The Curation and Engagement Leagues - Sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag!

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to this weeks Curation and Engagement leagues, kindly sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag.

Just a reminder to try to be around to help me review Posts regarding this contest, submitted in comments to a new post I will put out tonight at 2pm Eastern / 8pm CET. Cheers!

To enter the leagues drop a comment below (Lifetime membership - unless you ask to be removed)

The leagues (tables) are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

On your marks, get set, curate!



My general views on curation rewards (to score highly in League 1) are:

  • Vote before the big hitters, but not too early!

  • Voting in the first minute will earn you a curation reward of almost 0.000

  • Voting between 1 and 29 minutes will earn an increasing % of the curation rewards split - This value peaking at 30 minutes and remaining the same from this point onwards

  • It is commonly suggested that 15-25 minutes is the best time to vote, especially on known 'power author' posts because they are likely to have more auto-votes coming in at these times - and you want to be ahead of these votes

  • Voting on good dtube/dlive/sndbox content, and utopian-io approved contributions (prior to the vote by @dtube / @utopian-io, etc) can earn some very good curation rewards

  • Voting on @ocd posts is likely to gain good curation rewards as founder @acidyo, and @anomadsoul support these posts after giving time for other accounts to vote - you will be in front of a couple of large votes here!

As you can see, a combination of many variables such as Steem Power, voting strength, voting weight, time of vote, and more, all play a part in the amount of rewards received.

My general opinion on maximizing engagement (to score highly in League 2) is:

  • Spread your vote and write lots of engaging comments!

  • Use your vote on the comments of others to make yourself (vote) seen and provoke a reply

The data for league 1

The raw data has been collected from SteemSQL - @arcange's MS SQL Server copy of the Steem Blockchain.

The formula used for 'quality of financial curation skill' is:

Curation Rewards DIVIDED BY Steem Power MULTIPLIED BY 1000

This will return the amount of Curation rewards gained per 1000 Steem Power held

The rules (which will cause auto-filtering of your account if not met so just enter anyway and see what happens!) to appear in this league:

  • No programmed voting! Following a trail is OK, using a script to vote for you is not (but well done if you have done that!)

  • Must have voted at least once on a piece of content in the past 7 days

  • Must not have leased or delegated Steem Power in the last 14 days

  • Must not have Started a Power Down (withdrawal of Steem Power) in the last 15 days

The 2nd and 3rd points above are not 'bad' actions, but are required to reduce distortion of the figures.

And, as curation rewards for the past week are actually taken from votes made up to 14 days ago, we need a two week 'window' as mentioned above.

Don't let this put you off entering though - you will be automatically be excluded/appear each week, depending on the criteria above.

League 1 - Curating to maximize returns (Top 100)

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

This Week's winners!

Congratulations to @misterakpan! A @curie curator tops the table for the first time, proving that it does pay to seek out new and undiscovered talent on the Steem Blockchain - hurray!

A fine job also by @tony19r, @voiceoff, @coolguy123, @greenrun, @steemitri, @osm0sis, @journeyoflife, @williamsyee, and @pataty69 for completing the top 10 'financial' curators this week.

All of the above will be getting some STEEM :)

League 2 - Engagement and Excellence - Write on!

This the newer league which is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations this past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Upvotes to others (V)
  • Upvotes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you are doing great and are among the top 20%! - Well done everyone!

Congratulations to this weeks new Engagement League winner, @cheneats!

@cheneats has spent a lot of time on the blogs of newcomers this week, and the 'meeting and greeting' has resulted in him topping this weeks table. Well done!

@glenalbrethsen has put in another fine weeks work in 2nd, and was only just pipped from making it 5 wins in a row.

In 3rd place and back in the top 3, the lovely @lynncoyle1, a previous multi-time champion and wonderful engager.

Well done all 3 of you!

Excellent engagement levels and top 10 (OK, 11!) places for @gillianpearce, @maverickinvictus, @leeart, @bashadow, @themanwithnoname, @mirrors, @davemccoy, and @melvadg who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Do you want to be a part of the leagues? Let me know below!


League 1


League 2


0 votes to self - Spot Prizes


Lucky number 25 in League 2

Prize courtesy of @fullcoverbetting - Well done to @enjar!

Delegation Prizes

The most consistent performers, and especially those in need of a boost on the way to the holy grail of 500 SP, could also receive a small delegation. This week:

50 SP added (200 SP total) - @leeart
50 SP added (200 SP total) - @mirrors
50 SP added (100 SP total) - @melvadg


Well done guys, continue oiling that Blockchain :D


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from my personal curation league, let me know

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

As always, thank you very much for your support!

Asher @abh12345


If you feel that the Curation Leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem Blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity - or let me 'manage' your witness choices by adding @abh2345 to the 'proxy' field at the same URL.

Find out more about our project here


Well being sick for 3 days had the upside that I was on top of my comments and was able to do some more 2nd level comments outside not enough to be in the top 3 but still happy enough.

Oh man I did not believe it was possible for anyone to topple Glen after all the novel like comments he leaves.
So congratulations @cheneats and you know that Glen will be back with a vengeance next week hahaha.

I am happy to see Lynn in the top 3 she deserves it as she has been working tirelessly in upvoting and commenting.

As usual this is a highlight of the week and to me one of the most important project in the platform. When we engage we make the platform better.

Lots of small comments won the day this week, I'm sure Glen won't mind a week off the top spot :)

As usual this is a highlight of the week and to me one of the most important project in the platform. When we engage we make the platform better.

Thank you, thank you! This comment really means a lot to me, and makes the time and effort to produce this post worthwhile.

Well done and cheers!

Always my pleasure Asher and you always make a lot of people happy and this league gives people reason to care for the platform.

Oh, I mind, I'm just thinking happy thoughts in my happy place. :) I mean, I'm here to do as best as I can. Last week, my best wasn't good enough. Which means this week, my best has to be better.

I can't be the only believer that it's possible for someone else to be No. 1 here? How much fun would that be? :) Now that it's done, I hope we can all 'come back with a vengeance' as you say. In my case, I'm just going to try to stay healthier this week than I did last week, because unlike in your case, it doesn't mean I do any better with comments or anything else. You get more time because you don't have to work (hopefully, though, you're feeling better, because sick isn't fun). I just have to sleep more, which takes time away from here.

Novel finished. Moving on. :)

It felt that you are unstoppable with the novels that you leave that are disguised as comments hahahhahaha!!

Oh yeah I feel that I can do it and comment more this week or at least try hahahha

Yeah being sick was not awesome at all.

Thank you, @maverickinvictus! Now you have made me very nervous ;)

hahahha don't be and keep on doing monster commenting!

Congratulations @maverickinvictus! And thank you for the mention :)

Haha awesome seeing you in the top 3 Lynn with all the things you do and people you reach out to.

That's so nice of you to say! Thank you for noticing :)

Great job as always Mav! Always nice to see you on that leaderboard!

Hahaha you are my idol when I first saw the leaderboard and saw how some of the people were doing their best to engage the community then I knew I had to add this to my purpose.

Good morning, @abh12345.

I see I'm in the No. 2 position by 782 points, which from my estimation, makes that the closest finish between No. 1 and No. 2 over the last nine weeks. That is awesome! The more competition, the better. It makes the leagues exciting and fun.

That said, this means that instead of an acceptance speech this week, or as @fullcoverbetting likes to call it, a victory speech, this will be more of a congratulatory and concessionary speech.

I will keep it brief. :) Okay, briefer.

Thank you, as always, Asher, for the Curation and Engagement Leagues. I think you told me once you considered them to be a simple idea, or something to that effect. Well, from small and simple things great and I would say profound things come to pass. I believe that we are all a part of something great here.

A few more words of thanks, and then congratulations.

Thank you, @carlgnash and @paulag for the sponsorships. As always, they are greatly appreciated. From week to week, your presences are felt here through your participation and your funding.

@cheneats—it's amazing how quickly a new champion can show up the moment the previous champion starts to be considered unstoppable, unbeatable or immovable. I've experienced that from both sides now, and all I can say is, nothing, given time, is impossible. So, congratulations on your win this week. That is a mind boggling amount of comments and a very impressive vote spread. I wish you good luck for this week.

@lynncoyle1—I've never been comfortable in the role of what people call king here, but you have been graceful in any role, including queen of the leagues. In victory or conciliation you have taught me how both should be done. Thank you for that, and congratulations for being in the Top 3.

As for the rest of the Top 1011—@gillianpearce, @maverickinvectus, @leeart, @bashadow, @themanwithnoname, @mirrors, @davemccoy, @melvadg. Thank you for who you are, what you do, and how you help me, along with others here, stay sane on Steemit. Well done all with your placing. Onward and upward.

Since I'm not No. 1 this week, I will yield back the floor now. :)

Thank you so much for your very kind words, @glenalbrethsen! I really appreciate it. You have been my hero for being a good model for us to follow. Wish you the best and good luck for this week :)

I don't know about hero, but I've been following another role model, @lynnecoyle1, so she gets the credit. I'm still trying to find way through all of this myself.

Thanks for the well-wishes and I guess we'll see you out there, somewhere. :)

I love how you said it, "See you out there, somewhere" ;-) It is truly a nice place to be :-)

Ha! knowing you this comment alone puts you back into first place hahahahha

Yet I always like seeing your comments Glenn and although I appreciate upvotes I love getting comments from you more because it bears the seal of approval from Glenn of impecable taste in posts. Have you not considered curie yet?

Or have a thought on being a scout for the @promo-mentors :) We need you! I need you there! This is a blatant recruitment pitch for the promo-mentors hahahha!!

It's like you're chanting, "Promo-mentors! Promo-mentors! Promo-mentors!" and then there's this crowd going, "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You're so amazing!"

Um, I haven't really been thinking about Curie, except when they pop up in my feed, and beyond that, I haven't been thinking about much else than what I need to do to stay atop the engagement league, which obviously wasn't enough this past week.

So, I'm probably just going to have to say that for now, I don't really want to get involved with anything other than the leagues. It's really nothing against anyone or anything. It's just a matter of trying to put in best efforts. Everyone else keeps talking about being stretched thin with what they're doing and I'm just not needing that in my life anymore. I did that for 30 years. Now, I'm looking to stop stretching.

As it is, from what you've said, I'm kind of my own brand of quality assurance. Do I want to give up that? :)

It's still unbelievable you were dethroned but I think you have just lie lowed a little there :D

I guess that kind of happened, but it wasn't really on purpose. I was sick Wednesday night, all of Thursday, and for a while on Friday, so that became distracting and hard to concentrate. I would get tired, need to nap, and then would stop earlier at night than normal. So I lost some hours and didn't accomplish as much as I would if I weren't ill.

As it is, though, I did what I pretty much do every week, I just wasn't to add to it, which I apparently needed to do this week. I just don't know how much more I could have done differently. So, anyway. The winning streak stays at four. :)

Oh no. I'm sorry to know that you got sick. That is surely a setback. Take all the rest you need and get back your strength to taking back the crown. I will not be surprised if you will win it again this week :)

Thanks. I'm hoping I'm over it. Sometimes these illnesses swing back around after a few weeks, so hopefully not, but for now I'm functioning at least. As far as taking back the crown, it's not been a good two days. Not sure why exactly. It's kind of like people disappeared or something. Not nearly getting the same amount of engagement with folks, so I'm not sure if people are just pressed for time or if they're off Steemit for vacations, or a combination of things, but I've been having a hard time finding where everyone is at. :)

Hoping your illness is really over.

I do not get sick that often but when I do, it hits hard and long. Sometimes it could take two weeks. Most of the time flu. The longest was almost a month when I came from a trip. I believed I have had dengue but I am not sure because by the time I decided to go to the doctor I was doing better. I don't rely much on meds or doctors.

I didn't notice that about the interaction. The engagement I get is based upon my activities here. I usually don't get responses during the day that I comment on posts but I get them the next day and sometimes others get back to me later on.

I feel sort of bad, that maybe I jinxed you with a one day early pre-congrats. Still only a few points, so dang close the top is, and even though you may not have been number one this week, you do an astounding job of engaging people, and I think they appreciate it, I know I do.

Oh, no way we're blaming you! Don't feel bad in the slightest. As I said, I never no from week to week what's going to happen. (who could), and as it is, from my perspective, this came totally out of the blue. So, hey, no feeling bad, sort of or otherwise. I'm just going to do what I normally do, only hopefully more, and we'll see how we all fall out next time.

You're very right. It was very close. A few more whatever and I could have edged ahead. That's the competition at the very top that has been lacking and really should be there. So, hey. Let's see more of it.

I'm trying to engage so I'm glad it shows, and I'm thankful for you and everyone else who also is engaging or has posts to engage on. We all need to be there and involved to make any of it happen, right?

It was indeed briefer 😁
Still great second place!

Well, thank you. It was kind of funny because when I got on the computer, I actually brought up steemworld first and saw the amount Ash transferred to my wallet and thought, "Hunh. I'm not in first place." Then, I sat there for a minute or two feeling mostly relief. After that, though, it was like, uh, okay, I was really hoping for extending out the winning to five weeks in a row. Oh, well. :)


I have faith you will be back up top soon!

I appreciate the faith, @abh12345. Obviously, the idea is to be on top every week, so that's what I'm working towards. I do have a couple of questions. I feel like I probably should make a separate comment for them though.

I can say that I will challenge you but I will never make a chance!
But not tried it also lost!

Hi Asher, what an honor and privilege to be on top your League 2 this week!

You are an inspiration to me. You are always positive, always optimistic. Thank you for all you do to make Steemit a better community for us all. I appreciate it very much :)

Hey @cheneats! This is awesome! I wanted to tell you what a fantastic achievement this is... I was speaking with a few people and think that you have a great strategy of meeting new people... I like that, I love that you are talking with the newbies and making them feel welcome... Are you on discord? If so I would like to have a conversation with you about how maybe I could work with you, I'm always wanting to find ways to help newbies and minnows... Let me know... If you are, my username is davemccoy#2479... Again, great job and that is an amazing feat topping the King @glenalbrethsen and Queen @lynncoyle1

Hey @davemccoy, thank you for much for your very kind words! I am not on discord but I will write a blog about this ... you see ... you already gave me ideas on what to write :)

My approach is very simple. I browse and comment. All newly created posts with an #introduceyourself tag are there. It's a perfect place to meet and greet new people.

ok... you don't have to be on discord... we can communicate through steemit just fine too!... Can you make sure to stop by my latest posts when you post a new blog post and let me know that you have made your post?... I will then take it from there! ;) ...

Will do ... thanks again my friend :)

Hey @cheneats, will you drop me the link as well please? :)

Here you go. I made my meet and greets post! Thank you for your interest. Take care my friend, @lynncoyle1 :)

Hey @cheneats! Thank you so much for remembering to tag me :)

The Queen and King...nice Dave :)

What is @cheneats strategy? Or I guess he could answer that just as easily ;)

Yeah, good ol' Dave. How long does this King and Queen status hang around for? And why isn't he getting stuck with it if he was king for a while, too. As was apparently themanwithnoname? And I guess Gillian was Queen before you for a while? I need to go back through the older weeks work and see what's what I guess.

For some reason, you and I ooze royalty, so it's sticking :)

We're oozing and it's sticking. Uh, the picture you're painting there is quite vivid, but I ain't sure it's pretty. :) I guess this unruly bunch are bound and determined to have a king and a queen, no matter what. Since it's pretty much title only (in my case anyway—you're the one getting 'ice cream trucks'. All i get is more stuff to do), I suppose it could be much worse. We could be totally and completely forgotten about the instant we drop. :)

Don't forget the jackets Glen. We are all supposed to get jackets from least according to @themanwithnoname, and I hear he's your press secretary, so it must be true!

See how easy it is to start this stuff? :)

No name's going on a trip this week. He was hoping to check in but didn't know if he would be or not. It's kind of funny that he's a press secretary to me when he was previously the ruler of this rowdy roost.

As for the jackets, that's so last week, and you traded yours in for an ice cream truck, anyway, remember? You got the better deal. :)

lol... funny Lynn! That's the right answer :P

haha thanks Dave! Somehow you skirted the crown pretty darn easy!

I did... I felt it made my head look too big, so I was happy to get it off :P

lol... see @lynncoyle1's reply below... her answer is the best ;)

You are loving my comments all over the place tonight @davemccoy haha

Yes you keep me hopping around and always with a smile on my face :D

That's so nice of you to say Dave ;) I'm so glad!

About oozing and sticking? I saw and answered that one an hour ago. It was the novel length comment right after hers. :)

haha... I saw the answer and realized that I couldn't give it a reply that was worthy of it in the time I had to get to sleep last night.. So I just chuckled and went to sleep... but it was a good one, very entertaining both and @lynncoyle1 :P

Congratulations @cheneats! You're already a superstar in my eyes...first place! Good for you :) I also work with a lot of new folks here, so I'm so impressed that you reached the top with your interaction in "meet and greets"! And I'm not sure if you're aware, but @glenalbrethsen was a real force to be reckoned with and you managed to take his first is all I can say :)

Thank you so much for your very kind words, @lynncoyle1! I believe in first impression, which a warm welcome can definitely give to the new folks here on the platform. Congratulations to you for being on the top spots, too. Cheers

You are most welcome, and thank you as well ;)

Congratulations on toppling Glen and looking forward to seeing you in the league for a long time!

Awesome work as always, Asher. Believe me this is quite special. It's such a honor to sit top of the league. Your effort to protect manual curation from premature extinction isn't going unnoticed. Kudos.

Thanks dude, well done on the top spot - one for the curators of exceptional content this week!


Hey, congratulations, @misterakpan on the League 1 win. No small feat. That one's been changing hands quite a bit here lately so it looks like it's a free-for-all. Definitely takes a strategy, I think and a good one to stay on top.

Hi @abh12345, So, these leagues are for Steemians who want to earn through curation, right? Is there any league that helps good writers get better payouts?

Also, I'm on post for the contest. So, once done, I've to post its link in the comments section of the next post you write on this contest. Am I right? Please guide if I am wrong.

Many thanks. Steem On!

Is there any league that helps good writers get better payouts?

A league no I dont think so, but @thewritersblock or #thewritersblock you will find some budding writers to engage with.

For the post this evening, wait until i have posted at 2pm eastern/8pm CET and then post, and add a link in the comments of my post. ok?

You're always very helpful. Thank You @abh12345.

No worries! :D

Wow! Another week out and in! How fast the days run! I am glad to be back to the top 10 (11!).

Congratulations to very participant! And @abh12345, thanks for the good work. I just saw the SP delegation. Just know (we) are very grateful!

I say 'we' because in a sense, i want to believe that i speak for the many planktons/minnows out there who through my curation, share in your selfless gift.

Much obliged.

i want to believe that i speak for the many planktons/minnows out there who through my curation, share in your selfless gift.

This is the plan - reaching the people that one account cannot possibly get to :)

Thanks @mirrors, a fine job!

True. Just know this Curation League is the one cause you are running that many appreciate.

Thank you :)

@cheneats congratulations on the top spot. We were all wondering when, if anyone could come along and topple Glen after 5 weeks, it seems like there is no guessing who is going to get the gas and go the distance, very nice job, and the number of "Upvotes to different authors (U V)" was simply amazing. If you have not seen or heard of @dustsweeper you need to look into it. I vote a lot of redfish/very new accounts, they appreciate and like to vote those rare early comments, and @dustsweeper has helped already in boosting their votes out of the dust level, thus giving them the little curation reward they may have missed out on, not to mention you get a little reward also.

Asher, thank you for all you have done to help me get to my 500+ SP, I know the next several people will be as pleased to receive your delegation as I was. It was a very big help.

The @dustsweeper is a totally awesome initative - should be interesting to see how that one goes.

RE: Delegation, I'm sad to be taking them (5 of you had passed the 500 marker recently), but it's all gone back out and more over the past few days. Thanks for being cool about it!

Don't be sad about taking it back, I know it went back out to others, it really did help get to 500 SP quicker, and I am now close to 550 SP, just have to power up the few funds I have and be real close to that. I already had 3 dustupvotes, so that's 3 voters whose votes counted, and they will get rewarded for it, so a win win on that program I think.

Thank you so much, @bashadow! I couldn't believe it myself, either. I'll look into the dust sweeper you mentioned. Best wish to you :)

@enjar congrats with the Lucky 25!
Your prize is a sponsored share from the SteembasicIncome program. Enjoy!

Quite shocked that @glenalbrethsen is dethroned!

I was still surprised, but just looking at the numbers of the winner, I think it will be unbeatable.

Well, unbeatable seems to be so until beaten. So, we'll see next week what happens. Having a higher level of competition in the upper three slots is good, just as it is all along the engagement league list. We've been missing the closer scores up there. We do what we can and then wait for the results, right? :)

There are no limits, I know you can reach the first l

Apparently I'm the least shocked. However, even if I'm not No. 1 this week, I still thank you for giving No. 25 an incentive each week. It's a great thing you do.

And congratulations to @enjar, who has bounced all around the engagement league, so I'll expect to see another Top 15 finish at least. :)

@cheneats @gillianpearce, @lynncoyle1 , @maverickinvictus, @leeart, @bashadow, @themanwithnoname, @mirrors, @davemccoy, and @melvadg
Congratulation to all of you . You set the standard for those who follow . Your contribution to this platform and the people you touch through your action can never be measured . This list is just a small measure of your efforts and does not reflect your true total contributions . You give me hope and inspiration to pick up the torch and carry on in your footsteps .

Well done @abh12345 for the work and help you put into this platform , 90% of your effort and support will never be known :)

Thanks! Let's carry that torch together and walk together :)

sounds like a good plan

Hahaha thanks and this league is really one of the most important thing in retention.

It is both an inspiration and collaboration(not competition) between all participants.

That's a great way to put it (collaboration) . And it continues on outside of this post

I’m always a little amazed I still rank so high week after week. That is some amazing amount of comments per week the top are putting out! I prefer to have my usually rather long comments. Some of them take a while to write, but, I would not have it any other way. Have a wonderful week everyone and keep engaging!

I prefer to have my usually rather long comments. Some of them take a while to write,

Yes I'm still working myself up for the one you left on Today's post! :D

Thanks @enjar, your comments are always thought out and well received, and it shows that you always take the time to read articles before responding.

Well as one who is often referred to as writing novels for comments (which is yet another overstatement), I congratulate you, as well, for your placing and for the Lucky No. 25 prize. I said that elsewhere before I realized you'd commented already. Anyway, let's keep the meatier comments going, shall we? :)

Trolls with short comment "sure." :)

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