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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues - Sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag!

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

Good morning, @abh12345.

I see I'm in the No. 2 position by 782 points, which from my estimation, makes that the closest finish between No. 1 and No. 2 over the last nine weeks. That is awesome! The more competition, the better. It makes the leagues exciting and fun.

That said, this means that instead of an acceptance speech this week, or as @fullcoverbetting likes to call it, a victory speech, this will be more of a congratulatory and concessionary speech.

I will keep it brief. :) Okay, briefer.

Thank you, as always, Asher, for the Curation and Engagement Leagues. I think you told me once you considered them to be a simple idea, or something to that effect. Well, from small and simple things great and I would say profound things come to pass. I believe that we are all a part of something great here.

A few more words of thanks, and then congratulations.

Thank you, @carlgnash and @paulag for the sponsorships. As always, they are greatly appreciated. From week to week, your presences are felt here through your participation and your funding.

@cheneats—it's amazing how quickly a new champion can show up the moment the previous champion starts to be considered unstoppable, unbeatable or immovable. I've experienced that from both sides now, and all I can say is, nothing, given time, is impossible. So, congratulations on your win this week. That is a mind boggling amount of comments and a very impressive vote spread. I wish you good luck for this week.

@lynncoyle1—I've never been comfortable in the role of what people call king here, but you have been graceful in any role, including queen of the leagues. In victory or conciliation you have taught me how both should be done. Thank you for that, and congratulations for being in the Top 3.

As for the rest of the Top 1011—@gillianpearce, @maverickinvectus, @leeart, @bashadow, @themanwithnoname, @mirrors, @davemccoy, @melvadg. Thank you for who you are, what you do, and how you help me, along with others here, stay sane on Steemit. Well done all with your placing. Onward and upward.

Since I'm not No. 1 this week, I will yield back the floor now. :)


Thank you so much for your very kind words, @glenalbrethsen! I really appreciate it. You have been my hero for being a good model for us to follow. Wish you the best and good luck for this week :)

I don't know about hero, but I've been following another role model, @lynnecoyle1, so she gets the credit. I'm still trying to find way through all of this myself.

Thanks for the well-wishes and I guess we'll see you out there, somewhere. :)

I love how you said it, "See you out there, somewhere" ;-) It is truly a nice place to be :-)

Ha! knowing you this comment alone puts you back into first place hahahahha

Yet I always like seeing your comments Glenn and although I appreciate upvotes I love getting comments from you more because it bears the seal of approval from Glenn of impecable taste in posts. Have you not considered curie yet?

Or have a thought on being a scout for the @promo-mentors :) We need you! I need you there! This is a blatant recruitment pitch for the promo-mentors hahahha!!

It's like you're chanting, "Promo-mentors! Promo-mentors! Promo-mentors!" and then there's this crowd going, "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You're so amazing!"

Um, I haven't really been thinking about Curie, except when they pop up in my feed, and beyond that, I haven't been thinking about much else than what I need to do to stay atop the engagement league, which obviously wasn't enough this past week.

So, I'm probably just going to have to say that for now, I don't really want to get involved with anything other than the leagues. It's really nothing against anyone or anything. It's just a matter of trying to put in best efforts. Everyone else keeps talking about being stretched thin with what they're doing and I'm just not needing that in my life anymore. I did that for 30 years. Now, I'm looking to stop stretching.

As it is, from what you've said, I'm kind of my own brand of quality assurance. Do I want to give up that? :)

It's still unbelievable you were dethroned but I think you have just lie lowed a little there :D

I guess that kind of happened, but it wasn't really on purpose. I was sick Wednesday night, all of Thursday, and for a while on Friday, so that became distracting and hard to concentrate. I would get tired, need to nap, and then would stop earlier at night than normal. So I lost some hours and didn't accomplish as much as I would if I weren't ill.

As it is, though, I did what I pretty much do every week, I just wasn't to add to it, which I apparently needed to do this week. I just don't know how much more I could have done differently. So, anyway. The winning streak stays at four. :)

Oh no. I'm sorry to know that you got sick. That is surely a setback. Take all the rest you need and get back your strength to taking back the crown. I will not be surprised if you will win it again this week :)

Thanks. I'm hoping I'm over it. Sometimes these illnesses swing back around after a few weeks, so hopefully not, but for now I'm functioning at least. As far as taking back the crown, it's not been a good two days. Not sure why exactly. It's kind of like people disappeared or something. Not nearly getting the same amount of engagement with folks, so I'm not sure if people are just pressed for time or if they're off Steemit for vacations, or a combination of things, but I've been having a hard time finding where everyone is at. :)

Hoping your illness is really over.

I do not get sick that often but when I do, it hits hard and long. Sometimes it could take two weeks. Most of the time flu. The longest was almost a month when I came from a trip. I believed I have had dengue but I am not sure because by the time I decided to go to the doctor I was doing better. I don't rely much on meds or doctors.

I didn't notice that about the interaction. The engagement I get is based upon my activities here. I usually don't get responses during the day that I comment on posts but I get them the next day and sometimes others get back to me later on.

I feel sort of bad, that maybe I jinxed you with a one day early pre-congrats. Still only a few points, so dang close the top is, and even though you may not have been number one this week, you do an astounding job of engaging people, and I think they appreciate it, I know I do.

Oh, no way we're blaming you! Don't feel bad in the slightest. As I said, I never no from week to week what's going to happen. (who could), and as it is, from my perspective, this came totally out of the blue. So, hey, no feeling bad, sort of or otherwise. I'm just going to do what I normally do, only hopefully more, and we'll see how we all fall out next time.

You're very right. It was very close. A few more whatever and I could have edged ahead. That's the competition at the very top that has been lacking and really should be there. So, hey. Let's see more of it.

I'm trying to engage so I'm glad it shows, and I'm thankful for you and everyone else who also is engaging or has posts to engage on. We all need to be there and involved to make any of it happen, right?

It was indeed briefer 😁
Still great second place!

Well, thank you. It was kind of funny because when I got on the computer, I actually brought up steemworld first and saw the amount Ash transferred to my wallet and thought, "Hunh. I'm not in first place." Then, I sat there for a minute or two feeling mostly relief. After that, though, it was like, uh, okay, I was really hoping for extending out the winning to five weeks in a row. Oh, well. :)


I have faith you will be back up top soon!

I appreciate the faith, @abh12345. Obviously, the idea is to be on top every week, so that's what I'm working towards. I do have a couple of questions. I feel like I probably should make a separate comment for them though.

I can say that I will challenge you but I will never make a chance!
But not tried it also lost!

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