The Old Lady's Memory

in #31sentencecontest5 years ago


Oh this task was dastardly. At first it seemed easy, a mere play with words, an hour at most of fun. I tossed off a few sentences, left a message on @tristancarax's post about what a pleasurable task this 31 word story would be, and went shopping.

Returning home, I found I could not stay away from writing this story. I then slaved away at it, lost track of time entirely, had popcorn for dinner, and was shocked when I looked at the time and saw I had been sitting here for a solid four hours!!! And I was still not done. Two more sentences to go, one of 11 words and the final sentence was to be a mere five. I went to sleep, fully expecting smoother sailing the next day.

I took up the quest again this morning, hoping to easily tie it all together with a spoonerism of my own.


Those two sentences, along with finding the errors in sentence length, have cost me another six hours today. I may not win the big prize, but I feel I have triumphed.

The experience had its uncanny moments, such as when I started to unerringly write sentences of the required length. I did all this in wordcounter, which has difficulties with the symbol @, defines sentences differently than I, and has a limited vocabulary. But you know what? I loved doing this!!! My sink was piled high with dishes, my voice mails sat unanswered, my dog whined to go out and I did not care at all. All I cared about was finishing this diabolical story.

I hope you like what I came up with, clunkiness and all, and that more of you creative writers out there give this a go.

Here is my 31 sentence story, with sentences of the following word lengths and in that order, exclusive of the title:
30, 4, 14, 22, 6, 10, 3, 31, 17, 27, 2, 24, 16, 28, 9, 20, 15, 7, 21, 13, 8, 26, 12, 1, 25, 23, 19, 18, 29, 11, 5

The Old Lady's Memory

Yesterday someone asked the old lady to use "anodyne" in a sentence, a task she once would have been able to do without hesitation, and she could not do it. She'd suddenly gone daft.

The old lady, who could still squat, did not consider herself to be elderly. She was often heard saying "Your best chance of living a long and healthy life is to stay away from doctors altogether." She lived by this maxim rigorously. She'd go to bed, not the doctor, for the flu. She refused vaccines. Firmly believing in her body's ability to heal itself, she eschewed even such things as Tylenol, opting instead for foraged herbs, essential oils and homeopathic remedies for nearly all her ailments.

Higher level math eventually escaped her, but she could still dumbfound verbal adversaries with her sesquipedalian loquaciousness. Truth be told, she was prone to peppering confabulations with excursuses that would discombobulate even the most sanguine oppugnant, machinating human intercourses so that she always prevailed.

Time passed.

Knowing that memory loss was a problem most elderly people experienced, she made sure to keep learning new things, thinking that this might help. For instance, someone said music makes one brilliant so she learned to sing and play drums.

When that awful man asked the old lady to use "anodyne" in a sentence and she found she could not, she knew something more had to be done. So, she decided to start talking to a bot. She'd had conversations with bots, such as @haikubot which was terrible at haiku, or @trufflepig which approved of her work. She could usually work a big word or two into her responses, but nothing spectacular. They were always one-sided conversations, and dull. What she needed was a bot that had been programmed to respond, so that she could really flex her vocab muscles.

One day she overheard (or over-read) a discord conversation between @wales and @banjo. Not all of it made sense of course. @wales, after all, is a word smith who speaks eloquently and sensibly, but @banjo is a bot, and its responses were quirky if not downright nonsensical. Jumping right in, the old lady's first comment was quite a humdinger.


@wales had nothing, but @banjo, ever-ready with a quip or question, said "I am unaccustomed with your cultural norms, but are you flirting with me?"

The old lady was flummoxed by the attention, having not flirted ever, not once, in her entire lifetime so she blurted out "No!".

At this point, @wales chimed in with "One might understand "spoonerism" to mean "a propensity to want to spoon."

The old lady, blushing, couldn't remember what "propensity" meant, so to her trusty but dusty dictionary she went.

Even if @banjo had pinched the old lady's buttocks it could not have embarrassed her more than it did when it said "I'd like that; my place or yours?".

"Oh, uh... wait, what?" was all she thought of to say.

She had been clot bobbered.


This is my entry to @tristancarax's writing challenge which you can find here.

FxX5caie56yqUbvo2DTJv1i6qm8z4ixTabBTrjodFyZCPuFbZDncXQB89jd6mZkWM2QSrq2ahH2DhyyNE1pjQLgqmXzcj4F36iojmAUYgMVQ 2.png
Yesterday's word of the day at was spoonerism, about which I learned:
Spoonerisms, often hilarious, are named after the 19th-century Anglican clergyman William Archibald Spooner, warden of New College, Oxford University. The Reverend Spooner himself claimed as his only spoonerism “The Kinquering Congs Their Titles Take” (1879), a mangling of the name of the hymn “The Conquering Kings Their Titles Take.” In American English the most famous spoonerism must be the one made by the old-time radio announcer Harry von Zell, who in a live broadcast in 1931 announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Hoobert Heever.” Spoonerism entered English about 1900.

If you'd like to see today's word of the day, go here

The image is by janeb13 on pixabay,


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You have garnered support from the @bananafish community. We appreciate you're fine work and hope that you will continue to produce awesome content for us to feast our minds on.

Thank you! I love you guys!

Well thought out, brought a smile of cheer reading this, learn something new everyday @owasco well done.

Thanks so much!

Yours is what has now made me get the 31 sentences formula! This is hard. I read the winning entry last time and now here I am reading this wondering how you guys nailed it. A witty read :)

Many hours of long and hard work, that's how. It was the turning it into a story that was hard - anyone can write sentences of a certain length. But it was fun! Thanks for the compliment, and for stopping by, I really appreciate it.

Very hard. Looks soooo simple. Not. Have you tried this?
Thanks for the nice comment and for stopping by.

Looks simple? Not when you show us the numbers! I am daunted!

31 sentence story, with sentences of the following word lengths and in that order, exclusive of the title:
30, 4, 14, 22, 6, 10, 3, 31, 17, 27, 2, 24, 16, 28, 9, 20, 15, 7, 21, 13, 8, 26, 12, 1, 25, 23, 19, 18, 29, 11, 5

Weally rell done! A lood gaugh indeed and so clever. I'm gonna finish mine today.....unless it finishes me first.

I am so happy you are doing this! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

I hope it hasn't sucked up two days of your life as it did mine. It does take cleverness, and I know you've got loads of that.

🎁 Hi @owasco! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @ninahaskin!

@ninahaskin wrote lately about: Pergula Shadow Patterns Feel free to follow @ninahaskin if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 9 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 2 SBD worth and should receive 170 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Oh this is really too much! I am verklempt. However, you have always been wrong about my posts, the ones you visit and support have never made more than it seems this one, which I worked on for twelve hours and is positively brilliant if I do say so myself, will make. It's almost as if @trufflepig bestows on my posts, not a boost, but rather a kiss of death. Do you have any influence with @curie, @upmewhale, @therealwolf, @therising, @ocdb, @curangel, @rocky and/or @appreciator, which have all been supporting me recently but seem to have overlooked this particularly spectacular feat of mine? I'd super appreciate your help. And while I have your attention, would you please convert the 2 SBD you think this post will make to the STU that will show in my payout field? Then, if you happen to know how to then convert that into what I will see in my wallet as steem, I would be most grateful. No one seems to know the arcane math involved in that calculation. Anybody?
It's always a pleasure speaking with you.

Haha! I too get the kiss of death from my little pig friend :)

Do you talk to it? It never responds. It's funny that it chose this post because there are a number of grammatical oddities in my writing.

You're killing me, @owasco!!! I so hope to see you do this again in the future. You've been so much fun.

Isn't it rich that truffle came to this post?!! I was delighted!
I've been baiting @haikubot, but it's not falling for it.

Wow! I saw your post suggesting we all try this @owasco, and I have a file set up with a story in mind, and a few sentences written. But will I really end up spending hours on end with it? Now I am really going to try.

Great story - loving the vocab! I think you might be a winner!

@tipu curate

Oh I love that you are going to try! The answer is YES IT TOOK EVERYTHING I HAD FOR TWELVE HOURS.
I typed into word counter, so I could highlight a sentence to count the words. After hours of it still being wrong somewhere (but where?) I found it very helpful to hand write the necessary order across a page on a single line, then when counting my sentences I wrote their value directly under the value it was supposed to be. I hope that makes sense. Next time I will do that from the start. The task really strengthens story structure skills. Use contractions for easy fixes or places to get one more word.
@deirdyweirdy is taking the plunge too. Very stiff competition!
Thank you for the tip! I was getting pretty despondent about my earnings,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

Why thank you so much!!!

where is haiku bot when it has been invited in so cleverly

when I beckon you with seventeen syllables you do not show up

It is perplexing that you do not recognize purposeful haiku.

call upon bot
does not answer strangers call -
start counting sheep

oh haha thanks for helping out! Maybe the bot is on vacation.

This is marvellous, @owasco. Love your wit throughout the story. it didn’t seem you would have struggle at all, it reads so smoothly.
Spoonerism is a new word to me but I’ve used a few fuddle duddles! 😂

It was new to me too! I got to the one word sentence and somehow stumbled on the word of the day so I used it, and that gave me both the ending and a good part of the middle, which had to be completely rewritten to fit in the ending. I couldn't be more tickled with your comment that it reads smoothly. It was definitely a huge challenge. Huge.

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