Typing Two Facebook Comments a Day Can Make You Happy – Research

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

It’s ridiculous to think that a simple comment on social media Facebook is a milestone in life. However, a new study reveals that when a loved one or a friend leaves a comment on Facebook, the feeling we get is similar to having a baby or getting married. In short, it brings extreme happiness.

Interacting on Facebook can bring significant effects on our own satisfaction. According to the study performed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, users of the social media giant feel they are much healthier as they experienced an increase in their overall well-being after other people posted comments on their accounts or sent them messages.

What Kind of Social Interaction is Best?

Many people would probably think that the activity that can cause happiness on social media are those that are labor-intensive. But Moira Burke, the co-author of the study clears that any comment – even those that aren’t even long – can cause significant change in the mood of the receiver. A simple sentence or two can give such health benefit.

The most important thing that affects a person’s mood is when a close friend spends time and effort to create a personalized message. It doesn’t matter if the comment is uplifting or even just a simple act of communication. This can already serve as a reminder for the recipient that he or she is in a meaningful relationship with other people.

How Many Comments a Day Do You Need?

The study was published in the Journal of Computer-Medicated Communication and has garnered data from 1,910 users of the social media website. The users were asked about their moods for three months, ranging from being happy to lonely. According to the researchers, they have discovered that 60 comments per month, which is equal to two comments every day, can be compared to the happiness and satisfaction linked to major life events.

More Findings about Social Media Activities

The study also took a look into different kinds of interactions on Facebook and other social media sites and apps:

*Talking to other people you already like on Facebook can help you feel better – especially if the conversation has a little more depth.

*Getting likes on Facebook doesn’t really reduce negative feelings.

*The study aimed to debunk other reports that using social media can make people feel stressed and depressed.

*People who are clinically depressed may find that being on social media can actually alleviate their condition.

So whenever you’re feeling down, the study suggests that you can spend more time on Facebook or any other social media website where you can feel connected with other people.

Source: Click here

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