LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post088

"...I will have to torture his soul until he breaks. Will you help me bear it afterwards, will you share it with me?”
She threw herself into my arms crying. “Oh Robert!”

Previous Post 087


Nicko was pleased to have me join him. I sent him back to his body, to feed it and so on. He promised to return soon as he could. It may have been hours or a day, in the void it could not be felt. Soon as he returned, I brought him back in. During this time, I kept a close watch on Cherine through the protector and had the protector maintain a shield of itself around her.

I was getting worried. My body was deteriorating fast, I would have to return soon. Then he came! He did not stay in the void long enough for us to spring the trap. I gave Cherine a quick warning.

“You are back. I knew you would come.”

“Why? Why stay with dying body, you fear me, why stay?”

“A want to make a bargain. I cannot save Robert, he has gone to the void and as you know, our World is destroyed. We have lost. I stayed to make a bargain with you. I know you want to kill me. I will not fight you if you promise to leave the other girls alone. Without Robert and me they are without any power. They will never be a threat to you.”


My healer showed me his cord. I left Nicko to do his job and followed the cord. I had a suspicion I would find myself in the States. I found myself in Athens. At the Dafni mental asylum!

I hovered over the body. It was in a straightjacket, drugged. I now knew what had happened. This was the mind I had visited when Cherine wanted to help them join us. I looked for his trap, how was he planning to keep me here?

I watched, I sent my healer in, nothing showed up. An hour passed but I saw nothing. I was about to leave, things were becoming bad for Cherine, I could not delay any longer. The door opened and someone, without any interest in the patient, made a quick injection and left. I sent the healer back in. What it told me was very enlightening.

This explained a lot. He is kept on continuous medication. His body is breaking down from being drugged all the time. When drugged (ναρκωμένος) he cannot escape from his body. It explains why he took so long to come back. He must have had to wait for a time when an injection was delayed.

Back in the void I told Cherine what I’d learnt. She shared with me that the fight between her and him had not let up for a second.

His answer to her had been, “I agree.”

“Saying you agree is not enough. You must allow me to see in your mind, to know for certain you are speaking the truth.”

He lashed out in anger with a lightning bolt. It bounced off her. He unleashed a torrent of powers against her. Mostly trying to burn or cut her to pieces. At first she sat through it with a false smile, trying to show him she was not afraid of him. Soon her smile was no longer false, the protector was proving more than capable of handling him. He finally, in desperation, tried to physically assault her. He could not reach her. When he paused, she would wait until she felt he was ready to flee and she would taunt him again about his inability to hurt a little girl, his sexual inability, anything to get him into a wild frenzy again.

Soon as she knew I was back with Nicko she gave the word, calling to all.

As they appeared, my body and his mind were hit by all of them placing their blocks. She made them all move out immediately as she feared my protector could not protect them. Not that it was any longer a problem.

*Nicko, I think we must change our plans. Instead of going into his body to fight his mind, why not go into his mind while he is within my body. The battlefield is then where I am stronger. This way I can also bring help with me.*

*You want me to come in with you? I will not know what to do!*

*No. You stay on watch here. We must have a backup in case he escapes us there. I will take Dommi and Cherine with me. Maybe Wendy later.*

*What is your name?* I repeated it endlessly until his panic subsided. He reminded me of a wolf that has had it’s leg caught in a trap (παγίδα). He would gnaw (θα το ροκάνιζε) it off to escape if he could.

*Who are you?*

*You are in my body and you ask who I am? Thanks for paying us a visit.*

That set him off again. My healer was having to use all the help it could to repair the damage he was causing from his terror and need to escape. I waited till he tired.

*I know you have suffered. I have seen your body in a straightjacket. I have seen them injecting you.* Again I repeated myself, in English and Greek, until the message got through.


Hours went by and I did not feel we are making any headway. It seemed that all he was capable of doing was lashing out. There was no reasoning, hardly anything more than a low animal cunning. I was sickened that something like this could have been created by the very people who had sworn to protect and help the sick. I was guessing only, but I had a hunch I was right. This helped me to be patient.

He could not understand why he could not use his powers, he knew the body was not drugged, so it was driving him berserk (μαινόμενος). Patiently I explained that his powers are the powers of a little child compared to mine. I tried to make him understand he is not under attack, that we want to help him. None of my messages made any impression on him, however many times they were repeated.

I took Samantha with me to the void, sent Nicko back after training her and returned, using her body. I changed it to resemble mine, though I left it, under the clothes, female. I am beginning to suspect that the more changes we make each time, the bigger the toll on our bodies.

I sat for hours opposite him, careful never to show any anger or impatience. I got Cherine to stand by me and asked him whether he wants his powers back again. It was strange for me, I hate to think of what it was like for Cherine, to see the cunning in my eyes as he agreed.

We suspended the blocking. He lashed out with everything he had. It did not take long for his power to fizzle out as he was blocked from drawing more power into him.

“Why have you stopped? Not that it makes any difference to me, you cannot hurt us. The first time I was caught by surprise, that is why you managed to hurt me. Never again.”

“I kill you.”

“Afraid not old chap. Why is it you speak English instead of Greek?”

“I kill you.”

“I need to give you a name since you will not tell us yours. In an hour or two I will know your real name, I’ll find out from the asylum.”

“I kill you. Fuck you.” To Cherine, it felt as if his mind is breaking down, that he could not face his failure, so I was extra patient with him.

“I’m going to call you Henry. Henry, your body, actually mine, needs to eat, go to the toilet, maybe have a shower. Would you like to feel how it is to do all that? My friends have made some lovely chicken soup with rice. Nice home made food to strengthen you. Go to the bathroom and we will wait here for you. Have a shower while you are there.”

He kept on glaring at me, muttering about killing me as he walked to the bathroom. I called to the girls to make my razor disappear before he gets there. More than half an hour later he had not come out. I went to the door, but heard no sounds from inside. The healer confirmed he is well and still there. I told the others to go over to Alki or go home. We will call them if they are needed. He stayed over an hour and a half in the bathroom.

As the door opened, he lashed out again, but his bolt was barely more than a faint light.

“Henry, you have used up all your energy and the energy my body has. If you carry on, my body will die and you will be forced back to your own body. I could tell them to never be late with your injection again. I would prefer not to though. Come and eat. Afterwards we can talk. Maybe I can help you.” I asked that all the chicken bones be removed as he will not know to be careful.

*Robert. You are not getting through to him.* *I am love. He just does not believe me. Is Savva getting us the information I asked for?* *It is night Robert. We have to wait for tomorrow morning.*

“Henry, how long has it been since you saw grass and trees and flowers? You want to see some after you eat?” He glared at me, but he did not mutter. I felt it was a small victory.

He could not feed himself. He tilted the plate to his mouth, his hands shaking violently, and it spilt all over him. He did not seem to notice, intent only on the taste of what is going into him. He had sat on the floor at the opposite side of the kitchen. I asked him if he wants more and he threw the plate at me. I ignored the shattered soup plate, filled a mug for him, put it close to him and withdrew. For the next refill he placed the mug where I had. That proved to me that he is capable of learning. I talked to Cherine, for his benefit.


“I have a feeling he has never known what it is like to be loved. No wonder he is full of hate. Can you imagine never seeing flowers, or the sea, never feeling the wind on your cheeks? He has missed so much!! Do you know why, love?”

“Because they locked him up?”

“Yes, but why did they lock him up? Because he has gifts. I think his family did not love him. They feared him and got rid of him, maybe they had no way to control him and they had to. I don’t know. What a waste love. To have such marvellous gifts, what amazing potential was sacrificed out of fear and ignorance! He is someone very special.” I saw her lips twitch as I said that. “Think how wonderful it would be to have him as a friend. He could learn so much from us and we could learn from him. If only he would stop hating us and give us a chance to show him what good friends we can be. You know what I think we should do?”


“I think we should let him keep my body for a while. We must get his own body away from the asylum. Bring it here and make it strong and handsome for him. Then he will not need to stay in my weak and sick body anymore.”

Next Post 089

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
9th November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 9th November, 2018

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Αυτός είναι σε κλινική έτσι... τρελάθηκε επειδή δεν μπορούσε να καταλάβει το χάρισμά του???
Το χάρισμά του να μπαίνει σε σώματα άλλων???
Για να δούμε τι θα γίνει παρακάτω...


Tha deis - tha mas poune tin istoria tou

Gia to harisma tou - allo einai...edeikse ena otan ekopse to podi to Robert me fotia...kai ta alla einai gia na kanei epithesi, ohi opos ta dora tis Cherine pou proerhonte apo agapi and symponia.

Oles oi psyhes mporoun na mpoun se soma allon, ean o idioktitis pige volta (opos otan vlepei oneira).

Ok.. katanoito... Tha prospsthisw na diavasw aurio tin sinexeia..
Ksexasa. Na dw auto me ta nomismata... Tha ta de tin deutera.... Molis to thimithika..

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