
I have a hard time to read/see that prompt on my mobile phone 🥺 I guess I have to guess what it is.

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I'm sorry dear that you are having a hard time reading it on your phone. The link to the direct page is available when you press on the image or look where it is sourced from. I hope that helps.

@tristancarax I oressed on it, made the picture bigger but if I do that I can not read it at all. I guess I get the picture. Thanks. ❤️

The prompt picture is basically two people having a baby and what that might look like. The characters are loosely based off of the Nickolodian tv serious called "Avatar: The last Airbender."

I hope this helps.

And, please, look below the prompt for the sentence order (also corresponds with the number of words there will be within the sentences), which, for this round, is:

Sentence order:

29, 28, 26, 20, 19, 27, 21, 14, 24, 9, 7, 18, 31, 10, 13, 2, 30, 1, 11, 23, 15, 22, 12, 17, 3, 16, 5, 25, 8, 6, 4

You had the right idea with your last post but all that was wrong was the sentences being out of the randomized order for that round.

@tristancarax Thank you I figured it out. 👍❤️

@tristancarax, Thank you so much for your kind mention. Looking forward to this too. Stay blessed.

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Looks like fun, @tristancarax!

I hope to see an entry from you. I'd love to read a masters work.

I hope to see an
Entry from you. I'd love to
Read a masters work.

                 - tristancarax

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I stumbled upon this a little too late last round.
I didn't get time to complete the challenge, I got to the 13th sentence, (which is more writing than I have done in a while actually). Thanks.
I enjoyed having a try. I will have another go. Although there is containment in the word count, it feels surprisingly freeing to have such an alternate structure.
Very much like Jazz, which may come across to some as unstructured, but is quite the opposite, and done well is a magic jive and eclectic union that challenges the rules.
Sometimes I find my ideas constrained by metre and rhythm. What I came up with was somewhat ambiguous, but my verse often is anyway, even if I try to stick to the rules.
Thanks for offering such a cool fun challenge.

This challenge definitely takes time to complete. I'm happy that you came back to give it an honest go. Good luck!!!

Very much like Jazz, which may come across to some as unstructured, but is quite the opposite, and done well is a magic jive and eclectic union that challenges the rules.

I've found that my own writing has changed a little. It is easier to construct longer sentences when needed. I can find examples of what they look like so much easier too.

It is a bit constricting but, then again, all contests have rules that constrain one somehow. My guess is that most haven't done this exercise yet so it can be a little overwhelming.

I've really enjoyed the stories from the same week. It is so interesting how the same sentence order with the exact number of words reads differently from post to post. It's almost like listening to different musicians who play within the same genre.

I attempted some research on this.
I knew nothing about Avatar, airbender, Korra etc. But I have to say, my son and I have started watching the first season on netflix.
Is this Aang and Katara??

Once again I have not completed the task. I frequently fail to finish steemit contests, but almost always learn something.

This time I have a legitimate excuse for being distracted. We are in Australia. Much of our country is on fire and we have had to leave our home and stay with family. I wish I could control the elements right now, we are waiting to see what the next few days bring, our home is in the path of a monstrous fire that has been burning for weeks.

Thanks for the prompt. We recently finished The Lion guard series and were in need of a new netflix obsession, and a distraction from the encroaching fire map watching.

Awesome. I love this series. Truly some of the best stuff ever made. I hope that you enjoy it as much as me.

I do believe that is avatar Aang and Katara, yes. The serious ends with them as kids and the next serious "The Legend of Korra" begins with her and you'll get to find out what happened Aang.

I'm guessing no one around you is a fire bender? Sorry to hear about the fires. I hope you get to go back to your home intact. We had many fires here in CA for the year. Close to me here in LA. I'm homeless so I had no home to lose but it does suck for the rest of the people who must go through this.

Maybe when times are better, you'll finish before the dead-line. For now, keep yourself safe.

You'll be up for many hours watching avatar Aang and his crew. A perfect distract that might provide some answers to dealing with life. Uncle Iro is great for this type of work. ;-)

#ccc stands for the community Curation Circle Creed. Please use #creativecoin if you like to post on that tribe.

Hello tristancarax!

Congratulations! This post has been randomly Resteemed! For a chance to get more of your content resteemed join the Steem Engine Team

Here is my first entry to this contest. If my post is chosen to win SBI, I ask that my share be donated back to the contest or split up between the others as I skip SBI. I'm just entering for the fun. Here's my link:

First Blood!!!

I shall respect your request and do as requested should you take a portion of the pot. I will give it to the other two.

I'm off to read what you wrote. If it is not already in your post, maybe you will share what the writing process was like for you. What did you like and what did you not like? This is mainly for my own curiousity.

Thanks for your entry!!!

I approached the writing from the perspective that I thought I'd be able to do this the usual way I write, which is what I did. For each sentence, I first checked for the number of words needed and then wrote my sentence, trying to roughly estimate as I wrote, but not so much I'd restrict myself on giving the sentence meaning.

My plan then was go back to edit and either add or remove words to get the number right.

I estimated pretty well on most sentences and the changes needed didn't have a detrimental effect on the meaning of the sentence. But I actually estimated five of the bigger sentences perfectly, which I thought was pretty amazing.

I found out about your contest from my friend @owasco, who had entered for round 4. The contest looked like fun and a challenge, so when I saw the post for round 5 I went at it. I entered and will continue entering because I enjoy the uniqueness of the challenge.

I think I find this contest idea interesting for the same reason you started the contest; the 31 sentence structure producing a supposed unique rhythmic quality to the story. There wasn't anything I didn't like about it. I think it's a great and very original contest idea. Thanks for running it!

I'm glad I asked because the way I have been doing it was much harder. I pull cards randomly so I don't know what is coming next. I wouldn't move on until I had the correct number of words in the sentence. This is hard because it does stop the flow of writing and takes a long time.

The way you are doing it is a little bit less restrictive because I have in mind to guestimate each sentence length and continue to move the story forward, later going back and fixing the number count.

So, yeah, thanks for getting back to me about your method. It is working for me much better as I work to complete this last weeks freewrite.

Thanks! I'm really glad describing my process has helped you. Hope you do well on the freewrite!

You have garnered support from the @bananafish community. We appreciate you're fine work and hope that you will continue to produce awesome content for us to feast our minds on.

Thank you @bananafish community!

Hereby my entry. Merry days and good luck to the participants.💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Sweet! I'm going to check it out now.

@tristancarax Thanks for checking out. ❤️

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