SteemZzang ... What this platform is about?

in #zzan5 years ago (edited)

SteemZzang is another condenser on Steem Blockchain. Anyone can create contents here in different categories which then will be broadcasted on the blockchain for the rest of the Steemians to interact with.


Here, arise the question, "Why is it needed then & How is it different from Steemit?"

Now, whatever you'll be reading next is completely my understanding that I derive from reading a few posts of SteemZzang's administrators/operators/committee members...

SteemZzang has recruited and nominated curators (committee members) for one or more categories, who'd be looking for the posts in their designated/assigned fields/categories, and would be responsible for upvoting/curating them.

For example, @kiwifi, one of the committee members, would be looking after the posts in Hobby, Design, Art categories.

This kind of committee might be existed on Steemit as well, but I am not aware of them.

As I talked in one of my previous posts, good content creation is not an easy task and in order to make Steem Blockchain a better place for content creators and attract more and more of them to the blockchain, they must be appreciated and rewarded accordingly.

SteemZzang seems like a good place for them to get extra rewards for their hard works, they put in their contents/articles/posts. The only thing needed now is to spread the word outside the blockchain as well.

TO CONTENT CREATORS ... Don't worry, you can post here in English as well.

Thanks to @bluengel & @floridasnail for clearing out some of my confusions about SteemZzang.

PS: I find SteemZzang more structured and systematic. If anyone feels any problem, that could be because of initial days rush and overwhelmed system, I haven't face anything like that though. You can contact them on their Discord in case of any problem and queries.

Wish you all a lovely day.


thanks for mentioning ! :) 💙
in discord channel not moderator nor admin but as far as i knew to solve the confusing happy to be helped 💙 ♬♬

Steemzzang ZZAN will be more better day by day step by step !

feel much joy and Happy with 짠~! 💙

!shop 💙

Posted using Partiko Android

I think that help is more than enough for the time being.

Best wishes for SteemZzang.

Wish you a lovely day.

thanks so much for deeply interested in ZZAN 💙

Posted using Partiko Android

I love to support every Steem BC project that is honest, willing to support good contents and adding value to Steem BC. ZZAN does seem like a promising project.

There are many good Steemians which are supporting several good projects, I am trying to contribute as much as possible, and that's true that I am getting benefits, upvotes and tokens in the process as well.

Time and my distracted thoughts are not allowing me, otherwise I am trying to write a post about SEVEN77 for last several days, as well.

Wish you a very amazing day.

💙7💙7💙7 Happy to B with ♬♬

Posted using Partiko Android



@lovelemon 拧萌 在晴空万里 吃着软哥咖喱 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


Don't worry, you can post here in English as well.

Ok. Nice to see it.

It was happened with me when I first visited Steemcoinpan, saw all the post in Korean and posted a question whether I am welcomed there.

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