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RE: The Walking Dead S08E08 "How It's Gotta Be" (My Review)

in #zombies7 years ago (edited)

if they shot negan in the first episode all the saviors would see him as a martyr and they would attack hilltop, Alexandria, and Kingdom with the saviors as the winner cause more men and more firepower.

If Negan had been shot by the Alexandrians when he appeared before them at the Sanctuary, it would've been game over. When Negan was in the RV with Gabriel and lost to the Saviors, his lieutenants became very nervous. One them, the woman, even shot one of the workers when they came upstairs demanding to know how the encirclement crisis was going to be solved. It was clear to me that without Negan they would've collapsed in short order. Negan is a tyrant whose iron fist is the only thing holding the Saviors, a team of villains, cohesive in the first place.

(light spoiler)in the comics negan explained why he didn't kill rick. i believe they needed to execute negan in front of all the saviors. if you watched dark knight returns part 1 batman needed to fight the mutant leader and beat him in front of all the mutants so they won't follow their leader just like how Rick needed to execute Negan in front of the Saviors or embarrass him in the most humiliating way.

I think it was obvious why Negan did not kill Rick when they first met and after that. Negan likes strong people because he sees them as potential assets to work for him. He has no use for weak people.

i believe the tv show will explain about negan leadership and how he became a leader with so many followers. also i know what happens to him in the comics when the war is over but i don't know how Rick is going to win in the war.

I have read about the comics and I know the overall plot leading up to Rick and Negan being loosely allied.

Governor vs. Negan. The governor has a better backstory but Negan is more powerful because he is more sane, can lead, and can take risk but his biggest was rick.

Negan is a textbook psychopath but with enough self-control to be able to act according to long-term plans.


Negan being dead in the beginning would just make every one of the saviors attack the Rick and the other communities and the people falling apart in Sanctuary on "The Big Scary You" who knows we haven't seen the WHOLE thing of the people there falling apart without his leadership. also the tv people who make these episodes want to extend it as much as possible you already notice in the last half of season 4. i don't read the comics only a few parts here and there and but not the story that take place after the TV.

also the reason to Negan not killing Rick in the beginning you re not wrong but I think the very specific reason is that this is who he is. i mean that is how he build his empire. he obviously is not completely evil he cornered Rick real good and he only killed a few of Rick's people since Rick killed A LOT more of his people. he does show a lot of mercy. his way is what brought stability to society even though if it is a dictatorship.

im not going to go into the one you said about a loose alliance cause i don't want any more spoilers.

maybe he is a psychopath but he is more human than the governor in my opinion. he is not revenge driven like the governor since the tv show and the comics show his moral side.

Negan being dead in the beginning would just make every one of the saviors attack the Rick and the other communities

How? The outposts were destroyed and the Sanctuary was surrounded by a very large herd of walkers. The situation inside was becoming chaotic as the workers had become restless enough to almost openly challenge the soldiers. Only Negan's timely reappearance calmed the situation down. Without him, things would probably have escalated and a full-on fight inside might have ensued. The workers were becoming desperate as food and water were starting to run out.

and the people falling apart in Sanctuary on "The Big Scary You" who knows we haven't seen the WHOLE thing of the people there falling apart without his leadership. also the tv people who make these episodes want to extend it as much as possible you already notice in the last half of season 4. i don't read the comics only a few parts here and there and but not the story that take place after the TV.

The problem with the TV series in this season is in the writing. Too many episodes have been confusing and difficult to follow. But based on the aforementioned sequence where the lieutenants have a hard time reaching consensus as to what to do and the workers start pressuring them and where one of the workers gets shot makes it clear that without Negan the Saviors would've been lost. Remember, the Saviors thought Negan had died because they hadn't seen him for quite some time after the shootout and the appearance of all the walkers in the yard.

also the reason to Negan not killing Rick in the beginning you re not wrong but I think the very specific reason is that this is who he is. i mean that is how he build his empire. he obviously is not completely evil he cornered Rick real good and he only killed a few of Rick's people since Rick killed A LOT more of his people. he does show a lot of mercy. his way is what brought stability to society even though if it is a dictatorship.

Negan is no wanton killer, that's for sure. As he said, people are like money in the bank and their lives are not to be wasted. But that doesn't mean he would not be perfectly willing to kill anyone at the drop of a hat if he believed that would best serve his interests. He loves nobody. In fact, such people are constitutionally incapable of loving anyone. Remember the scene where Negan told Rick he would kill Carl as punishment for rebelling against him (that was right before Shiva distracted the Saviors and allowed Rick to escape the situation)? He was willing to kill Carl just like that to punish Rick even though he liked Carl. To such people all other people are of utterly of no value unless they happen to somehow serve their interest.

The Governor, albeit a ruthless person, is not a psychopath. The Governor loved his daughter deeply. Losing her was deeply agonizing to him and drove him crazy. Her death was so painful to him that he kept her hidden in his apartment in her reanimated state in a desperate attempt to find a cure. The Governor was a man capable of love. There is no doubt in my mind that he would gladly have sacrificed his own life to save his daughter.

im not going to go into the one you said about a loose alliance cause i don't want any more spoilers.


maybe he is a psychopath but he is more human than the governor in my opinion. he is not revenge driven like the governor since the tv show and the comics show his moral side.

Negan is completely selfish. A true psychopath, he is completely alone in the world. From his perspective, every other human being is a tool to serve his purposes. He is also a sadist who gets a kick out of the suffering of others. He gets pleasure from tormenting others. That's why he has chosen to create a community held together by terror. People like him have an explanation for everything like you could see in his conversations with Gabriel. But evil is how evil does.

i still feel that the people and the soldiers in Sanctuary would still find a way to get rid of all the walkers. the tv created that kind of plot hole when it came to the strategy but i strongly believe Rick should not kill negan in episode 1.

The governor and negan are like two different people i wouldn't compare which one is better but i will say Negan is more powerful but the governor has the more interesting personality.

idk much about Negan and I don't overthink about character development i try to be unbiased as i can and judge only what i witness all i can say is that he is the person that brought stability to society and held an empire. he is a psychopath but still more humane than the claimers, governor and especially the hunters

You are right in that Negan has not gratuitously killing people going for him.

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