Kindness & OneNess: Attitude of Gratitude #2

in #7daypositivitychallenge6 years ago (edited)

If we all wished for others what we wished for ourselves, how much more beautiful would the world be? If we made sure that each action we did was out of deep care for ourselves and others, how much joy could we all bring to the world? How much closer can we get to the divine that acting in a compassionate way that recognised all beings as one?

Avalokiteśvara is a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas

Some cynically argue that any kind of caring or altruism is self-interest because it comes back at us in kind. However, I don’t see the negative in that – surely, if we are careful as we act throughout our lives, extending loving kindness and compassion to all beings, then that’s going to come back to us too, and that’s a win win for all?

@eco-alex wrote a beautiful post on kindness this week for his response to the Eco-train question of the week, and I’ve been thinking about that a lot as I’ve been musing on this concept of extending kindness to all and the positivity and joy it brings to our lives.

I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been focussing on it that I’ve been showered with kindness this week, but in this post I’d love to give thanks for the lovely little things I’m hella grateful for. It’s funny, when we start listing and writing them down, we end up with a lot more positives in our week than negatives!

So, in the spirit of gratitude for kindness, I'd like to acknowledge:

  • The new pharmacist in my town who showed such care when I was in tears due to back pain. He made sure he gave me his utmost attention, and gave me a free ice pack and a big hug! Which, of course, made me cry more, and laugh at my silliness, but I sure hope that guy sticks around – he’s the kindest chemist I’ve ever met in my life!
  • The barrista at the café on our mini holiday who, being out of soya milk, said he’d be happy to heat up the coconut milk we had in our van, no trouble at all.
  • One of the yoga teachers in my studio who knew I was suffering from said back pain, and came over to give me a shoulder rub in seated meditation
  • My students moving beyond teen self-centreness to ask how my back pain was
  • A neighbour dropping me off some home-made marmalade because she knew I loved it, and my citrus were killed in the frost last year
  • @digitaldan randomly throwing my name in the #steembasicincome pool on Steemit
  • @holisticmum messaging me on Discord to find out how my romantic weekend was, even though she was going through a tough time
  • @mrprofessor for just being generally super nice all the time

It got me thinking that there’s a lot more kindnesses in the world than we realise. Surely the vast majority of us wish for others what we’d wish for ourselves. I’m convinced that most of us know that we’re more alike than we realise because we know that if it happened to us, we’d be happy – and thus it feels good to ‘pay it forward’ with small gestures that impact the people around them.

The mantra “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” has also been a big part of my thinking this week because it fits in with this idea of loving kindness and the actions we take in our own lives. It’s meaning translates to:

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

This is a really beautiful and meditative version of this mantra if you'd like to listen and meditate:


This sound encompasses all universes right now. That means the blessing even goes to the cosmic realms! Therefore this mantra blesses all creatures on the planet, those close to us such as our families, and much wider than just a planetary scope. It encompasses animals, trees, insects - all the living beings on this world and everything in the entire universe. All of it. I love the way my tribes on Steemit show such reverence and respect for life in their posts and actions in the world - I'm grateful for them, for sure!


This sound takes us away from the idea we’re all separate individuals. If I can embrace this concept, then every action I take is with the premise that if I act with care and love, then I’m easing that pain in others and therefore myself. If I want blessings of abundance on myself, then surely I wish them on others too.

It’s only when we realise that we’re all part of a greater whole or ‘one’ that we act more sincerely to be compassionate, caring and kind to others. If we realise that these kindnesses can impact others, we also must realise that unkindness does – and the natural result of this can only be the default compassion that we all carry in our hearts because we surely don’t want the unkindnesses to come back onto us either! We are all one beating heart.


This means freedom. We have all a right to find joy, so we have to be conscious about whether our actions limit the freedoms of others. We’ve got to take responsibility for our own karma and to act from a place of greater love. You can’t just chant and then go and gossip or badmouth or be mean to someone – you have to take out that understanding into daily action so you don’t limit the freedoms of others. This brings us closer to the Divine because we are being divine beings in our actions.


This is all about the sound – bhav is about pure love, our purest state of being. If we’re all part of this divinity, which is pure love, then by chanting and reflecting on this mantra we’re realising we are co-creating the world we want to live in. We can start to create change, peace and stability.

I'm super grateful for mantra to giving me access to these meditations and philosophies, and helping me embrace the idea of love, divinity and compassion in my life.

This post is really about gratitude for those that have acted out of this natural, instinctive loving kindness over my week. There’s a sense that by caring for me, you’ve understood the impact that it could have, and you understand the need to extend your actions beyond merely caring for your own self-interest. Whether you knew you were doing it or not, you made the world a better place.

I only hope that the actions of my own life contribute in some way to your own happiness and freedoms.


Means let it be so --- so, let it be so!

With much love and gratitude

I was tagged by @canadianrenegade to:

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.
Sorry if you've been tagged before in this challenge @celestialcow @ydraz @sue-stevenson - please don't feel obligated, but you've been tagged!

small river circle.png



I'm also totally honoured to be a passenger on the #ecotrain - check out this hashtag for some pretty amazing posts permaculture to meditation, environmental issues to food forests - I highly recommend checking out this tag as you're guaranteed of sweeeetness!


Plus, I'm super excited and honoured to be part of @tribesteemup - a heap of amazing crew who all post quality posts about helping the Earth and humanity and generally making the world a better place. You should definitely check out the #tribesteemup trail to find some quality writing.



Some cynically argue that any kind of caring or altruism is self-interest because it comes back at us in kind.

Self care is also important for our mental and emotional health among others. So I have a hard time understanding those with such a cynical perspective.

You can’t just chant and then go and gossip or badmouth or be mean to someone – you have to take out that understanding into daily action so you don’t limit the freedoms of others.

Yes! How much more peaceful this world would be if we could just put this into action. I must admit venting is a habit I picked up long ago and am trying heard to break. While people say it relieves stress, it doesn't actually solve any problems. We would be better served talking to those we need to vent about instead of behind their backs.

Thanks again for joining in! -Aimee

Ah, sometimes we need to vent and I'm guilty of it too. I try not to but sometimes it's healthier to air it to just one trusted person and then move on - it can be quite useful to stop simmering resentments that's for sure or to work through confusion!!

Yes, if we all put this into action the world would be better for sure. It's such a shame so many of us have lost sight of that 'true' self which I truly believe is love.

Beautiful post, @riverflows, and thanks for tagging me :) I'll have a think if I can do it as I tend to have days where I need to stay away from the computer outside work, so seven days in a row could be tricky. But if I ever do a week-long challenge, a positivity challenge would probably be it. I have so much to be grateful for, and I am, every day. But I'm afraid the posts would have to be pretty short :)

Thats absolutely fine!! I do tend to babble and write alot. Its really hard to do 7 days in a row so i delayed for a week before starting. If you use Busy they have a draft tool so you can save them and post later. Plus.. you can get really clever and use steemauto to post when you aren't there. But that's getting crazy complicated .. Lol. Don't feel obligated, please!

"I only hope that the actions of my own life contribute in some way to your own happiness and freedoms"

i think it's safe to say to you do just from looking at your list of gratitude, keep up the great work

You mentioned your students do you teach?

Yeah I do but please dont hold it against me!.. Senior English, part time now as full time was killing me! Thanks for your lovely comment!

Ha I wouldn't judge! I would have guessed arts or a language. I did 3 years teaching college students and that was a tough gig!

It is pretty tough!! I like it though. Teachers can get a bad rap as people hate authority and their school days! It's a shame as we work hard and usually want to help people - I love working with teenagers - they're awesome!

I agree, the only bit i don't miss was the bureaucracy encountered, i was in teaching at a time a lot of government funding was cut so it became less about the education and more about paying the bills which was a shame as ultimately it was the learners that suffered or lost out.

Yeah that sucks!!! When I was in the UK it was pretty awesome but I think it went downhill when I left around 2007. Such a shame.

Great article...The key is being reminded of how to be kind, conscious of kinnd acts. Others kidness helps us to continue to reevaluate our own acts and it becomes a circle.

YES!! So true!!!!!!

Practice makes perfect I think!

I was reading something yesterday that said the best way out of depression and unhappiness is not to do things that make YOU happy, but that make OTHERS happy...

wonderful post. Thanks for sharing. I am going through this evolution of consciousness (as we all are). I notice that there are times when I act selflessly and times when I act out of fear. I do my best to catch myself but it can be so frustrating! I want so badly to exist from this place of abundance that I know is available to me. Maybe I just need to be a bit more patient and allow myself the time and space to evolve. #thestrugglesofbeingina5thdimensionalbody

Oh definitely! We have to be patient and recognise that it's an ongoing process because we are human! Even the best of meditators can act upon emotion needlessly sometimes! Don't be frustrated - just feeeeelll into what it is you're feeling and try to catch it before it becomes strong enough to react to. The fact you are noticing is HUGE. The more you are aware, the less you react - you just notice ' ah, there's that frustration/anger/fear' thing - not "I am scared" - this can really impact on our karma!

gorgeous dear. hope your back continues to feel better and that kindness keeps pouring into your life. you have such an open heart and it's a gift to us all! i'm so glad you're here! xxx

Thanks you!! I'm glad I'm here and I'm glad you're here! He he - really, it's so nice to be appreciated. The back will get better - yoga helps and when I get this pile of essays out the way and go on holiday to Bali, I'll be even more bettererer. xxx

Oy what an honour to know that I cause such a nice impression - guess it's the brazilians vibe, no matter how bad we are, we are always happy and willing to help.

It got me thinking that there’s a lot more kindnesses in the world than we realise.

This is the beautiful thing on Steemit or on the traveling communities - We can gather people from all nations without fighting. We all share the same principles, we help each other, we are grateful for having each other.

Why can't this be on a daily basis?

Btw I didn't know about your severe back pain, glad you are better.

Thanks!! It's fine... I had an adjustmemt in yoga that was a bit harsh! But it's getting better.

True.. I actually have never met a horrible Brazilian though I am sure there must be some!

Beautiful post @riverflows. I've long been a firm believer in being kind to others. Not to expect it returned but because I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of anger. Not one single person deserves that.
Thank you for your insight and wisdom during my tough time. It has really helped.
The mantra is beautiful. Thank you for sharing with such openess. 💖

What a gorgeous comment. Thanks so much. Kindness is our essential nature I think - we've just been led astray by delusion!!

Absolutely no problem. I wish I could do more to help. Heart reaches out to you xx

OOooh HOW did i miss this wonderful post! Luckily I make the ecotrain magazine and have now spotted this little gem!

om shanti dear @riverflows.. you are so special!

OHHH thanks so much my lovely!!! You missed it because you are busy driving that gorgeous shiny loving train of yours! xxx much peace and many oms xxx

Great post on positivity and the importance of moving our thoughts away from the negative which can infest them so easily to deliberately finding the positive.

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