Share your Steem posts on Twitter and win @ocd and @ocdb votes!

in #oc5 years ago (edited)
Now wait, it's not as easy as just sharing your post on Twitter and voilá, you automatically get free votes from @ocdb and @ocd. No no, it's not that easy.

I was just clickbaiting you to click on this article and read it. It's worth the read. But my my, I didn't think I would have to clickbait you into reading more about getting more votes on your posts!

Steem needs traffic. If we want our blockchain and coin to be used by more people, we need to promote it. It's that simple.

  • What's the point of having all these cool Dapps if people don't hear about them?
  • To what end do we have highly used social media frontends if our friends don't even know they exist?
  • How can we be the most succesfull blockchain that allows their users to monetize their content and yet we don't make any efforts to spread the word?

Ignore the Reddit logo, this whole shanaeningans has to do with Twitter but I'm not a designer and I have no idea how to make a decent thumbnail with only the twitter and steem logo

That's exactly why in @ocd we came up with #POSH - Proof of Share

Basically, #POSH means let's cut the crap, we want new users. I don't care if they come as content creators or content consumers; it's irrelevant to me if they come as Dapp junkies or investors; it's the same to me if these users become Actifiters or Splinterlanders.

We want more Steem users. We have one of the best Blockchains but we as a community are doing very little - in terms of social media awareness - to make Steem go viral.

Well, that's over.

From now on, every post that you post and is shared in your Twitter accounts - but your Twitter account, not just that new account you created for Steem engagement - will get more attention from @ocd and @ocdb and thus, a higher upvote. The only thing we ask you is to use on your Twitter post the hashtags #steem and #steemit/peak

The post still needs to be top quality, of course. We are not giving away free upvotes. The vote we would cast on your post will be higher if you share it on Twitter BUT, it has to be a post that we were already thinking of voting, regardless of the #POSH. Remember, you should use on your Twitter post the hashtags #steem and #steemit/peak

Scenario 1:

I am browsing the tag #art and I find a post that looks good, I open it and after reading it, I decide that is not very good. I then decide I shouldn't curate it with @ocdb. But then I realize it was shared on Twitter using the hashtags #steem #steemit/peak... well, I wasn't going to curate this post anyway, so I won't vote on it.

Scenario 2:

I am browsing the tag #travel and I run into a post that looks interesting, I open it and I realize it's one of the best posts I've seen today! This post deserves a 20-25% vote I think... I reach the comment section and I notice that the user share it on their Twitter account! That's great, that's #POSH! This post automatically gets a +10% vote, totalling a 35% vote :)

And then, all you need to do to get your Steem post an increased visibility is use the tags #oc and #posh, and leave a link to your Twitter post in the comment section of your Steem post.

Yep. It's that easy.

So, what are you waiting for? Go Make Steem turn viral while doing high quality posts and sharing them on Twitter!


For example, I just did exactly what we are supposed to do:
I used the correct tags on my steem post, then shared it to Twitter using the correct tags, and now I'm sharing my Proof of Share (#Posh) on the comment section of the post I shared!


Hi @anomadsoul. I've been sharing my posts through twitter and sharing some other opportunities on Steem.

But unfortunately, any of those haven't been voted. Aside from that, I've been noticing lots of users there that keeps being voted regularly by @ocdb. Can you please tell me how the voting behavior of @ocbd is?

While I understand that votes aren't assurance for every piece shared via the initiative though.

Hi there, if your #POSH posts haven't been voted make sure you are following the instructions on this post, maybe you are not using a tag correctly or something like that.

As for ocdb voting behaviour, I'm making a post about it as we speak.

Hi Eric. Yes, I'm pretty sure I've bee doing the same thing as per instructions given in the post. Made a lot of posts actually under account, but unfortunately it didn't get the recognition being mentioned on ocdb's post.

Really am loving this new initiative as this has great potentitial towards bringing in people upon #steem as well as adding value to #steem through the creations of already present creators who'll be pushing it even further towards makin better stuff.

That's AWESOME ! Can't wait to meet new mate :)

I too am up and running with my contributions for the same and I really hope they too are gonna count in the massive move powered by our community !!

Thanks a lot for bringing this up team :)

I share some of my content via Twitter, esp. the Urbex ones and Splinterlands posts. RE: the former.. I have gained some followers due to these, there's a lot of Urbex groups on Twitter and even more on Facebook.

I don't share on Facebook as I'm convinced my so called friends think I'm inducted into some 'cult'. Having had a brush with Scientology once.. I know what that feels like.

I need to write about that one day.. hope there's no disgruntled Scientologists on the blockchain.. they can become very tetchy.

I could share the Urbex ones within the many communities on Facebook. There's so much good stuff on there, and they post it all for nothing.. fools.

This is meant as an every day, ongoing initiative, not a one time thing. So all you have to do is post and share on Twitter and our curators will do the rest. No need to share this here :) Thanks!

Ok, I understood, from my next publications I will do it, thanks I did not understand well, I had devoted myself only to steemit, now I try to expand to other social networks.

Let's do viral steemit, we really need good content here.

PErfect! Yes, the initiative never ends, let's keep making noise on Twitter until the end of times :)

So does it matter if it's already more than 24 hrs will you be able to see it? I mean I did this post 2 days ago and just shared it on Twitter today. 🙂 I don't think anyone's seen it yet... 😅 @anomadsoul

Excellent clickbait! I’m on it. I will add those tags and share my best posts on Twitter. Great initiative!!

Master of clickbaits present!

Funnnn will do. Thanks for such initiative as always!

Thanks to you my dear plaaannn

I like the thought process here. Hope it works!

Hopefully we make enough noise on Twitter to bring some eyes to Steem! Thanks for the vote!

Great initiative, my Twitter is loaded with a Steem (and @reggaesteem) related posts lately. There’s many to choose from with those tags, pls follow donaldporterjm on Twitter

I also co-manage the ReggaeSteem Twitter account.

Cheers !BEER

Hey @anomadsoul, here is a little bit of BEER from @donald.porter for you. Enjoy it!

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