Entry for Zen Colouring Contest #18

The stencil, although being a Celtic knot, looked a lot like the topview of a woven waste basket. Once I had that picture in my head, it was hard to see it as a Celtic knot.

From waste basket it transformed into the sun, probably because of the red.

The middle of the stencil is a world on its own. The colors used, depict a sunflower in the middle, some green grass around it and then some blue for the sky.

More orange, as a shade of red, was added to emphasize the sun

The circles reminded me of circles in the water when you throw something in it. Therefor they are blue, from light to dark.

The strands embody the forest, so they are shades of green

Then I removed the black lines. To do that I first colored all the white spots black

And then it hit me. It became very obvious what it was.
The eye of a chameleon.

Source Chameleon image

Or take a look at the brand new "Keep the link", photography contest


I love the inspirations for each section you coloured. The earth, the water, the sun and the forest. I especially like the pattern created by the blue water rings.

Thanks for entering and supporting the #zencolouringcontest!


Please name the colour you'd pick for next week's featured colour!

Thank you. The color I'd like to feature is Tuscan Sun. Not sure this is an official name, I found it here https://digitalsynopsis.com/design/color-thesaurus-correct-names-of-shades/

Very nice! I had the same idea of making a sun shining through some green vinery =) ... But in the end, I wanted to stay more strictly true to the colour pallette this week. Yours came out great. And lol @ the very surprised looking chameleon! ;P


Please consider checking out and upvoting/commenting on your favourite entries in @magiccleatus's contest - it's important for us to all support each other by manually upvoting and fighting the good fight against the upvoting bid-bot plague.

Thanks. Yes you can see he didn't know what hit him :)

Honourable Mention, Well done!!

Great Entry! Thank you for participating!

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