'Remembrance.' Shadow Photo Contest: Round 43: Group Shadows. Original art. Original photography.

in #shadowphoto6 years ago (edited)

Dusty pink.
Solid. Impermanent.
Unstable. Balanced in this moment.
Commonplace stones? Vessels of innocence?
Standing in a Circle of Remembrance. 11:11:11 and a new beginning.

Although I've been thinking of creating some ephemeral art pieces modeled on 'Sacred Circles' with small rock stacks for some time now, the prompt to actually start making one came to me on Sunday, as I was pondering on what to make and photograph for @melinda010100's Shadow Photo Contest.

The theme for this week's Shadow Photo Contest is Group Shadows and the idea of creating a 'Sacred Circle' seemed so apt for Sunday: Remembrance Day. November 11, 2018. 11:11:11 AND all the days to follow.

As I create my 'Sacred Circle' called 'Remembrance' I'll tell you a little about 'Remembrance Day in Australia' and the origin of the 'One Minute of Silence' as well as the spiritual and numerological significance of 11:11:11.

The stages of creating 'Remembrance' are accompanied by various insights that relate to the 11:11:11 by Alex Myles author of An Empath who draws inspiration from 'great minds' such as Carl Jung, Nikola Tesla, Anaïs Nin and Paulo Coelho.



Remember: This is a period of peace and harmony. ~Alex Myles.

Silence to Remember

Using silence to remember war is now an ingrained tradition, but few know its origins are Australian. ~Loretta Florance, ABC News: Melbourne Remembrance Day

Last week I listened to a wonderful broadcast on Australia's Radio National: The little-known origin of the minute's silence.

Edward George Honey was a Melbourne journalist who first suggested the solemn ceremony of silence shortly after November 11, 1918: 'As a vessel to hold the sorrow and loss of war' when words couldn't possibly communicate the depth of sentiments he knew were in the hearts of so many of his fellow beings.

Silence can mean something to everyone. It's an empty space you can fill with any thought you need to. But most importantly for Honey, it was saying: We can share this silence, as a collective.' ~Professor Bruce Scates from the Australian National University.

Stage 1 of 'Remembrance.'

Creating a circle of small rock stacks on a white piece of paper. The paper was positioned on my work table directly beside the large north facing window of my studio.

I love working with natural light, but strong shadows usually only appear mid-afternoon and even when they do, they can transit over the work very quickly.

Fortunately, I also love the soft shadows that this natural light gives so while I was waiting for the bright sunshine to pass directly through my window, I started capturing the formation of the 'Sacred Circle.'


Remember: Release all negativity from your heart and mind. ~Alex Myles.

Remembrance Day in Australia 2018.

Remembrance Day had a special significance this year as it marked the 100th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914–1918.) Australian War Memorial: Sunday 11 November 2018: Remembrance Day

​In Australia 'Remembrance Day' is commemorated at exactly 11:00 am on the 11th day of the 11th month when the whole nation stops to observe a minute's silence.

To mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the First World War, the body of an unknown Australian soldier was recovered from Adelaide Cemetery near Villers-Bretonneaux in France and transported to Australia. After lying in state in King’s Hall in Old Parliament House, the Unknown Australian Soldier was interred in the Hall of Memory on 11 November 1993.
Source: Tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier

The inscription on the tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier reads: 'An unknown Australian soldier killed in the war of 1914–1918.' At the head of the tomb is inscribed 'Known unto God' and at the foot, 'He is all of them and he is one of us.'

Remembrance Day 2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the first recitation of the eulogy for the Unknown Australian Soldier given by the Honourable Paul Keating, 24th Prime Minister of Australia (1991 to 1996.)

It is not too much to hope, that this Unknown Australian Soldier ~ Might enshrine a nation's love of peace and remind us that in the sacrifice of the men and women whose names are recorded here there is faith enough for all of us. ~Excerpt from Paul Keating's eulogy.

Listen to the entire eulogy HERE.

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11:11:1918: Jubulent crowd in Martin Place, Sydney celebrating the news of the signing of the Armistice. Source: Australian War Memorial.

Stage 2 of 'Remembrance.'

Adding six Rose Quartz crystals and a small ceramic pot to the arrangement.

Rose Quartz is regarded as being the finest healer, the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It purifies and opens the heart so that one can become more receptive to self-love and the love of others. It also strengthens empathy and supports the acceptance of necessary change. Wearing or holding this stone can be very calming and reassuring in any crisis.

The ceramic pot was made by Kobi and I used it in this arrangement to denote a 'Vessel of Silence' at the centre of the 'Sacred Circle.'

This was one of those arrangements that fell apart with the touch of a feather. So I had to be ultra careful not to disturb the 'silence' as it was growing.


Remember: At this time intuition is heightened, hearts will be more open and healing on a wide scale will take place. ~Alex Myles.


The 11:11 has been called ‘The Gateway’ or a ‘Portal’ in that it signifies an opening or openness. Seeing 11:11 is said to trigger our perception to go beyond all we have known before ~ To step into a new dimensional universe where we can be more receptive to the increasingly finer energies. ~Ally. Source: Significance of the 11:11:11 Symbol

The number eleven forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and share it with all. ~Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: The 11:11:11 Gateways of 2011.

And one of my favourite definitions of the 11:11 is:

A cosmic wink from my angels. ~ Tina van Leuven.

Stage 3 of 'Remembrance.'

Adding water and a bunch of flowers to the 'Vessel of Silence.'


Remember: Your Soul no longer needs painful lessons in order to grow. ~Alex Myles.

The significance of last Sunday's 11:11:11.

The last number eleven is gained by adding the digits 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 =11.

11-11-11 is calling us to pause, breathe and reflect on life, politics, corporations, society, the environment and ask the big questions: ~Simone M. Matthews. 11:11:11

  • Do you like what you are seeing?
  • Does the world feel united, whole and connected?
  • What can you do today to be the initiate of change for tomorrow?

Even though the world around us may appear fractured, separate & disconnected, 11:11:11 guides us to see beyond the illusion of the physical world of separation, to experience One Humanity, One Love. ~Simone M. Matthews. 11:11:11

11:11:11 opens our heart to remember we are made of love. And even in humanity's darkest hour love will always find a way. ~Simone M. Matthews. 11:11:11

Simone M. Matthews is an Australian author, speaker, teacher and founder of the Universal Life Tools Wisdom School. Her courses are designed to awaken and guide people into stepping into the life they were born to live.

Stage 4 of 'Remembrance.'

Adding 12 spiraling shells that point towards the 'Vessel of Silence.'


Remember: This numerology sequence 11:11:11 only happens once in a decade. ~Alex Myles.

Numerology and making changes.

Numerology is a most ancient and mystical art form for understanding our own personal cycles of growth & evolution AND becoming conscious of ourselves in the greater context of planetary & cosmic evolution. Simone M. Matthews. 2018: Universal ’11’ Year in Numerology

Numbers derived from a variety of formats can be used as a guide in your life's journey: For instance, the numerology of your name and date of your birth, the numerology of the year or numbers that you may see in your day-to-day life: digital clocks, time on your computer or iPhone.

In numerology, the number 1 indicates new beginnings and 11 is considered to be the Master Number.

Series of this number, such as the 11th of November or 11/11, create more powerful energies for the days which permit us to wake up for some new potentials. The 11th of November is hence an active period for making changes in life, as well as for setting intentions or for digging deeper to discover the truths. New enlightenment levels, newly discovered information or recent awakenings are even possible during this period, because of the energy.

Stage 5 of 'Remembrance.'

Adding 6 little ceramic blue dishes also by Kobi I'm not sure what they represent at the moment, but they connect to the 'Vessel of Silence' so maybe they are her attendants, protectors of the 'Sacred Circle.'

Also adding lots of patience as some of the stones have been toppling off and whole stacks have been toppling over ~ More than once ~ As more elements are added.

Late in the afternoon with the light slowly fading, the shadows were only slightly deeper.

Although I like the moodiness of this last image for the day, it still wasn't the Warrior Strong image that I was after. So I left the arrangement for the morning.


Remember: Let go of the picture you have created and allow the story to unfold, without force and without trying to control the outcome. ~Alex Myles.

Universal and Personal Year.

When you understand the energy of your Personal Year in alignment with the Universal Year for 2018, you can work with and make decisions based on the rhythm and flow of your own life’s cycles. Source: Simone M. Matthews. 2018: Universal ’11’ Year in Numerology

To calculate the energy of your Personal Year add the numbers of your day and month of birth, to the numbers of the current year. The total of these numbers may come to a double-digit and if so add these digits together to reduce the number to a single digit. For instance 2018 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11

My Personal Year this year is an 11.

The keyword for an 11 Personal Year is: The Mystic.

Working in harmony with the rhythm and flow of my life's cycle in 2018 is giving me the opportunity to be more intuitive and insightful, idealistic and inspirational, wiser and empathetic, and generally more spiritually aware.

However, I know that there are times when I'm definitely not in complete resonance with this 2018 life cycle and I can easily sink into the shadowy side of my nature, where my thoughts can be quite unruly and self-destructive.

Being aware of my Greater Potential in 2018 definitely inspires me to 'Lift my game.' I'm not too sure about being a medium or psychic, but I do resonate with being an artist and healer: Not so much in the usual sense of the word 'healer' but I do strive to impart a healing quality into my artwork.

If numerology appeals to you, I would really encourage you to read Simone's 2018: Universal ’11’ Year in Numerology to see what your Personal Year holds for you.

Stage 6 of 'Remembrance.'

The morning light was glowing. It was so different from the late afternoon light of the previous day.

For just a very short time, the sunlight beamed through the small east-facing window of my studio. Just enough time for me to capture the shadows to the left of the little rock stacks.

The arrangement hasn't changed very much here: Except for a few missing stones on the rock stacks, and replacing the bunch of flowers with some small stones, alluding to a still pond in the 'Vessel of Silence.'


Remember: Move gently and forgive yourself if you slip occasionally. ~Alex Myles.

Stage 7 of 'Remembrance.'

Adding a small bunch of white pansies ~ Fresh from my garden ~ To the 'Vessel of Silence.' And some small pieces of violet-pink hydrangeas that are just starting to bloom, to the small dishes.


Remember: The Universe is guiding you.
You are unstoppable, limitless and in the flow.
~Alex Myles.

Stage 8 of 'Remembrance.'

Adding shards of blue Kyanite and slivers of silvery violet Lepidolite Mica to the arrangement ~ With sprigs of blue hydrangeas.

Blue Kyanite is an excellent crystal to wear or hold for attunement and meditation, supporting spiritual integrity and heightening intuition and dream recall. It restores Qi to the physical body, especially the throat and larynx area: Strengthening the voice and encouraging self-expression: 'Speaking one's truth.' Source: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall.

As a stone of transition, Lepidolite Mica releases and reorganizes old psychological and behavioral patterns, inducing change. It encourages independence and can help anyone (like myself) who needs to be able to filter out extraneous distractions and focus on what's important. It enhances the ability to be calm and objective, to make clear decisions and 'stand in your own space.' Source: The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall.

I had reached the final stage of this arrangement ~ For now.

An impression I hope you can now absorb and feel the energy of your own 'Warrior Strong' aligned with your life's purpose ~ Standing in your own Truth ~ And being able to express it in calm crystal clarity.

A special treat for anyone who can tell me where the four slivers of Lepidolite Mica are.


Remember: You are Warrior Strong. ~Alex Myles.

Photography: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: 35 mm:

Creative Commons License
All photographs by Alison Lee Cousland in this article are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Terms of CC BY-SA.

  • This ShareAlike license will allow you to reproduce and/or manipulate these images even for your commercial purposes.

  • You are required to attribute me, Alison Lee Cousland as the designer/artist.

  • You also need to be willing to license any of your new creations that make use of these images, under the identical terms IE allow others to reproduce and/or build their own art upon your art, as well as granting their right to commercial usage.

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@allyinspirit Wow!! Very awesome shadows!
Oh my goodness how beautiful the little stacked
stones so wonderfully arranged! Really good
info about the 11's! Love this! ❤

Thanks ever so much @shasta. The shadows were not all that strong but I felt they were in harmony with the soft blues and pinks and light grey of the overall piece and they helped to 'ground' the rock stacks.

I've been working with the 11:11 for about 20 years now and every time I have it in mind while creating something new, everything just flows. Sometime I'd love to share some of my early collage work with the 11:11 here too. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

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This is such a beautiful piece, Ally! I love watching you create your beautiful art! I see the Mica atop the rock stacks. It is under the small rounded stones and adds a wonderful shine to the otherwise 4 simple stacks. I feel quite honored that you thought of me as you created this wonderful piece of art!

Thanks ever so much Melinda. I loved the way this piece came about. It required a fair amount of patience but I didn't have to overly 'think' about anything as it fell into place.

I knew it was complete when I saw how the shards of blue Kyanite emphasized the strong thrust towards the central 'Vessel of Silence.' The 'Warrior Strong' had arrived.

The mica is hardly visible in the final image but adds a beautiful energy to the total piece and you spotted it absolutely correctly. A special treat will be on its way to you shortly. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

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No treats are necessary! I loved that you asked for a close enough look to find it. That really pulled me in to look more closely at all the details. Resteeming!

Mañana. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Sometimes my writings keep growing and growing as I try to bring a group of ideas together, for my own understanding as much as anything. But the danger is that it could be overwhelming for others to read ~ And I don't really expect many to actually read everything presented here.

So, when I can, I love to include something that shows me that someone has actually read and looked closely to find something that they otherwise wouldn't.

I've been noticing how Denise and Jay use tipping. I love it and wanted to try it, and now that I've accumulated a little Steem, please let me give you just a little token of my appreciation. It works for the benefit of both the giver and receiver. Makes our world keep turning. Have a beautiful day Melinda. I'm about to go to my Qi Gong class for the week. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

That is sweet and very much appreciated. I love leaving tips, especially after I have used all my voting power for the day.

My voting power is very very very low as I made use of some of my Steem recently and it looks like it will take some time to build it up again. But I do love to send little appreciation gestures to others and !tip will be perfect for that. Sending my first tip to you now Melinda with love and gratitude. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

You are so generous! Thank you so much for entering into this week's Shadow Contest and for all the support and encouraging words you gave to all the other participants. You are the best! I'm totally honored to receive your first tip.

It was SUCH a pleasure to be part of the Photo Shadow contest this week Melinda and I'll definitely participate again. I love the inspiration it gave me and gives to others.

There were some super stunning images: Particularly loved @shasta's buoys and @bluemoon's lovely arrangement and the moodiness created by @chetnaag. I have an idea for a #photoshadow that I'd love to do and I'll work on it a little ~ But it would centre around people making their own Sacred Circle's and photographing them. Could be circles of flowers or stones or necklaces or bootlaces ~ Indoors or outdoors. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Thanks so much @c-squared for upvoting, resteeming and sharing 'Remembrance' in the Curation Collective Discord community. It's been my pleasure to give my witness vote to you.

'Remembrance' loves to be seen and appreciated and absorbed into the hearts of all those who wish to be open to the impulse of the 11:11:11. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

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