Zen Colouring Contest #25

Hi everyone! Here’s my entry for this weeks “ZEN COLOURING CONTEST #25.”
I was excited to see that, rainbow 🌈 colors , where our pallet colors to use when coloring in our new and beautiful image that @magiccleatus created for us this week, thank you friend! A fish eye came into my mind, sketched it out, and it looked not to bad, so I decided to go with it. Pastel colors was my pick. Hope you enjoy, thanks friends for your wonderful support❣️Bless you all




Honourable Mention, Well done!!

Great Entry! Thank you for participating!

Thank you so much dear friend ❣️

This fish is so colourful, lets eat it will probably taste colourful.

It might taste like skittles ❣️🌈

Ha ha, still looks tasty

This has to be one of my favorites. I love how ingenious to put design as the eye of the fish, spectacular 💖

Thank you @meme.elena, I hope to see yours here, your so amazing at digital art ❣️

I see you are a 51 now. Congrats my friend.

Ha Ha .... brother I didn’t even notice that, I wonder when that happened? Bless you for pointing that out thank you, and good morning dear friend ❣️

very original and creative! the fish eye´s :3

Thanks friend, it is different that’s for sure... a little strange, but it turned out ok, bless you❣️

I 😍 your fish @lildebbiecakes! It is so creative of you to have imagined the fire mandala as the eye. I love your pastel colors too. It blends well with the rainbow theme 💖.

Thank you so much @marblely I really appreciate your comments and support, a fish just came upon my mind, blessings ❣️

I love the rainbow of soft pastel colours that transition through the pattern. He looks like a cool little fella, I would like to have one of those in a fish bowl 🐠, I like how his colours work with those inside the pattern!

Thanks for your entry and support to the #zencolouringcontest!


Thanks for naming Pastel Colour Palette! as your suggestion for next weeks featured colour!

😂 HAHA! Thank you dear friend for naming PASTEL COLOUR PALETTE as my colour pick, I liked that! Forgot again didn’t I ? Thank you also for your kind words about my fish 🐠, blessings ❣️

That's ok :D

Haha, I read "pastel colors was my pick." as your choice for next week, not that you were describing your choice for this one, haha.

If you like I can change it to which ever colour, you have a fondness for yellow I have noticed!

That’s so funny HaHa, well pastel colors are perfect, thank you❣️

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