your Henry. Get your body back Robert.”

“It was kind of Wendy to let me use hers. You are right, we must end this part of our story. Savva, what have you learnt of him?”

“He was found about sixteen years ago. It was obvious he was a foreigner. He would not answer nor react to any language they tried. No identification. Nothing to show from which country he came. The authorities were forced to place him in the asylum. Throughout the years he has caused numerous fires, wounded inmates and nurses. Finally it was decided there was no hope and they keep him mildly sedated and confined within his room.”

“That sounds so nice Savva. Let me tell you how I found him. He is heavily drugged for the full twenty four hours. The few times they slipped up, delayed an injection, he attacked us. His confinement in a room! It is a stinking little cell, no sight of grass or sky for him. He is permanently kept in a straightjacket of sorts. Not the one we all know from movies, just restricted in his movements. Probably so as to enable the nurses to inject him without being attacked. You are a police officer. That kind of life for sixteen years. What result would you expect?”

He was aghast, his face pale. “It would be more humane to kill him!”

“Have they agreed to release him to Maria?”

“No. I’m sorry.”

“I did not expect them to. Savva, he is dying. That is why he was so desperate to find another body.”

“What can we do? I have a lot of contacts in the media, would it help to organise a campaign to force them to release him?”

“No Elia, his body will be dead within days. I intend jumping to him and bringing his body here. If any of you object, please leave now so that you are not implicated.”

“Now you talk nonsense Roberto, implicated!! What is that? Every Cherinian is implicated.”

“I meant if it goes against your conscience.”

“What will you do with him?”

“The healer is already repairing his body. He will need help, his mind must be given back to him. I do not see how, but it is also important he learns what love and self-discipline is.”

“It sounds as if you are talking about bringing up a child.”

I took a razor sharp knife (leather cutter) with me and went downstairs to our empty garage with only Cherine as my companion. As we arrived Socrati came running.

“When you bring him here you will need help to carry him upstairs.”

“Thank you. Please do not feel silly Socrati, it happens to me all the time. You forgot we can jump?”

“But why did you come down here then?”

“I, none of us have ever been to his cell. If you took me to the asylum I could not even point out in which part of the building he is. If I had to find by car some of the beaches we go to I might not be able to. The direction does not worry me, but I have been inside his room as a spirit only. Does that count as far as jumping goes? If not, I will fail and I will be thrown across the room here. I did not want to try it in a room full of people - I could seriously hurt someone.”

“Your protector allows you to do it?”

“Shh! Don’t give it ideas.”


I took a chance that there would be no one else in the cell and jumped. I stumbled a step and hit my hip against the bed. The room stank, but the worst was the smell of death. I cut the bindings that held him to the bed and stared in dismay at the chain. I asked the protector to break it. It would not.

For once I did not get angry with it, deciding to use its obsession to force it. I jumped back, grabbed Cherine and jumped again. Her face was sickly as she stared at the skeletal body. I took the slack in the chain and wrapped it around her wrist. I pulled sharply, having warned the protector it would snap her bones. The chain fell apart like rotten cloth. I picked him up and we jumped to Maria.

She has a room in the clinic which is never open for anyone to use. This is where we can jump in safely. We had hardly arrived when she rushed in, took one look at the thin body, felt for a heartbeat and rushed off. I left the body, took Cherine by the hand and jumped.

“…so he took the chain, wrapped it around my wrist, told the protector he is going to crush my wrist bones and gave a strong sudden pull. The chain fell to pieces.” She was laughing as she told them.

Next Post 091

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
11th November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 11th November, 2018

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on peiran apo to asilo... blepw ki ayton ston telos na ton bazoyn mesa stin oikogenia toys!!!! :)
de katalava tis 3 teletees grames... pws egine... ti egine?

Otan pige o Robert na klepsi to soma tou Henry, katafere na anoiksi tois dermatines zones me ta opoia ton eihan desei, alla, eitan demenos kai me mia alysida. O Robert zitise apo to Protector na ton voeithisei me tin alysida, alla den dehtike o Protector (ego kati moirizo edo - mipos o Protector eitan akoma thimomenos me ton Henry epeidi ekane epithesi stin Cherine kai tis espase to podi?)

O Robert amesos peige spiti kai pire tin Cherine mazi tou. Edese tin alysida gyro sto βραχίονα tis kai eipe sto Protector oti tha to traviksi ksafnika, me dynami, kai tha tis spasei ton βραχίονα ean den spasei tin alysida o Protector.

Kathos travikse ksafnika o Robert, i alysida dielithike (apo ton Protector).

Τώρα η Cherine αισθάνθηκε ότι είχε μια αστεία ιστορία να πει και γελούσε καθώς την έλεγε....

Ναι, το comment σου με βοήθησε αρκετά νομίζω...

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